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《易经》上说:“形而上谓之道,形而下谓之器”。天地宇宙未生之前,是混沌状态的,现代物理学称为大爆炸以前的那个超密度无限塌缩的粒子,中国文化叫太极。150亿年以前,这个超密度的粒子瞬间产生大爆炸,形成了现在的物质宇宙,其中有形的物质凝集成星体,就是地;无形的空间扩展开来形成了太空,就是天。《易经》说:轻清者上升为天,阴浊者下降为地。不是既形象又具体吗?但这是物理的天地,物质世界的天地。在《易经》文化里面属于形而下的“器世间”,也就是物质世界。形而上是非物质的道的世间,那不是我们现有的智力能够讨论的,所以孔子说:“六合之外存而不论”。“存”是承认它确实存在,“不论”是暂且不讨论,因为我们的智慧不够,一说就吵架,何苦呢! 对智慧高的人讲真话,形而上是天,形而下是地。对智慧不够的人只能说浅话:太空是天,地球是地。同样都是天地两个字,深人有深解,浅人有浅说,各得其所。





It is Xuan Huang of heaven and earth.

"Xuan Huang of heaven and earth " an out at " The Book of Changes " .

Patulous data:

" The Book of Changes " in say " Tian Xuan glutinous rehmannia " , change to rhyme here " Xuan Huang of heaven and earth " do not alter this kind of the ancients character bring classics, for bright bring. "Cosmic Hong Huang " out at " south the Huaihe River child " with " too black classics " . " south the Huaihe River child " in say " fluctuation all directions makes world, of all ages makes time " . Make " too black classics " the Yang Xiong that is the Western Han Dynasty, he is in " too black classics " in had said " Hong Huang's world " if. The word of two classics closes is " cosmic Hong Huang " , this kind brings the means of classics to cry dark bring, so these two words are classical.

If look from literal merely, the meaning of these two words is: The color of the day is black, the color of the ground is yellow. Is this make a fuss about an imaginary illness? Can you serve as classical circulate thousands of years? So where is the deep-seated meaning of these two words? I can try to solve only, everybody will follow civil into view, look where can experience.

These two words are in heaven and earth there is multiple meaning in Gu Hanyu, inclusive idea special, the ground of the day of our familiar aerospace and earth is only among them one of. Want to figure out heaven and earth the meaning of 2 words, must want to read " The Book of Changes " . " The Book of Changes " first be the five classics, those who tell is the change truth of the path of heaven and earth and yin and yang, traditional culture of China, what " the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) " , the various schools of thought and their exponents during the period from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty, it is completely from " The Book of Changes " the development on this root comes out, learn Chinese culture to be not read " The Book of Changes " it is to take the branch for the root.

" The Book of Changes " on say: "Form and go up calling path, form and next calling implement " . Before universe of heaven and earth is not unripe, be muddleheaded condition, modern physics calls big burst previously that exceeds density to collapse indefinitely the particle that shrink, chinese culture cries too extremely. 15 billion years before, this particle instant that exceeds density produces big burst, formed present corporeal universe, among them corporeal corporeal agglutinate becomes celestial or heavenly body, namely; Aeriform dimensional enlarge spreads out will form aerospace, it is a day. " The Book of Changes " say: Light Qing Dynasty person rise for the day, shade chaotic person drop for the ground. Either already figure specific? But the heaven and earth that this is physics, the heaven and earth of corporeal world. In " The Book of Changes " belong to inside culture form and below " implement worldly " , namely corporeal world. Form and going up is immaterial path is worldly, our existing intelligence can not discuss that, so Confucius says: "6 close besides leave the question open " . "Put " it is to admit it exists really, "No matter " it is for the moment does not discuss, because our wisdom is insufficient, say to quarrel, why bother! Tall to wisdom person speaks, form and going up is a day, form and falling is the ground. Insufficient to wisdom person can say shallow word only: Aerospace is a day, the earth is the ground. It is heaven and earth likewise two words, deep person has deep solution, shallow person has elementary introduction, each is in his proper place.

Black, what point to on color is deep La Jin at black color, cry black. Come on the meaning say, those who point to is Gao Yuan, enigmatic, cry black. The color of macroscopical day is blue, is how saying black? Blue is the color of water, it is deep-sea color, sunlight takes marine appearance, the light goes up instead, the sky that we see is blue. But present astronaut arrived in aerospace look, one of pitch-dark, star is only radiative dot giving a point is crepuscular, be black really, say from color Tian Xuan is right so. In addition weather channel Gao Yuan, say like father, the manage body that superorganic day, extremely mysterious and abstruse, abysmal, we show some wisdom to cannot understand. This is superorganic day the path is enigmatic, call Tian Xuan so.

Glutinous rehmannia also has double meaning. The culture of our China especially traditional culture, say exactly, those who point to is first the culture before the Qin Dynasty, namely summerly business Zhou San is acting, especially Zhou Dai's culture. Antediluvian period, xia Shangzhou establishs country, found a capital in the Huanghe valley, traditional culture of China, if narrow again limits, should say the culture that is the Huanghe valley. The Yellow River is maternal river, from Kunlun hill (make an appointment with Gu Zonglie basin) seminary, the assemble lodges for the night at the star the sea, cross Ji Shi Shan, via 9 18 turns, from northwest highland shedding comes down, morbid came to loess to form concussion sex Campagna in the meantime. The color of that water is yellow, earthy color also is yellow, crops millet, millet is yellow, say glutinous rehmannia so.

Another heavy meaning, the celestial bodies in the universe, include the world inside, it is the child of big burst, in initiative condition it is blazing material. The earth is its temperature agglomeration in the magma of centrosphere, and sun of have the aid of complements ceaselessly. Temperature just may have biological phenomena, on color atlas analysis, dark look is cool color, yellow is warm color. Glutinous rehmannia also is to highly praise warm earth to have grow to raise and feed action, so the Chinese is earth address sb respectfully again " mother " . Weather channel Gao Yuan, pure and abstruse, those who fizzle out to also represent a tunnel is abstruse. Superstitious person says: "The person died to be attributed to Acheron later, crossing a nether bridge is Acheron " . Although the word is suspect, its meaning no more than is another when show that is not living person place to know abstruse world.

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