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冰雪旅游文案? 冰雪旅游起源?英文双语对照


冰雪旅游文案? 冰雪旅游起源?英文双语对照







































1. 滑雪:崇礼是中国最著名的滑雪胜地之一,有丰富的滑雪场地和设施,包括万龙、长城岭、翠云山等滑雪场,适合不同程度的滑雪爱好者。

2. 冰壶:崇礼的冰壶场地设施齐全,是中国最著名的冰壶训练和比赛基地之一,吸引了大量的冰壶爱好者前来体验。

3. 冰灯:崇礼的冰灯制作历史悠久,有丰富的冰灯文化底蕴,每年都会举办崇礼国际冰灯节,吸引了众多游客前来观赏。

4. 冰上运动:崇礼有专门的冰上运动场地,包括冰球、花样滑冰、速度滑冰等项目,是体验冰上运动的好去处。

5. 温泉度假:崇礼周边有许多温泉度假村,可以享受温泉和冬季养生的乐趣。























Table of article of travel of ice and snow?

Today, I invite you to set out together, experience the magnificent sight with white pure white snow! In this beautiful snow home village or town, can experience clean and pure air, the snowman with lovely load one's writing with fancy phrases, with the heart guardianship nature gives us brought blessing; Through this Bai Xue witnesses life, let happy affection be full of mirth, let vigor be permeated with future! Let us be in this snow home village or town, enjoy the happiness of this journey, experience the warmth of nature!

Is travel of ice and snow genetic?

Boreal Ou Zao has begun to have skiing before more than 5000 years. The earliest ski that can see today is saved now at " of skiing " Norwegian Oslo, there are a few skis before 1500 over there. Ever discovered in Norway about two the ski of person sufficient pedal, stone carving that holds bludgeon to chase a beast. Mediaeval begin to bring into a military affairs to train course gradually.

Catchword of travel of ice and snow?

The brigade of ice and snow, romantic and boundless, experience natural beauty.

The travel of ice and snow, set out from the heart, let dream to be illuminated into reality.

The brigade of ice and snow is like dream, put city drunk tourist on the ice only.

Strange predestined relationship of ice and snow, free enjoys natural beauty, appreciate excellent view.


Advantage of resource of ice and snow of base oneself upon, reveal glamour of travel of ice and snow.


The agreement of ice and snow, enchanted be inferior to the action, the brigade of open romance.

Does small order develop a company to rank?

1, limited company of science and technology of network of Henan auspicious sea

2, limited company of science and technology of Hangzhou at least

3, limited company of science and technology of Beijing pocket vogue

4, company of Shanghai small alliance grows limited company

5, limited company of 10 thousand meters of IT of Nanjing

6, limited company of IT of the world of Beijing road ox

7, limited company of Hangzhou repletion science and technology

Does travel of ice and snow recommend a term?


  1, the cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine of a heart, new experience, hill of samite emerald green cloud.

   2, more than the habitat that is the heart, it is the place hasten of the body more.

   3, companion of snow of beautiful Lin Wu, cross an emerald green mountain, one day can be returned.

   4, emerald green Yun Fengguang here alone good, brigade place is good of course enjoy life.

   5, poetics draws meaning nature, hill of emerald green cloud of strange predestined relationship of ice and snow.

   6, travel of international of hill of emerald green cloud goes vacationing area, the world of ice and snow in your dream.

   7, go vacationing to emerald green Yun Shan, open dream is itinerary.

   8, a hunderd li of emerald green cloud, world of ice and snow; Aoxue is recreational, raise body heaven.

   9, close child go vacationing the station that add oxygen, ice and snow has mountain of affection emerald green cloud.

   10, the Sukhavati of child heart, need the company of family.

   11, the beauty with the most natural exploration, experience the most interesting life.

   12, put flying heart and dream, experience speed and passion.

   13, the hill of adjacent emerald green cloud of Beijing ferry, poach float gives birth to idle half days.

Esteem product of travel of ceremony ice and snow?

Chong Li is one of resorts of China's famed travel of ice and snow, have the product of travel of ice and snow of rich diversity. It is the introduction of product of travel of a few ice and snow high a ceremony below:

1.Ski: Chong Li is one of China's fameddest ski resorts, have rich ski field and establishment, include the ski field such as mountain of 10 thousand dragon, Great Wall, emerald green Yun Shan, suit the ski fan of different level.

2.Glacial bottle: Field of Chong Li glacial crock establishment is all ready, it is China's famousest training glacial crock and one of match base, attracted many lover glacial crock to come round to experience.

3.Glacial lamp: Glacial lamp of Chong Li makes the history long, have inside information of substantial culture glacial the lamp, can hold international high a ceremony every year put the Lantern Festival on the ice, attracted numerous tourist to come round to view and admire.

4.Ice-sports: Chong Li has special ice-sports place, include ice hockey, figure skating, speed to skate wait for a project, it is the good place that experiences ice-sports.

