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  • 乐器是音乐创作和演奏的核心工具,不同的乐器带来不同的音色和演奏风格。掌握常见乐器的英文词汇不仅有助于学习音乐相关的知识,也能帮助在国际化的交流中更准确地表达音乐概念。


    1. 弦乐器 (String Instruments)

    1.1 小提琴 (Violin)

    •  A violin is a wooden string instrument with four strings played with a bow.
    •  小提琴是一种有四根弦的木制弦乐器,用弓演奏。
    •  "The violinist played a beautiful solo piece at the concert."
    •  “小提琴演奏家在音乐会上演奏了一首优美的独奏曲。”

    1.2 吉他 (Guitar)

    •  A guitar is a fretted string instrument typically having six strings and played by strumming or plucking.
    •  吉他是一种有六根弦的带品弦乐器,通常通过拨弦或弹弦演奏。
    •  "He practiced his guitar skills every day to prepare for the performance."
    •  “他每天练习吉他技能,以备演出之需。”

    1.3 大提琴 (Cello)

    •  A cello is a large string instrument with a deep, rich tone, played while seated and held between the knees.
    •  大提琴是一种音色深沉的弦乐器,演奏时坐着并将乐器夹在膝盖之间。
    •  "The cello section added a warm depth to the orchestral piece."
    •  “大提琴组为管弦乐作品增添了温暖的深度。”

    2. 铜管乐器 (Brass Instruments)

    2.1 小号 (Trumpet)

    •  A trumpet is a brass instrument with a flared bell and three valves, known for its bright, penetrating sound.
    •  小号是一种带喇叭口和三个活塞的铜管乐器,以其明亮、穿透力强的声音著称。
    •  "The trumpet solo was the highlight of the jazz band’s performance."
    •  “小号独奏是爵士乐队演出的亮点。”

    2.2 长号 (Trombone)

    •  A trombone is a brass instrument with a sliding mechanism that changes the pitch by extending or shortening the slide.
    •  长号是一种铜管乐器,通过伸缩滑管来改变音高。
    •  "The trombonist skillfully used the slide to create dramatic effects."
    •  “长号演奏者巧妙地使用滑管来创造戏剧性的效果。”

    2.3 圆号 (French Horn)

    •  A French horn is a brass instrument with a coiled tube and a mellow tone, played with a hand inserted into the bell.
    •  圆号是一种有盘绕管子的铜管乐器,声音柔和,演奏时手掌插入喇叭口。
    •  "The French horn added a rich, warm sound to the orchestral arrangement."
    •  “圆号为管弦乐编排增添了丰富、温暖的声音。”

    3. 木管乐器 (Woodwind Instruments)

    3.1 短笛 (Piccolo)

    •  A piccolo is a small, high-pitched woodwind instrument similar to a flute but an octave higher.
    •  短笛是一种小巧、高音的木管乐器,类似于长笛,但音高高一个八度。
    •  "The piccolo played the high, bright melody in the orchestral piece."
    •  “短笛在管弦乐作品中演奏了高亢明亮的旋律。”

    3.2 单簧管 (Clarinet)

    •  A clarinet is a woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece and a cylindrical bore, known for its warm, mellow tone.
    •  单簧管是一种具有单簧嘴和圆柱形管身的木管乐器,以其温暖、柔和的音色著称。
    •  "The clarinetist’s performance was noted for its smooth, expressive tone."
    •  “单簧管演奏者的表演因其平滑、富有表现力的音色而受到赞誉。”

    3.3 双簧管 (Oboe)

    •  An oboe is a woodwind instrument with a double-reed mouthpiece, known for its distinctive, penetrating sound.
    •  双簧管是一种具有双簧嘴的木管乐器,以其独特、穿透力强的声音著称。
    •  "The oboe’s timbre provided a unique color to the chamber music."
    •  “双簧管的音色为室内乐作品增添了独特的色彩。”

    4. 打击乐器 (Percussion Instruments)

    4.1 钢琴 (Piano)

    •  A piano is a large keyboard percussion instrument with strings struck by hammers, known for its wide range and dynamic capabilities.
    •  钢琴是一种大型键盘打击乐器,琴弦由锤子击打,以其广泛的音域和动态能力著称。
    •  "The piano soloist demonstrated incredible technical skill and musicality."
    •  “钢琴独奏家展示了令人难以置信的技术技巧和音乐性。”

    4.2 鼓 (Drums)

    •  Drums are a family of percussion instruments that produce sound by striking a drumhead stretched over a shell.
    •  鼓是一类打击乐器,通过击打覆盖在外壳上的鼓膜来发声。
    •  "The drummer kept a steady beat throughout the entire performance."
    •  “鼓手在整个演出过程中保持了稳定的节拍。”

    4.3 定音鼓 (Timpani)

    •  Timpani, or kettledrums, are large, tunable percussion instruments with a rounded shell and a drumhead that can be tuned to different pitches.
    •  定音鼓(或称为桶鼓)是大型可调音的打击乐器,具有圆形外壳和可以调节音高的鼓膜。
    •  "The timpanist’s powerful strikes added dramatic intensity to the orchestral piece."
    •  “定音鼓演奏者有力的击打为管弦乐作品增添了戏剧性的强度。”

    5. 键盘乐器 (Keyboard Instruments)

    5.1 电子琴 (Synthesizer)

    •  A synthesizer is an electronic keyboard instrument that generates a wide range of sounds through electronic circuits.
    •  电子琴是一种电子键盘乐器,通过电子电路生成各种声音。
    •  "The synthesizer created futuristic sounds that enhanced the electronic music track."
    •  “电子琴产生了未来感的声音,增强了电子音乐的曲目。”

    5.2 风琴 (Organ)

    •  An organ is a keyboard instrument with pipes or electronic components that produce sound through air flow.
    •  风琴是一种键盘乐器,通过气流产生声音,有管风琴和电子风琴之分。
    •  "The organist played a majestic piece that filled the cathedral with rich, resonant tones."
    •  “风琴演奏者演奏了一首宏伟的作品,使大教堂充满了丰富的共鸣音色。”

