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  • 水果是我们日常饮食中不可或缺的一部分。无论是作为主餐的一部分,还是作为健康的小零食,水果以其丰富的营养和美味的口感赢得了全球人们的喜爱。了解不同水果的英文名称不仅能帮助我们在国际旅行中更好地交流,还能拓宽我们的语言能力和文化视野。本文将详细介绍一些常见水果的英文名称,并对重点词汇进行解析,帮助读者更好地掌握这些词汇的用法和背景。


    1. 火龙果 (Pitaya)      - Pitaya: 常见的热带水果,以其艳丽的外观和独特的味道著称。
    例句:“I tried pitaya for the first time, and its sweet taste was amazing.”   2. 苹果 (Apple)      - Apple: 普遍的水果,有许多品种。
    例句:“She ate an apple every day for a healthy diet.”   3. 梨 (Pear)      - Pear: 一种甜美多汁的水果。
    例句:“The pear was so ripe that it was almost melting in my mouth.”   4. 树莓 (Raspberry)      - Raspberry: 小巧且酸甜的浆果。
    例句:“Raspberries are great in smoothies or as a topping on yogurt.”   5. 甘蔗 (Sugar cane)      - Sugar cane: 主要用来提取糖分的植物。
    例句:“Sugar cane is harvested to produce the sweetener used in many foods.”   6. 油桃 (Nectarine)      - Nectarine: 类似于桃子但没有绒毛的水果。
    例句:“Nectarines are deliciously sweet and perfect for summer.”   7. 蟠桃 (Flat peach)      - Flat peach: 也称为盘桃,形状扁平。
    例句:“Flat peaches are often enjoyed fresh or in desserts.”   8. 水蜜桃 (Honey peach)      - Honey peach: 甜美的桃子品种。
    例句:“The honey peach’s sweetness makes it a favorite among fruit lovers.”   9. 槟榔果 (Areca nut)      - Areca nut: 主要用于咀嚼,常与槟榔叶一起使用。
    例句:“Areca nut is popular in some cultures for its stimulating effects.”   10. 龙眼/桂圆 (Longan)       - Longan: 具有甜味的果实,类似于荔枝。
    例句:“Longan is often used in Asian desserts.”   11. 青梅 (Greengage)       - Greengage: 一种酸甜的李子品种。
    例句:“Greengages are prized for their tart flavor and versatility.”   12. 柑橘 (Tangerine)       - Tangerine: 皮薄易剥的橘子。
    例句:“Tangerines are a refreshing snack that’s easy to peel.”   13. 金橘 (Kumquat)       - Kumquat: 小型橙色水果,连皮食用。
    例句:“Kumquats are unique because their skin is sweet while the flesh is tangy.”   14. 橙子 (Orange)       - Orange: 常见的柑橘类水果。
    例句:“Oranges are rich in vitamin C and great for a healthy immune system.”   15. 菠萝 (Pineapple)       - Pineapple: 热带水果,以其甜酸味道著称。
    例句:“Pineapple adds a tropical flair to many dishes and drinks.”   16. 菠萝蜜 (Jackfruit)       - Jackfruit: 世界上最大的水果,果肉甜美。
    例句:“Jackfruit’s flesh is often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian dishes.”   17. 榴莲 (Durian)       - Durian: 味道强烈的热带水果,被称为“水果之王”。
    例句:“Durian is known for its strong odor, which people either love or hate.”   18. 柚子 (Shaddock)       - Shaddock: 也称为葡萄柚,味道酸甜。
    例句:“Shaddock is often enjoyed fresh or as part of fruit salads.”   19. 番石榴 (Guava)       - Guava: 果肉多汁,带有浓郁的香气。
    例句:“Guava is used in many tropical beverages and desserts.”   20. 石榴 (Pomegranate)       - Pomegranate: 内含许多小籽的水果,味道酸甜。
    例句:“Pomegranate seeds are a popular addition to salads and desserts.”   21. 番茄 (Tomato)       - Tomato: 虽被视为水果,常用于烹饪。
    例句:“Tomatoes are essential in many cuisines, particularly Italian.”   22. 香蕉 (Banana)       - Banana: 甜美的水果,适合作为小吃。
    例句:“Bananas are a great source of potassium and perfect for a quick snack.”   23. 柠檬 (Lemon)       - Lemon: 酸味水果,常用来调味。
    例句:“Lemon juice can brighten up any dish with its tangy flavor.”   24. 枣 (Chinese date)       - Chinese date: 甜美的干果,常用于中式甜点。
    例句:“Chinese dates are often used in traditional Asian sweets and soups.”   25. 蓝莓 (Blueberry)       - Blueberry: 小而圆的浆果,富含抗氧化物。
    例句:“Blueberries are great for making smoothies and baking.”   26. 樱桃 (Cherry)       - Cherry: 小型水果,味道甜美。
    例句:“Cherries are often used in pies and desserts.”   27. 芒果 (Mango)       - Mango: 甜美多汁的热带水果。
    例句:“Mangoes are a popular ingredient in many tropical dishes.”   28. 柿子 (Persimmon)       - Persimmon: 甜美的水果,通常在秋冬季节成熟。
    例句:“Persimmons are delicious both fresh and dried.”   29. 猕猴桃/奇异果 (Gooseberry)       - Gooseberry: 小型圆果,酸味显著。