5.Hot spring goes vacationing: There are a lot of hot springs to go vacationing by the side of Chong Lizhou village, can enjoy the fun of hot spring and winter preserve one's health.

Above is the introduction of product of travel of a few ice and snow high a ceremony only, you can undertake choosing according to your interest and time. In the meantime, install to ensure complete, the proposal chooses normal travel orgnaization to perhaps refer pertinent information to local travel department.

Characteristic of travel of Beijing ice and snow?

Participate in a gender

Travel of ice and snow has extremely strong participation quality. This one characteristic is the genetic decision that travels by ice and snow on one hand, use to the development of resource of ice and snow the earliest it is the daily activity that comes from old people; It is by the tourist's travel demand is decided on the other hand, in cold winter, be a static state merely viewing and admire beautiful scenery of ice and snow is insufficient, tourists more expectation can enlist campaign of ice and snow, of delighted in a world of ice and snow merry and lively play.

Experience sex

Snow countryside dim light of night

Northeastern, the tourist can see northland view, a thousand li is icebound, 10 thousand lis of snow wave, between indulge white snow, learn true meaning of travel of ice and snow, enjoy Xue Yun glacial affection to the top of one's bent: In ski of the passion between immense forest snow-field, all enjoy free pleasure; Snow ground motor controls to gallop on the snow-field ice lake in boundless, the verve of world of appreciate northland silvery white; Cross on extensive snow-field on courser gallops, feel nomadic life interest; Sit dog sledge runs go up in ice and snow, full see northland view.

Time is long

Higher travel spending and higher revisit rate have extremely strong participation as a result of travel of ice and snow gender and experience sex, make play time of the tourist relatively longer, bring higher travel spending thereby. Photograph of travel of ice and snow travels to traditional sightseeing, attribute the travel activity of high spending, for example, participate in skiing to need to pay fixed cost in the respect such as equipment, and go vacationing travel needs to bear cost of taller meal, accommodation more. In addition, travel of ice and snow has higher revisit rate, turn round the stranger is much, repeat rate of consumption taller. Especially skiing, regard a sports as the activity, a lot of people become the lifelong fan of ski likely.


The development that ice and snow travels has stronger dependence to resource, must have cold climate condition and appropriate landform requirement at the same time. Because develop the country that ice and snow travels and area conditionally, on situation, its travel area must be in cold temperate zone or in temperate zone, annual was with the average air temperature Feburary January - 30 ℃ ~ - 18 ℃ left and right sides, and mountain area accumulates over level the land, it is gradient commonly light gently, snow period is long. If just had cold climate requirement but lack the country with appropriate gradient to cannot construct ski field, country is numerous latitudinal however on the low side also is impossible occurrence nature snowfall.

Gymnastical sex

Skiing is the main component that ice and snow travels. Enter sports activity, can exercise, eliminate fatigue, promotional health. Be in to live for a long time and working the people in the city, can adjust the pressure that fast rhythm job brings, conduce to those who cast off the life is drab with trouble. Exercise in environment of advantaged ice and snow, the drive cold ability that enhanced people already, improve constitution and health, still can achieve loosen the mood, adjust the purpose with physiology and recreational fitness.

Does Chinese famous travel develop a company?

China's well-known travel development company has travel agent of journey of Chinese youth travel agent, benefit interest, China International, China International travel agent the brigade international travel agent with total travel agent of limited company, Kang Hui, wide company, age travel agent, China travel agent total company, south lake international travel agent, medium letter travel agent, medium Fu.

How to register travel to develop a company?

Register the program of travel company: Represent agent of collective perhaps precatory to register mechanism to file a name to the company by what all partner appoints beforehand approve; First by the name beforehand approve advice note goes tourism bureau handles license, next by the name beforehand approve advice note goes handling mining license, by the name beforehand approve advice note opens an account to the bank, go to accountant office to undertake check endowment next, after issueing check endowment to report by accountant office, all partner on the belt designates the proof that represents collective perhaps attorney, company name beforehand rules of Id of meeting resolution, partner, company, business place proves report of approve advice note, check endowment, licence, partner the agreement of material, licence, building that rent arrives market superintendency bureau is dealt with register register and orgnaization.

Deal with duty Wu to register card to revenue next.

How to register travel to develop a company?

Register the program of travel company: Represent agent of collective perhaps precatory to register mechanism to file a name to the company by what all partner appoints beforehand approve; First by the name beforehand approve advice note goes tourism bureau handles license, next by the name beforehand approve advice note goes handling mining license, by the name beforehand approve advice note opens an account to the bank, go to accountant office to undertake check endowment next, after issueing check endowment to report by accountant office, all partner on the belt designates name of the proof that represents collective perhaps attorney, company beforehand rules of Id of meeting resolution, partner, company, business place proves report of approve advice note, check endowment, licence, partner material, licence, building rents an agreement to be dealt with to industrial and commercial bureau register register.

Deal with duty Wu to register card to revenue next, handle orgnaization code card to qualitative inspect bureau.

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