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  • 心脏病是一类涉及心脏及其相关结构的疾病的统称。了解相关的英语核心词汇不仅有助于在医学领域中进行有效沟通,还能帮助我们更好地理解疾病的各个方面,包括病因、症状、诊断和治疗。

    1. 心脏病基本术语

    • Heart Disease (心脏病)
      "Heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide."

    • Cardiovascular Disease (心血管疾病)
      "Cardiovascular disease includes conditions such as coronary artery disease and stroke."

    • Coronary Artery Disease (冠心病)
      "Coronary artery disease is caused by the buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries."

    2. 心脏病的症状

    • Chest Pain (胸痛)
      "Chest pain is a common symptom of a heart attack."

    • Shortness of Breath (呼吸急促)
      "Shortness of breath can be a sign of heart failure."

    • Palpitations (心悸)
      "Palpitations are often described as a fluttering or pounding feeling in the chest."

    • Fatigue (疲劳)
      "Fatigue is a common symptom experienced by those with heart disease."

    3. 心脏病的诊断

    • Electrocardiogram (ECG) (心电图)
      "An electrocardiogram (ECG) is used to monitor the electrical activity of the heart."

    • Echocardiogram (超声心动图)
      "An echocardiogram uses sound waves to create images of the heart's chambers and valves."

    • Stress Test (负荷试验)
      "A stress test evaluates how the heart performs under physical exertion."

    • Angiography (血管造影)
      "Angiography is a technique used to visualize the blood vessels of the heart."

    4. 心脏病的治疗

    • Medications (药物)
      "Medications such as beta-blockers and statins are commonly used to manage heart disease."

    • Angioplasty (血管成形术)
      "Angioplasty is a procedure to open blocked coronary arteries."

    • Bypass Surgery (搭桥手术)
      "Bypass surgery creates a new route for blood to flow around blocked arteries."

    • Lifestyle Changes (生活方式改变)
      "Lifestyle changes, such as a healthier diet and regular exercise, are crucial for managing heart disease."

    5. 心脏病的风险因素

    • Hypertension (高血压)
      "Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease."

    • High Cholesterol (高胆固醇)
      "High cholesterol levels can lead to the development of coronary artery disease."

    • Diabetes (糖尿病)
      "Diabetes increases the risk of developing heart disease."

    • Smoking (吸烟)
      "Smoking is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases."

