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  • “Bummer”是一个常见的口头禅,尤其在英语口语中。它的意思通常是指一种失望、令人不快或不幸的情况。这个词语有点像中文里的“真糟糕”或“太遗憾了”。



    1. 用来表达失望


      • “I missed the concert because I got sick. What a bummer!”(我因为生病错过了音乐会,真是太遗憾了!)
      • “It’s a bummer that the weather is so bad on our vacation.”(我们的假期天气这么差,真是令人失望。)


    2. 用来同情他人


      • “I heard you lost your job. That’s a real bummer.”(我听说你失业了,真是个不幸的消息。)
      • “Oh, you didn’t get the promotion? That’s a bummer.”(哦,你没有晋升?真是遗憾。)





    1. Disappointed - 失望的,通常指期望没有被满足。

      • 例句:I was disappointed with the service at the restaurant.
    2. Let down - 让人失望,指某人或某事未能达到预期。

      • 例句:I felt let down when my friend didn't show up.
    3. Disillusioned - 幻想破灭,通常指对某人或某事失去原有的好印象。

      • 例句:She became disillusioned with politics after the scandal.
    4. Frustrated - 沮丧的,指遇到阻碍或问题而感到不快。

      • 例句:He felt frustrated by the constant delays in the project.
    5. Bewildered - 困惑的,指对发生的事情感到迷惑不解。

      • 例句:The sudden change in plans left everyone bewildered.
    6. Deflated - 泄气的,指原本充满希望或兴奋的情绪突然下降。

      • 例句:The team was deflated after losing the final match.
    7. Disheartened - 沮丧的,指失去勇气或信心。

      • 例句:The constant criticism made her feel disheartened.
    8. Saddened - 伤心的,指因某事而感到悲伤。

      • 例句:We were all saddened by the news of his departure.
    9. Dismay - 惊愕,指对不希望发生的事情感到震惊和不快。

      • 例句:There was a sense of dismay when the proposal was rejected.
    10. Despair - 绝望,指对情况好转不再抱有希望。

      • 例句:After months without a job, he started to feel despair.
    11. Despondent - 沮丧的,指情绪低落,失去活力。

      • 例句:She seemed despondent after the breakup.
    12. Unfulfilled - 未实现的,指没有达到预期的目标或愿望。

      • 例句:He felt unfulfilled in his job and decided to change careers.
    13. Disgruntled - 不满的,指对某事感到不高兴或抱怨。

      • 例句:The workers were disgruntled by the new management policies.
    14. Mournful - 悲哀的,指因失去某人或某物而感到悲伤。

      • 例句:The mournful look in her eyes spoke volumes about her loss.
    15. Regretful - 遗憾的,指对过去的行为或决定感到后悔。

      • 例句:He was regretful for not taking the opportunity when it was offered.