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兵马俑讲解? 兵马俑讲解流程?英文双语对照


兵马俑讲解? 兵马俑讲解流程?英文双语对照



兵马俑是古代墓葬雕塑的一个类别。古代实行人殉,奴隶是奴隶主生前的附属品,奴隶主死后奴隶要作为殉葬品为奴隶主陪葬。兵马俑即制成兵马(战车、战马、士兵)形状的殉葬品 。



1961年3月4日,秦始皇陵被国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位 。1974年3月,兵马俑被发现。

1987年,秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,并被誉为“世界第八大奇迹” ,先后有200多位外国元首和政府首脑参观访问,成为中国古代辉煌文明的一张金字名片,被誉为世界十大古墓稀世珍宝之一。

























秦始皇兵马俑,又称秦始皇陵兵马俑、秦陵兵马俑、秦兵马俑,位于中国陕西省西安市临潼区。  秦始皇陵建于公元前246年至公元前208年,历时39年,是中国历史上秦朝皇帝秦始皇的陵墓,也是中国第一个规模宏大、布局讲究且保存完好的帝王陵寝,现存陵冢高76米,陵园布置仿秦都咸阳,分内外两城,内城周长2.5公里,外城周长6.3公里。陵冢位于内城西南,坐西面东,放置棺椁和随葬器物的地方,为秦始皇陵墓建筑群的核心,目前尚未发掘完成。






1. 内容:自助讲解通常是提供一份详细的讲解材料,包括兵马俑的历史、文化背景以及独特之处。而导游讲解则是由专业导游负责,会根据参观者的需求和兴趣,提供更丰富、深入的解说。

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Does military forces tomb figure explain?

Military forces tomb figure, namely tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor, yi Jian calls military forces of the Qin Dynasty tomb figure or tomb figure of the Qin Dynasty, cultural relic of key of the first batch of whole nations protects an unit, bequest of world of the first batch of China,

Military forces tomb figure is a category of archaic grave sculpture. Ancient time executes person be buried alive with the dead, slave is a slave owner before one's death furniture, the slave after the slave owner is dead should be slave owner be buried with the dead as funerary object. Military forces tomb figure makes military forces namely (chariot, steed, soldier) the funerary object of appearance.

Hole of tomb figure of military forces of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor is the hole of be buried with the dead of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor, be located in cemetery east side is in 1500 meters. In former days, here is a cemetery, local farmer ever discovered the thing like the person when digging a grave.

In March 1974, in hill the fight a drought of villager of Xi Yang village east digs a well when, 3 lis are in to the south of mausoleum fall and between village and 5 La village, the hole of bucket of military forces of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor that discovers dimensions is baronial, of classics archaeology worker disentomb, just opened bury at subterranean the treasure of 2000 many tomb figure of the Qin Dynasty year ago.

On March 4, 1961, imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor is announced to be cultural relic of key of the first batch of whole nations to protect an unit by the State Council. In March 1974, military forces tomb figure is discovered.

1987, imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor and hole of military forces tomb figure are approved to include by U.N. Educational " world bequest directory " , and be known as " the 8th big miracle of world " , have many 200 foreign country early or late dynast and summit visiting visit, make the calling card of word of a piece of gold with Chinese brilliant and civilized ancient time, be known as the world one of jewellery of rare world of 10 big barrow.

Does military forces tomb figure explain technological process?

Tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty is craftsman of command of Qin Shi emperor people make action be his be buried with the dead, bury in the land that from Qin Shi emperor Ling Buyuan manages next. In Feburary 1974, the person such as local farmer Yang Zhifa in Qin Shi 15 kilometers place plays Huang Lingdong side when the well, true horse of fortuitous discovery and true person is same the military forces tomb figure of size. From now on, a bury underground of more than 2000 years army blast be come out by mining, build museum.

Tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty has one 3 2 date, hole and composition of date, hole of military forces tomb figure. Exhibited tomb figure of cavalier of contented qualitative be buried with the dead and military forces tomb figure in all 8000. Look Qin Shi emperor still wants to unify the world in Acheron ground, form a powerful team with tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty so!

Museum of military forces tomb figure arrived, ask you to prepare to get off. Wait for the everybody after getting off to come along with me please.