    例句:“Gooseberries are tart and often used in preserves and desserts.”   30. 荔枝 (Litchi/Lichee)       - Litchi/Lichee: 甜美的热带水果,外皮粗糙。
    例句:“Litchis are a delightful treat with a sweet, floral flavor.”   31. 香瓜/甜瓜 (Muskmelon)       - Muskmelon: 含水量高,味道甜美。
    例句:“Muskmelon is refreshing and perfect for hot summer days.”   32. 沙果/山楂子 (Crab apple)       - Crab apple: 小型苹果,通常用于制作果酱。
    例句:“Crab apples are too tart to eat raw but are great for jams.”   33. 李子 (Plum)       - Plum: 甜酸味的水果。
    例句:“Plums are delicious in both fresh and dried forms.”   34. 杏子 (Apricot)       - Apricot: 甜美的果实,常用于烘焙。
    例句:“Apricots are often used in jams and desserts.”   35. 枇杷 (Loquat)       - Loquat: 甜美的果实,带有些许酸味。
    例句:“Loquats are enjoyed fresh or used in pies.”   36. 椰子 (Coconut)       - Coconut: 富含液体和果肉,常用于饮料和烹饪。
    例句:“Coconut water is a popular hydration choice in tropical regions.”   37. 木瓜 (Pawpaw)       - Pawpaw: 甜美的热带水果,果肉呈橙色。
    例句:“Pawpaw has a custard-like texture and a sweet flavor.”   38. 杨桃 (Starfruit)       - Starfruit: 切开后呈星形的水果。
    例句:“Starfruit adds a unique appearance and flavor to salads and garnishes.”   39. 莲雾 (Wax-apple)       - Wax-apple: 具有脆甜口感的热带水果。
    例句:“Wax-apples are crisp and juicy, making them a refreshing snack.”   40. 杨梅 (Waxberry/Red bayberry)       - Waxberry/Red bayberry: 带有酸甜味的水果。
    例句:“Waxberries are often used in traditional Asian dishes and beverages.”   41. 百香果 (Passion fruit)       - Passion fruit: 内含大量种子的水果,味道酸甜。
    例句:“Passion fruit adds a unique, tangy flavor to drinks and desserts.”   42. 樱桃番茄 (Cherry tomato)       - Cherry tomato: 小型的甜美番茄。
    例句:“Cherry tomatoes are perfect for salads and as a snack.”   43. 枸杞 (Goji berry)       - Goji berry: 富含营养的小浆果,常用于补品和茶。
    例句:“Goji berries are known for their health benefits and are often added to soups and teas.”   44. 西瓜 (Watermelon)       - Watermelon: 甜美多汁的夏季水果。
    例句:“Watermelon is a classic summer fruit, perfect for picnics and barbecues.”   45. 红枣 (Red date)       - Red date: 甜美的干果,常用于中式炖品。
    例句:“Red dates are frequently used in traditional Chinese soups and stews.”   46. 牛油果 (Avocado)       - Avocado: 富含脂肪的水果,常用于沙拉和果汁。
    例句:“Avocados are often used in salads, smoothies, and guacamole.”   47. 酸枣 (Jujube)       - Jujube: 酸甜味的干果,常用于中医和甜点。
    例句:“Jujubes are often used in traditional medicine and as a natural sweetener in desserts.”   48. 香瓜 (Cantaloupe)       - Cantaloupe: 香甜的蜜瓜,常用于水果拼盘。
    例句:“Cantaloupe is a sweet and refreshing fruit often enjoyed in summer.”   49. 豆角 (Green bean)       - Green bean: 尽管常被认为是蔬菜,实际上是豆类的果实。
    例句:“Green beans are commonly used in savory dishes and salads.”   50. 红毛丹 (Rambutan)       - Rambutan: 外表毛茸茸的热带水果,果肉甜美。
    例句:“Rambutan has a spiky exterior and a juicy, sweet interior.”   51. 蜜枣 (Honey date)       - Honey date: 甜美的干枣,常用于甜点。
    例句:“Honey dates are often used in traditional Middle Eastern sweets.”   52. 草莓 (Strawberry)       - Strawberry: 甜美的红色浆果,广泛用于甜点。
    例句:“Strawberries are a popular fruit for making jams and desserts.”   53. 海棠果 (Chinese crab apple)       - Chinese crab apple: 小型苹果,味道酸涩。
    例句:“Chinese crab apples are used in traditional recipes and jams.”   54. 百合果 (Yam bean)       - Yam bean: 外皮脆嫩,味道甜美。
    例句:“Yam beans are often used in salads and are enjoyed for their crunchy texture.”   55. 香梨 (Fragrant pear)       - Fragrant pear: 具有浓郁香气的梨类水果。
    例句:“Fragrant pears are enjoyed for their sweet flavor and aromatic scent.”   掌握常见水果的英文名称不仅能提升语言能力,还能丰富我们的文化体验。无论是在国际旅行中选择水果,还是在不同文化背景下交流,这些词汇都将帮助我们更好地理解和享受各种美味水果。在学习这些词汇的过程中,不仅能提高英语水平,还能拓宽对不同文化的认知。
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