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历史上的今天 · 1998年-日本著名电影导演黑泽明去世


历史上的今天 · 1998年-日本著名电影导演黑泽明去世

  • 黑泽明(Akira Kurosawa),1910年3月23日出生于日本东京,是20世纪最著名的电影导演之一。他以其独特的叙事风格、深刻的人文关怀和精湛的电影技术闻名于世。


    • Name: Akira Kurosawa
    • Also Known As: The Emperor of Cinema, Wind Man, 黒沢明 (Kurosawa Akira)
    • Date of Birth: March 23, 1910
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
    • Date of Death: September 6, 1998
    • Occupation: Director, Screenwriter, Editor, Producer
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Ethnicity: Yamato (Japanese)
    • Height: 181cm
    • Blood Type: B

    • 姓名: 黑泽明
    • 别名: 电影皇帝、风之男、黒沢明 (Kurosawa Akira)
    • 出生日期: 1910年3月23日
    • 出生地点: 日本东京
    • 逝世日期: 1998年9月6日
    • 职业: 导演、编剧、剪辑、制片人
    • 国籍: 日本
    • 民族: 大和(日本人)
    • 身高: 181厘米
    • 血型: B型


    • Kurosawa began his career in the film industry in 1936 with the script for "The German of the Daibosatsu Pass."
    • His directorial debut, "Sugata Sanshiro" (1943), was a commercial success and brought him to the public's attention.
    • "Rashomon" (1950) won the Golden Lion at the Venice International Film Festival and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.
    • "Seven Samurai" (1954) was a significant hit and is often cited as one of the greatest films ever made.
    • "Yojimbo" (1961) and "High and Low" (1963) are other notable works that have had a profound impact on cinema.
    • Kurosawa received the Academy Honorary Award in 1990 for his lifetime achievement.
    • He was also known for his collaborations with actor Toshiro Mifune, with whom he made several critically acclaimed films.
    • 黑泽明于1936年以《大菩萨峠》的剧本开始其电影行业生涯。
    • 他的导演处女作《姿三四郎》(1943年)商业上取得成功,引起公众关注。
    • 《罗生门》(1950年)赢得威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖和奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。
    • 《七武士》(1954年)是巨大成功,并常被引为史上最伟大的电影之一。
    • 《用心棒》(1961年)和《天国与地狱》(1963年)是其他值得注意的作品,对电影产生了深远影响。
    • 1990年,他因其终身成就获得奥斯卡荣誉奖。
    • 他与演员三船敏郎的合作也广为人知,共同制作了多部备受赞誉的电影。


    • Rashomon (1950): Explores the subjectivity of truth through multiple perspectives.
    • Seven Samurai (1954): A classic action film about a group of samurai hired to protect a village from bandits.
    • Yojimbo (1961): A samurai becomes a free agent helping two warring factions.
    • Kagemusha (1980): A thief is employed to impersonate a dead warlord.
    • Ran (1985): A retelling of Shakespeare's "King Lear" set in feudal Japan.
    • 罗生门 (Rashomon, 1950年): 通过多个视角探讨真理的主观性。
    • 七武士 (Seven Samurai, 1954年): 讲述了一群武士被雇佣保护村庄免受强盗侵害的故事。
    • 用心棒 (Yojimbo, 1961年): 一名武士成为两个敌对派系之间的自由代理人。
    • 影武者 (Kagemusha, 1980年): 讲述一个小偷被雇佣来冒充已故的战争领袖。
    • 乱 (Ran, 1985年): 以日本战国时代为背景,重新讲述莎士比亚的《李尔王》。


    • Kurosawa received numerous awards, including the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, the Golden Lion at the Venice International Film Festival, and the Silver Bear for Best Director at the Berlin International Film Festival.
    • 黑泽明获得了包括奥斯卡最佳外语片奖、威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖、柏林国际电影节最佳导演银熊奖在内的众多奖项。
    • Akira Kurosawa is often referred to as the "Shakespeare of Cinema" for his profound influence on the art of filmmaking.
    • His work has been praised for its innovative storytelling, use of color, and camera techniques.
    • Kurosawa's films have been studied extensively and have inspired filmmakers around the world.
    • 黑泽明常被称为“电影的莎士比亚”,因其对电影艺术的深远影响。
    • 他的作品因其创新的叙事方式、色彩运用和摄影技巧而受到赞誉。
    • 黑泽明的电影被广泛研究,并激励了全世界的电影制作人。


    • Director: 导演 
    • Screenwriter: 编剧 
    • Producer: 制片人
    • Academy Award: 奥斯卡金像奖
    • Venice International Film Festival: 威尼斯国际电影节
    • Berlin International Film Festival: 柏林国际电影节
    • Order of Culture: 文化勋章