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历史上的今天 ·1908年-美国作家理查德·赖特诞生


历史上的今天 ·1908年-美国作家理查德·赖特诞生

  • 理查德·赖特(Richard Wright)是一位著名的美国黑人作家,1908年9月4日出生于密西西比州纳切兹附近的一个种植园。他的祖父曾是奴隶,父亲是种植园工人,后来离家出走。赖特的母亲是一位乡村教师。

    Richard Wright (1908-1960) was a seminal American author and playwright, best known for his powerful exploration of racial and social issues in the United States. His most notable works include "Native Son" (1940), which portrays the struggles of an African American man in a racially divided society, and "Black Boy" (1945), an autobiography detailing his harsh upbringing in the Jim Crow South. Wright’s writing is characterized by its stark realism and deep engagement with themes of oppression and identity.



    • Seminal: 开创性的
    • Racial and social issues: 种族和社会问题
    • Portray: 描绘
    • Struggles: 挣扎
    • Racially divided society: 种族分裂的社会
    • Autobiography: 自传
    • Harsh upbringing: 艰难的成长经历
    • Jim Crow South: 吉姆·克劳南方(指种族隔离时期的南方)
    • Stark realism: 生动的现实主义
    • Oppression: 压迫
    • Identity: 身份
    1. 《黑孩子》(Black Boy, 1945):

      • 节选:“Richard Wright grew up in the woods of Mississippi amid poverty, hunger, fear, and hatred. He lied, stole, and raged at those around him; at six he...”
      • 这段文字揭示了赖特童年时期在密西西比州的艰苦生活,展现了他如何在贫困、饥饿、恐惧和仇恨中成长。这段经历塑造了他对社会的深刻认识和强烈的反抗精神。
    2. 《土生子》(Native Son, 1940):

      • 节选:“...he had killed a white girl, and he was going to die for it. He could not escape. He was trapped, caught in a world whose shape he did not know....”
      • 这段文字来自《土生子》的结尾,主角别格(Bigger Thomas)意识到自己的命运已被种族和社会结构所限定。赖特通过别格的内心独白,展示了黑人在白人主导的社会中的无力感和绝望。
    3. 《局外人》(The Outsider, 1953):

      • 节选:“...he was a man who had died and come back to life, and he was looking at the world with new eyes....”
      • 在《局外人》中,赖特探讨了个体在社会中的异化感。主角通过假死来寻求新的生活,但他发现无论他如何改变,都无法逃脱社会的标签和偏见。
    上一篇:“名片”不是“name card”吗?