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  • 图书馆是学习和知识获取的重要场所,了解如何用英语准确地描述图书馆中的各种活动是非常有用的。无论你是要借书、还书、查询图书信息,还是需要预定图书,掌握相关的英语短语能够帮助你更高效地完成这些任务。


    1. Check out a book

      • Definition: To borrow a book from the library.
      • 例句: "I would like to check out this book."
    2. Borrow a book

      • Definition: To take a book from the library for a specified period.
      • 例句: "Can I borrow this book for two weeks?"
    3. Get a library card

      • Definition: To obtain a card that allows you to borrow books from the library.
      • 例句: "I need to get a library card before I can check out any books."
    4. Renew a book

      • Definition: To extend the borrowing period of a book.
      • 例句: "I need to renew this book; it’s due tomorrow."
    5. Return a book

      • Definition: To give a borrowed book back to the library.
      • 例句: "I’m here to return this book."
    6. Place a hold on a book

      • Definition: To reserve a book that is currently checked out.
      • 例句: "I would like to place a hold on this book."
    7. Check in a book

      • Definition: To return a book to the library and update its status.
      • 例句: "I need to check in this book."
    8. Pick up a book

      • Definition: To collect a reserved book from the library.
      • 例句: "I’m here to pick up a book I placed on hold."
    9. Cancel a hold

      • Definition: To cancel a reservation for a book that you no longer need.
      • 例句: "I would like to cancel my hold on this book."
    10. Pay overdue fines

      • Definition: To pay penalties for returning a book late.
      • 例句: "I need to pay the overdue fines for this book."
    11. Request an interlibrary loan

      • Definition: To request a book from another library if it is not available in your own library.
      • 例句: "I’d like to request an interlibrary loan for this book."
    12. Reserve a study room

      • Definition: To book a room for studying or group work.
      • 例句: "Can I reserve a study room for two hours?"
    13. Access online resources

      • Definition: To use digital materials provided by the library through its website.
      • 例句: "I want to access online resources through the library’s website."
    14. Use the library catalog

      • Definition: To search for books and other materials available in the library.
      • 例句: "I need to use the library catalog to find this book."
    15. Check book availability

      • Definition: To determine if a book is available for borrowing.
      • 例句: "Can you check the availability of this book for me?"
    16. Sign up for a library workshop

      • Definition: To enroll in a workshop or class offered by the library.
      • 例句: "I’d like to sign up for the library workshop on creative writing."
    17. Request a book recommendation

      • Definition: To ask for suggestions on what to read next.
      • 例句: "Can you help me with a book recommendation?"
    18. Check the due date

      • Definition: To find out when a borrowed book is due to be returned.
      • 例句: "I need to check the due date for this book."
    19. Update contact information

      • Definition: To provide the library with your current contact details.
      • 例句: "I need to update my contact information with the library."
    20. Report a lost book

      • Definition: To inform the library that a borrowed book has been lost.
      • 例句: "I need to report a lost book. Can you help me?"


    1. Look up a book

      • Definition: To search for a book in the library catalog.
      • 例句: "I need to look up a book by its title in the catalog."
    2. Find a book

      • Definition: To locate a specific book in the library.
      • 例句: "Can you help me find this book on the shelves?"
    3. Search for a book

      • Definition: To look for a book using various criteria like title, author, or subject.
      • 例句: "I’m searching for a book on climate change."
    4. Browse the collection

      • Definition: To look through the books available in the library.
      • 例句: "I like to browse the collection for new books to read."
    5. Check book location

      • Definition: To determine where a book is located in the library.
      • 例句: "Can you check the location of this book for me?"
    6. Request a book from the shelf

      • Definition: To ask a librarian to retrieve a book from the shelves for you.
      • 例句: "I’d like to request this book from the shelf."
    7. Inquire about book availability

      • Definition: To ask if a book is available for borrowing.
      • 例句: "I’d like to inquire about the availability of this book."
    8. Check if a book is on hold

      • Definition: To find out if a book has been reserved by someone else.
      • 例句: "Can you check if this book is on hold?"
    9. Verify the book’s call number

      • Definition: To confirm the classification number used to locate a book on the shelves.
      • 例句: "I need to verify the call number for this book."
    10. Ask about interlibrary loan options

      • Definition: To inquire whether a book can be borrowed from another library.
      • 例句: "Can you tell me about interlibrary loan options for this book?"
    11. Check the book’s condition

      • Definition: To assess whether a book is in good shape or damaged.
      • 例句: "Can you check the condition of this book before I borrow it?"
    12. Request a book transfer

      • Definition: To ask for a book to be transferred from another branch to your local library.
      • 例句: "I’d like to request a book transfer from the main library to this branch."
    13. Check for book availability online

      • Definition: To use the library’s website to see if a book is available.
      • 例句: "I’m checking for book availability online before coming to the library."
    14. Ask for a book recommendation

      • Definition: To seek suggestions for books to read.
      • 例句: "Could you give me a book recommendation for a good mystery novel?"
    15. Verify the book’s ISBN

      • Definition: To check the International Standard Book Number to confirm the specific edition of a book.
      • 例句: "I need to verify the ISBN to make sure it’s the right edition."


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