In these 3 hole not only dimensions is baronial, sundry! Look, we come to a hole, he is the biggest in 3 hole, the stuff is 230 meters long, north and south is 62 meters wide, gross area is 1460 square metre, to everybody freedom of 40 minutes of time is viewed and admire now 2, 3 hole. The path after 40 minutes a hole assembles.

Is military forces tomb figure complete explain?

Military forces tomb figure is located in Shaanxi to visit Xi'an town, it is the grave of be buried with the dead of imperial tomb of archaic China Qin Shi emperor, only then build at BC 246 years, it is history of Chinese ancient time last time the height of technology, art and culture. The spot has 7 in all, the fictile such as 000 many soldiers, horses and chariot, dimensions is baronial, tectonic and clever, lifelike. Of the summit summit that military forces tomb figure is art of military affairs of Chinese ancient time make, also be the gem in world culture and artistic treasury.

Does military forces tomb figure explain article proposal?

Be tomb figure of a military forces below explain article proposal, consult for you:

Greeting everybody comes to world culture bequest -- museum of tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor. Today, my general takes you to appreciate this glamour of millenarian historic site and mystery.

Tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor, be located in to the south of city of Xi'an of Chinese Shaanxi province the area facing Tong of 35 kilometers. Here is the mausoleum seat of Qin Shi of Chinese ancient time's emperor, be known as " the 8th big miracle of world " . Imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor only then build at BC 247 years, last a period of time 39 years, employ labour force to amount to of 700 thousand numerous. On the land that lengths and breadth of land in this, bury is worn by tens of thousands pottery figurine, Tao Ma and bronze enginery, ground of their become silent is guarding the mausolem of Qin Shi emperor, vicissitudes of life of chiliad of all previous classics.

These pottery figurine that we see at the moment, be known as namely " military forces tomb figure " miracle. These pottery figurine, Tao Ma and bronze weapon are made according to the scale of true army, vivid the state of the respect such as the military affairs that showed Qin Chao, politics, economy, culture. Their pattern is clear, lifelike, as if to performing that paragraph of brilliant history for us.

Cent of military forces tomb figure is 2 a hole, hole and 3 hole. A hole is the largest, the area amounts to 19120 square metre, there is 6000 inside hole many pottery figurine, Tao Ma, showed the boundless momentum of archaic army. 2 hole scope is a bit little, but the permutation of pottery figurine is more orderly, reflected rigorous discipline of Qin Jun. 3 hole are the seat of general pottery figurine, revealed the elegant demeanour of general of Qin Chaogao class.

Besides pottery figurine, here still has the jewellery such as bronze enginery, jade article and gold vessel. These cultural relic showed craft level of Qin Chao that develops highly not only, also announced for us historical culture appearance of Qin Chao.

The discovery of tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor, provided valuable historical data for us, let us have more thorough knowledge to Qin Chao's history. In the meantime, what it also made civilization of Chinese ancient time is important and indicative, attracted countless domestic and international tourists to come round to look around.

In visiting process, ask everybody to keep quiet, do not take a picture and feel cultural relic, lest damage these precious history bequest. In the meantime, also ask everybody to notice to maintain environmental sanitation, defend this beautiful scene region jointly.

Finally, hope you are in museum of tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor spends a paragraph of unforgettable time, those who experience civilization of Chinese ancient time is broad and profound. Thank everybody!

Does deepness of military forces tomb figure explain?

Military forces tomb figure is tourist attraction of a of Chinese ancient time famous travel, also be one of world culture bequest. Military forces tomb figure is located in Chinese Shaanxi to save Xi'an city to face Tong area Qin Shi to the south of Huang Ling the place of 1.5 kilometers, it is the one part of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor. The making last a period of time of military forces tomb figure is as long as more than 30 years, the amount is numerous, it is one of classic of pottery and porcelain of Chinese ancient time, sculpture, painterly art, also be culture of Chinese ancient time is important reflect.

   Of military forces tomb figure make only then after at Qin Shi emperor unites 6 nations, at that time Qin Shi emperor to consolidate oneself position, cast golden silver in great quantities, but the result brings about a lot of bullion to act the role of however article was buried to be inside Qin Shi Huang Ling. Later, the thief of rob a tomb of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor discovered these bullion are acted the role of article, but however cannot pilfer goes, then they act the role of these bullion article use entirely

Became military forces tomb figure. Of military forces tomb figure make very careful, tomb figure of every military forces has his distinctive modelling and feature, the limbs that includes military forces tomb figure, bearing, dress.

