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招呼语的差异 日常打招呼,中国人大多使用“去上班呀?”“吃了吗?”“上哪呢?”等等,这体现了人与人之间的一种亲切感。







































1. 面部特征:东方女性通常具有单眼皮、小巧的鼻子和较小的嘴唇,而西方女性则多为双眼皮、高鼻梁和丰满的嘴唇。此外,东方女性的脸颊线条较为柔和,而西方女性的脸颊线条则较为分明。

2. 肤色:东方女性的肤色通常较为白皙,而西方女性的肤色则呈现出较多的色调,如金发、棕发、红发等。

3. 发型:东方女性的发型多样,包括长发、短发、直发、卷发等,而西方女性的发型则以长发为主,且多为直发或大波浪卷发。

4. 妆容:东方女性的妆容通常较为自然,注重强调皮肤的质感和气色,而西方女性的妆容则较为浓重,注重强调眼部和唇部的立体感。

5. 身材:东方女性通常身材较为娇小,曲线柔和,而西方女性则多为高挑、曲线分明的身材。








One, the difference that the thing just communicates a topic?

The difference of call sign lets sb know daily, is the Chinese used mostly " go going to work? " " ate? " " on Where is where? " etc, this reflected a kind of between person and person kind move.

But be opposite for Hesperian, this kind of means that greet sb can make the other side feels abrupt, awkward, unhappy even, because Hesperian is met,become understanding of this kind of inquiry a kind " interrogate " , feel the other side is enquiring their privacy.

In the west, this kind sends one's respects to them to say only " Hello " or will divide by time, say voice " good morning! Say voice " good morning!!

"Good afternoon! "Good afternoon!!

"Good evening! " OK.

2, the difference that the thing just inserts painting art?

Chinese and Western draws the essence of difference is: The difference of square culture of Chinese and Western. Review phylogeny of Chinese and Western to be able to discover brushwork of Chinese and Western is having extremely apparent difference, arrive from the sculpture of Greek period the canvas of renaissance period, all sorts of school that reach what ninety-eight thousand nine hundred and nineteen centuries draw, arrive again contemporary art, the west draws the form appears to change again, of every time change like a rising wind and scudding clouds, exceedingly wonderful.

3, the difference of square precipitation of our country thing?

One, sea land position: The eastpart part stands by ocean, climate is wet; The ministry is located in mainland interior on the west, be apart from the sea distant, wet air current arrives hard, climate drought

2, landform: The eastpart part is small, western tall, by east to precipitation decreases successively on the west

3, atmosphere is circumfluent: Difference of property of sea land heating power is big, southeast monsoon sheds wet sea foreign flavour by east to blow to the mainland on the west

4, ocean current: The eastpart part has classics of warm current shedding littoral, add lukewarm add wet, precipitation of the eastpart part is much

4, the difference of optional location of thing square gardens?

The optional location of classic gardens is in the west commonly urban brim area or more remote from the city region, range is very big, pay attention to the emphasis of axes and processing, all round will behave extensive of its imposing manner with the flowers and plants of artificial implantation, fountain, sculpture grand artificial beauty. According to France - of famous garden historian? Geluomoer's viewpoint, the west is classic the 4 gist element of gardens optional location is place, landform, front and fountainhead. Be far from a city to be able to obtain the landform that big clearing; rises and fall, upland and channel cereal form contrast to be able to get the head with beautiful effect good; is helpful for decorate gardens landscape; and water gifts gardens is mixed with life vigor.

The optional location of Chinese classic gardens

Plan become " seductively dressed or made up field " the optional location of classic to China gardens in one book has more detailed description, "Direction of garden radical not stick to, relief has on any account oneself " , "Get a shadow to follow form " , although the ground of heart also can be built,go out to cause cabinet scope of activity individually, listed a few requirement of optional location: "Of far contact thoroughfare " , " the deep tree of Jie irregular " , " like Fang Ruyuan, be like slant be like music " etc, be aimed at land of wild country of mountain forest ground, village ground, outskirt, city, draw near waited for respective characteristic curtilage to put forward " garden alone mountain forest most get the better of " , "Marketplace cannot field also; is like garden, surely to deep and remote slant can build " , "Ground of outskirt wild choose, according to smooth ridge music as fortified building, fold Gansu arbor, shui Jun knows a cause, water of bridge over or across " , "Jianggan lakefront, border of Lu Zhi of deep Liu Shu, slightly Cheng Xiaozhu, enough evidence grand sight also " , "Draw near curtilage with hind open space can cover a roof with straw center... bamboo Xiu Linmao, promising... " wait for a series of viewpoints.

5, the difference of means of thing square party?

Of Hesperian dine together means

When the party between Hesperian friend, cent eat makes food, be in food first kitchen or it is good to arrange the cent on the stage to install, send a guest again before; Or the form of self-help, make him guest optional choose. And host won't advocate a large number of drinking, dining together friendly blandly, because urge sb to drink. is contended for,won't get be red in the face, in addition of Hesperian dine together and ball is inseparable, besides sit to eat bit of thing to communicate each other, OK also the edge jumps the communication side companionship dance, because of this west " 3 tall " when the patient is attending a party, control dietary intake more easily, the food sort that should choose to suit oneself only and food volume go, and jump when the party dance more after be helpful for eat " 3 tall " control.

