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  • 康复医学是医学领域中的一个重要分支,专注于帮助那些经历过伤病、手术或慢性病的患者恢复功能,改善生活质量。康复医学不仅包括身体治疗,还涉及心理和社会支持。为了更好地与国际同行沟通,了解和掌握相关的医学英语术语是非常必要的。本文将介绍一些常见的康复医学英语术语,希望可以帮助大家在学习和实践中更好地应用这些知识。


    1. Rehabilitation (康复)

    • "Rehabilitation is a process aimed at restoring function and improving quality of life for patients with disabilities or injuries."
    • "康复是一个旨在恢复功能和改善残疾或受伤患者生活质量的过程。"

    2. Physical Therapy (物理治疗)

    • "Physical therapy involves exercises and manual techniques to improve movement and function."
    • "物理治疗包括锻炼和手动技术,以改善运动和功能。"

    3. Occupational Therapy (职业治疗)

    • "Occupational therapy helps patients develop the skills needed for daily activities and work."
    • "职业治疗帮助患者发展日常活动和工作所需的技能。"

    4. Speech Therapy (语言治疗)

    • "Speech therapy focuses on improving communication skills and swallowing function."
    • "语言治疗集中于改善沟通技能和吞咽功能。"

    5. Assistive Devices (辅助设备)

    • "Assistive devices, such as wheelchairs and prosthetics, support individuals in their daily activities."
    • "辅助设备,如轮椅和假肢,支持个人进行日常活动。"


    6. Range of Motion Exercises (关节活动范围锻炼)

    • "Range of motion exercises help maintain or improve joint flexibility."
    • "关节活动范围锻炼有助于保持或改善关节的灵活性。"

    7. Strength Training (力量训练)

    • "Strength training involves exercises to increase muscle strength and endurance."
    • "力量训练包括增加肌肉力量和耐力的锻炼。"

    8. Balance Training (平衡训练)

    • "Balance training helps improve stability and coordination, reducing the risk of falls."
    • "平衡训练有助于改善稳定性和协调性,减少跌倒的风险。"

    9. Functional Training (功能训练)

    • "Functional training focuses on exercises that mimic daily activities to improve overall function."
    • "功能训练专注于模拟日常活动的锻炼,以改善整体功能。"


    10. Stroke (中风)

    • "Stroke rehabilitation often includes physical, occupational, and speech therapy to help recover lost functions."
    • "中风康复通常包括物理治疗、职业治疗和语言治疗,以帮助恢复失去的功能。"

    11. Spinal Cord Injury (脊髓损伤)

    • "Spinal cord injury rehabilitation may involve mobility training and the use of assistive devices."
    • "脊髓损伤的康复可能包括运动能力训练和使用辅助设备。"

    12. Amputation (截肢)

    • "Amputation rehabilitation focuses on prosthetic training and adapting to life with a new limb."
    • "截肢康复集中于假肢训练和适应带有新肢体的生活。"

    13. Arthritis (关节炎)

    • "Arthritis rehabilitation aims to reduce pain and improve joint function through exercises and education."
    • "关节炎康复旨在通过锻炼和教育减少疼痛并改善关节功能。"


    14. Functional Independence Measure (功能独立性测评)

    • "The Functional Independence Measure assesses a patient's ability to perform daily activities independently."
    • "功能独立性测评评估患者独立执行日常活动的能力。"

    15. Gait Analysis (步态分析)

    • "Gait analysis evaluates the pattern of walking to identify abnormalities and plan appropriate interventions."
    • "步态分析评估步行模式,以识别异常并制定适当的干预措施。"


    16. Pain Management (疼痛管理)

    • "Pain management techniques, such as medication and physical therapy, are essential for effective rehabilitation."
    • "疼痛管理技术,如药物治疗和物理治疗,对于有效的康复至关重要。"

    17. Mobility Training (运动能力训练)

    • "Mobility training helps patients regain the ability to move and perform daily tasks more easily."
    • "运动能力训练帮助患者恢复移动能力,并更容易地完成日常任务。"

    18. Posture Correction (姿势矫正)

    • "Posture correction exercises aim to improve alignment and reduce strain on the musculoskeletal system."
    • "姿势矫正锻炼旨在改善对齐和减少对肌肉骨骼系统的压力。"


    上一篇:“调休”的英文是什么? 如何用英语准确表达“调休”