   Besides military forces tomb figure, imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor still has a lot of other cultural relic and place of historic interest, for instance carriage of the sap of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor, copper, air brick. The military forces tomb figure of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor and the environment all round formed the historical culture bequest of a mystery together, sightseeing, research comes before attracting countless tourists.

   Military forces tomb figure is one of important delegates of culture of Chinese ancient time, also be one of world culture bequest, its history, value and import cannot be estimated. If think more thorough ground understands military forces tomb figure, the proposal goes learning relevant history, culture and scientific knowledge, ability understands better and admire the glamour of military forces tomb figure.

Does history of military forces tomb figure explain?

Tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor, call Qin Shi Huang Lingbing again tomb figure of military forces of tomb figure of equestrian tomb figure, military forces of hill of the Qin Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty, be located in Chinese Shaanxi to save Xi'an city to face Tong area.  Emperor imperial tomb builds Qin Shi at BC 246 years to BC 208 years, last a period of time 39 years, it is the mausoleum of emperor of Qin Shi of emperor of face of the Qin Dynasty on Chinese history, also be baronial, layout pays attention to the first dimensions of Chinese and save whole imperial emperor's resting place, existent hill grave is 76 meters tall, cemetery decorates Dou Xianyang of copy the Qin Dynasty, the two cities outside one's duty, inside city circumference 2.5 kilometers, outside city circumference 6.3 kilometers. Hill grave is located in inside the city is southwest, sit west east, place inner and outer coffins and the place of the implements that follow bury, for Qin Shi emperor tomb is built group core, have not disentomb at present finish.

Does data of military forces tomb figure explain?

The hole of 3 tomb figure that already disentombed, gross area is close 20000 square metre, have 50 basketball field almost so big, there is military forces tomb figure inside hole nearly 8000. (row number, make quite, " tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty " )

In hole of 3 tomb figure, a hole is the largest, the stuff is 230 meters long, north and south is 62 meters wide, gross area 14260 square metre, the military forces tomb figure in hole is maximum also, have more than 6000. (cite case, row number, " tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty " )

Does self-help of military forces tomb figure explain to explain distinction with the tourist guide?

The self-help of military forces tomb figure explains and the tourist guide explains to exist on content, means and experience a few difference.

1.Content: Self-help explains is to offer to explain data in detail normally, include setting of the history of military forces tomb figure, culture and unique part. And the tourist guide explains is by major the tourist guide is in charge of, the demand of the person that meeting ground looks around and interest, offer richer, thorough explanation.

2.Means: Self-help explains can guide through frequency equipment, multimedia see equipment or print the form such as material to offer, the person that look around can undertake visiting according to his rhythm and interest. And the tourist guide explains is real time, the tourist guide can guide tourist attraction of one by one of the person that look around to undertake explaining, solve doubt, and meet the feedback of the person that the basis looks around undertakes interacting.

3.Experience: Self-help explains the person that can let look around to greater freedom is spent, can undertake visiting according to oneself rhythm and interest, and can be listened to for many times explain content. But defect is to may be lacked interact and personalized service. The tourist guide explains to be able to be offerred more major and thorough explanation, the person that look around can in time receive the proposal of the answer of the problem and tourist guide, but the meeting on time is more compact, the likelihood needs to follow the tourist guide's foot.

As a whole, self-help explains suit those jubilation that spend the tall, person look around that likes to oneself are explored and learn freely. And the tourist guide explains suit those hopes to obtain the more professional explanation, person look around that the problem can in time be solved.

Does doorway of tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty explain?

One place is interior of museum of tomb figure of visiting military forces, another place is tomb of Qin Shi emperor, take Bus of scene area interior to arrive at.

Former did not explain freely, when need is buying a ticket, ask a tourist guide, a lot of come loose the guest spells a group, average per capita is controlled 30 yuan, must lease ear wheat.

Latter has explain freely, belong to employee of scene area interior, to Qin Shi by the car emperor tomb doorway is met have recieved person, get off also can ask a service staff, explain a person very fierce, more comprehensive to the understanding of military forces tomb figure, let place oneself among them you, affection 3 fold, be full of an imagination namely, arise again awe-stricken.

Does composition of tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty explain?

Tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty is one of 8 big miracles of world, color is when just coming up out of land, especially bronze carriage, be military forces tomb figure most, carry the clever He Zhihui that showed our country people.
