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  • 记忆英语单词对于学习者来说是一项挑战,但通过创造性的记忆技巧,我们可以将这一过程变得有趣而高效。本文将介绍一些实用的词汇记忆策略,并通过例句解析重点词汇,帮助大家更深入地理解和记忆英语单词。这些方法包括形象比较、画图记忆、变换字母、添加字母、删节字母、谐音联系、逆向思维、分解记忆、寓意其中和借助故事等。

    1. 形象比较:

      • 例句:The glass slipped from her hand and shattered on the grass.
      • 解析:通过形象地将“r”联想成小草,我们可以记住 grass(草地)与 glass(玻璃杯)的区别。
    2. 画图记忆:

      • 例句:She opened her eyes wide in surprise.
      • 解析:将单词 eye 与脸部特征结合,可以帮助我们记住 eye(眼睛)这个词。
    3. 变换字母:

      • 例句:The gull swooped down to catch the fish, while the bull stood still, watching the children pull their cart.
      • 解析:通过变换字母,我们可以记住 pull(拉)、bull(公牛)、gull(海鸥)等单词。
    4. 添加字母:

      • 例句:He wrote about his daily life in his diary, which he kept under his pillow.
      • 解析:通过添加字母,我们可以从 day 联想到 diary(日记)。
    5. 删节字母:

      • 例句:The class was dismissed, and the lass ran after the classmate, who was known to be an ass at times.
      • 解析:通过删节字母,我们可以从 class(班级)联想到 lass(少女)和 ass(傻瓜)。
    6. 谐音联系:

      • 例句:The sand on the beach was so fine that it felt like it would scatter with a light breeze.
      • 解析:sand(沙)的发音与汉语中的“散的”相似,帮助我们记忆。
    7. 逆向思维:

      • 例句:Now that he has won the prize, he won't forget the hard work he put in.
      • 解析:通过逆向拼写,我们可以记住 won(赢得)和 now(现在)。
    8. 分解记忆:

      • 例句:The watermelon was so large that it took two people to carry it.
      • 解析:将 watermelon 分解为 water 和 melon,有助于记忆。
    9. 寓意其中:

      • 例句:The news spread quickly throughout the town, as if carried by the winds from north, east, west, and south.
      • 解析:news(新闻)一词的构成寓意着消息来自四面八方。
    10. 借助故事:

      • 例句:The island was once connected to the mainland, but the rising sea levels created a natural barrier.
      • 解析:了解 island(岛屿)一词的历史故事,有助于记忆。

    前缀记忆: 前缀是英语单词的重要组成部分,它们可以改变单词的意义。以下是一些常见的前缀及其例句:

    1. 表示否定的前缀:

      • 例句:Despite the disadvantages, he continued his efforts to achieve his goal.
      • 解析:dis- 前缀表示否定,如 disadvantage(缺点)。
    2. 表示“前”的前缀:

      • 例句:The preface of the book provides an overview of the author's intentions.
      • 解析:pre- 前缀表示“前”,如 preface(前言)。
    3. 表示“后”的前缀:

      • 例句:Post-war reconstruction took many years to complete.
      • 解析:post- 前缀表示“后”,如 post-war(战后)。
    4. 表示“低”、“下”的前缀:

      • 例句:The submarine dove beneath the surface of the hypocritical ocean.
      • 解析:sub- 前缀表示“下”,如 submarine(潜艇)。
    5. 表示“回”、“再次”的前缀:

      • 例句:The team had to refuel before they could continue their journey.
      • 解析:re- 前缀表示“回”,如 refuel(加油)。