Oriental dines together means

Oriental meets between the friend of our country especially, it is everybody eat together round a piece of table, the completely of every kind of gallinaceous duck fish on table, and everybody still can let dish each other, persuade dish, accordingly " 3 tall " the patient accomplishs the dietary demand according to oneself very hard to order dishes and dine. In addition wine also is the essential thing on our country table, everybody proposes a toast each other urge sb to drink. , because of this our country " 3 tall " the patient is in when dining together besides should take food to be not affected as far as possible " 3 tall " food, and notice dietary intake, withstand urge sb to drink. of the friend persuading dish even.

6, the difference of means of thing honest liaison man?

Common developing country is to keep to the right, the west, especially England, it is left and current.

Machine of control of signal of alternate mouth traffic all is pressed beforehand the when matching plan of set moves, also say to decide periodic control. The when calling odd Duan Shiding control of a day of plan when matching with only; Of the plan when a day of traffic that presses different period of time uses a few to match call multistage type is time control.

The most fundamental control pattern is the time control of individual across mouth. Line control, face controls fashion of usable also time pilot, also call static line to accuse face of system, static state to control a system.

Motor vehicle signal lamp and signal lamp of blame motor vehicle:

Motor vehicle signal lamp is a group of lamps that without design circle by gules, yellow, green the unit comprises 3, directive motor vehicle is current.

Be not motor vehicle signal lamp is by gules, yellow, green 3 inside a group of lamps that the circular unit that has bicycle pattern comprises, directive blame motor vehicle is current.

When green light is bright, allow car is current, but turning car must not hamper be passed through by the straight travel car of discharged, pedestrian.

When Huang Dengliang, already crossed the car that stops a line to be able to continue to pass through.

When red light is bright, prohibit car is current.

7, difference of tree of thing square gardens?

Oriental gardens is built through the plant scene is divisional the person's social class, in the feudal society, the person divides honour low gentle and simple, and of plant material apply such also, as a result of imperial status exalted the privilege that has with its, make royal gardens observes and study on the choice of plant material and fasten with illicit home gardens, pine, cypress, long life of indicative in royal gardens emperor, country always originallies.

Western gardens builds landscape of Jing Fengfu gardens through the plant. Lofty arbor and low bush are western gardens makes the important material of scene, flowers is the west the indispensable material in classic gardens.

8, is thing square aesthetic stylistic difference?

What the difference of culture brings about cognitive thinking is different. In Chinese traditional culture Confucianism path thought holds regnant position, confucianism the scope that the aesthetic view of the path involves sociology and person literature only, often be not reason to change to the acknowledge of the thing be comprehended however with affection.

The west since ancient times Greek period emphasizes research of pair of arithmetic, geometry, music, spherical, science is changed, reason changes the aesthetic view that is the west also is the prime cause that contemporary design is able to develop the west quickly.

Compare a thing difference of square traditional and aesthetic cognitive thought, have important sense to modern art and design domain.

9, difference of face of thing square woman?

1.Facial feature: Oriental female has single-edged eyelid, cabinet nose and lesser lip normally, and western female is double-fold eyelid, tall bridge of the nose and plump lip more. In addition, the cheek line of Oriental female is relatively soft, and the cheek lines of western female is relatively distinct.

2.Color of skin: The color of skin of Oriental female normally relatively Bai Xi, and the color of skin of western female appears piece more tonal, wait like hair of golden hair, palm, red hair.

3.Hairstyle: The hairstyle of Oriental female is diversiform, include to grow hair, bingle, straight hair, curl to wait, and the hairstyle of western female is given priority to with long hair, and it is straight hair or big wave curl more.

4.Makeup look: The makeup look of Oriental female normally relatively natural, the simple sense that pays attention to strong piquant skin is amiable color, and the makeup look of western female criterion relatively dense, pay attention to the stereo feeling that stresses eye ministry and labial ministry.

5.Figure: Oriental female the figure is relatively normally petite, the curve is downy, and western female is more carry high, the figure with trenchant curve.

Those who need an attention is, these difference are not absolutely, as the development of globalization, the communication of thing square culture is increasingly close, the makeup look that more and more Oriental females begin to try the west and wear build a style, and the nature that western female also begins to admire east is beautiful. Accordingly, these difference may be reduced gradually.

10, difference of road of thing square gardens?

Oriental gardens is main with Chinese style classic gardens is a delegate, divide among them for northward and royal large park and gardens of home of Changjiang Delta illicit. The as most apparent as western difference is latter.

East makes system of hill of system of the greenbelt on scene content, water, landform inside classic gardens these content can occupy the much in whole gardens, and establishment of sclerotic ground, building, regular space, finished product occupy than very low.

Can use up the biggest change efface artificial trace, imitate nature on water system for instance, rockery configuration imitates nature, landscape is built also with more as harmonious as nature woodiness material.

In uses data, green plant, modelling tree, too lake stone, pebble, water system, lumber use more, landscape building is less, sculpture has rarely almost, as a whole the person's element is participated in less.
