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  • 雅思(International English Language Testing System)是国际上广泛认可的英语水平测试,对于计划留学、移民或工作的人来说,掌握雅思考试的核心词汇至关重要。这些词汇不仅涵盖了日常生活、学术研究、工作环境等多个领域,而且对于提升英语听说读写能力有着不可忽视的作用。本文将介绍25组雅思英语词汇,帮助考生在备考过程中更有效地扩充词汇量,提高语言运用能力,从而在雅思考试中取得理想成绩。

    abrogate /'æbrəgeɪt/ 英文释义:to fail to do what is required by (something) 中文释义:失职 例句:The company's directors were accused of abrogating their responsibilities.
    belie /bɪ'laɪ/ 英文释义:to give a false representation to; misrepresent 中文释义:给人以假象 例句:Her energy and youthful good looks belie her 65 years.
    cajole /kə'dʒəʊl/ 英文释义:persuade by flattery or coaxing 中文释义:哄骗 例句: People with bad intentions can easily cajole children with candies or toys.
    conciliate /kən'sɪlɪeɪt/ 英文释义:to make peace with 中文释义:安抚,调和 例句:It is nearly impossible to conciliate these two disagreeing families.
    diatribe /'daɪətraɪb/ 英文释义:a verbal attack against a person 中文释义:谴责 例句:The book is a diatribe against mainstream concept.
    dilatory /'dɪlət(ə)rɪ/ 英文释义:causing a delay 中文释义:拖延的 例句:One of my friends tends to be dilatory about answering messages.
    equivocation /ɪ'kwɪvəkeɪt/ 英文释义:to speak vaguely, with the intention of misleading someone 中文释义:含糊其辞 例句:His answers were filled with evasions and equivocations.
    fatuous /'fætjʊəs/ 英文释义:devoid of intelligence 中文释义:愚笨的 例句:Their arguments were completely fatuous.
    hoi polloi /ˏhɔɪ pəˈlɔɪ/ 英文释义:the common people generally 中文释义:老百姓,普通人 例句:Monstrously inflated costs (天价) are designed to keep the hoi polloi at bay (走投无路).
    inchoate /ɪn'kəʊeɪt/ 英文释义:only partly in existence; imperfectly formed 中文释义:早期的,尚未发展完善的 例句:Once cancers are found out, except few inchoate can be cured by operation, most of others are uncurable.
    indefatigable /ˌɪndɪ'fætɪgəb(ə)l/ 英文释义:showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality 中文释义:不知疲倦的 例句:His indefatigable spirit helped him to cope with his illness.
    inundate /'ɪnʌndeɪt/ 英文释义:flooded 中文释义:淹没 例句:Low-lying areas could be inundated by rising rivers.
    invective /ɪn'vektɪv/
    英文释义:abusive language 中文释义:辱骂,谩骂 例句:Misleading comments full of invective against a particular matter should be controlled for network order.
    martinet /ˌmɑːtɪ'net/ 英文释义:a very strict person who demands that other people obey orders or rules completely 中文释义:严格执行纪律的人 例句:He is a retired officer and a bit of a martinet.
    pillory /'pɪlərɪ/ 英文释义:to publicly criticize (someone) in a very harsh way 中文释义:使受公众批评 例句:Criminals should be pilloried by the public.
    truculent /'trʌkjʊl(ə)nt/ 英文释义:have a fierce, savage nature 中文释义:好斗的,野蛮的 例句:It is the responsibility of schools to educate youngsters not to be truculent.
    vicissitude /vɪ'sɪsɪtjuːd/ 英文释义:an unwelcome or unpleasant change in circumstances or fortune 中文释义:(尤指不受欢迎或不愉快的)世事变化 例句:By then the house and its occupants have been through many vicissitudes.
    jackassery /'dʒæk,æsərɪ/ 英文释义:foolish behaviour or stupidity 中文释义:愚蠢,蠢事 例句:His jackassery was exposed beneath klieg lights for all to see.
    nonplussed /ˌnɔnˈplʌst/ 英文释义:filled with bewilderment 中文释义:非常困惑的 例句:He was rather nonplussed by her question.
    panache /pə'næʃ/ 英文释义:distinctive and stylish elegance 中文释义:神气十足 例句:She carried off the performance with panache.
    surreptitious /ˌsʌrəp'tɪʃəs/ 英文释义:taking pains not to be caught or detected 中文释义:鬼鬼祟祟的 例句:She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch.
    unabashed /ʌnə'bæʃt/ 英文释义:not embarrassed or ashamed  中文释义:不害羞的 例句:He seems unabashed by his recent defeat.
    uncanny /ʌn'kænɪ/ 英文释义:strange or unusual in a way that is surprising or difficult to understand 中文释义:离奇的;不可思议的 例句:She had an uncanny resemblance to someone I had seen before.
    untoward /ʌntə'wɔːd/ 英文释义:unusual and unexpected, and usually unpleasant 中文释义:不合时宜的 例句:There was nothing untoward about his appearance.
    asperity /ə'sperɪtɪ/ 英文释义: harsh in manner 中文释义:粗鲁,刻薄 例句:There was a touch of asperity in his tone.