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  • “住酒店” 是一个常见的日常活动,特别是在旅行和出差时。在英文中,描述这一行为有多种表达方式,如 “stay at a hotel” 或 “book a hotel room”。

    “Stay at a Hotel”


    “Stay at a hotel” 是描述“住酒店”的最常见表达方式。这里的“stay”意为“住宿”或“停留”,而“hotel”则是“酒店”。这个表达强调的是在酒店内过夜或长时间停留。


    1. 例句: “I will stay at a hotel in downtown New York during my business trip.”

    2. 例句: “They decided to stay at a hotel near the beach for their vacation.”

    3. 例句: “We stayed at a luxurious hotel while visiting Paris.”

    4. 例句: “The conference attendees stayed at a hotel that was conveniently located near the venue.”

    5. 例句: “During our road trip, we stayed at various hotels along the way.”

    “Book a Hotel Room”


    “Book a hotel room” 指的是预订酒店房间的过程。这里的“book”意味着“预定”,而“hotel room”则是“酒店房间”。这个表达侧重于预订行为,而不是实际的住宿。


    1. 例句: “I need to book a hotel room for my upcoming vacation.”

    2. 例句: “She booked a hotel room online to get a better rate.”

    3. 例句: “We should book a hotel room in advance to ensure availability during the peak season.”

    4. 例句: “He called the hotel to book a room with a sea view.”

    5. 例句: “You can book a hotel room through various travel websites or directly on the hotel’s website.”

    “Check into a Hotel”


    “Check into a hotel” 是指“办理入住手续”。在到达酒店后,客人通常需要完成这一过程以获得房间并开始住宿。这个短语强调的是入住的行政步骤。


    1. 例句: “We arrived late at night, so we quickly checked into the hotel.”

    2. 例句: “After checking into the hotel, I went straight to my room to unpack.”

    3. 例句: “Please make sure to check into the hotel before 3 PM.”

    4. 例句: “The reception desk was busy, but the staff helped us check into the hotel efficiently.”

    5. 例句: “She checked into the hotel and then went out to explore the city.”

    “Check Out of a Hotel”


    “Check out of a hotel” 是指“退房”或“办理退房手续”。这个短语强调了客人在离开酒店时所需的行政步骤。


    1. 例句: “We checked out of the hotel early to catch our morning flight.”

    2. 例句: “The hotel requires guests to check out by noon.”

    3. 例句: “After checking out of the hotel, we headed to the airport.”

    4. 例句: “She forgot to check out of the hotel, so she had to call them later to settle the bill.”

    5. 例句: “You can check out of the hotel at the front desk or through the mobile app.”

    “Stay Over”


    “Stay over” 是一个较为口语化的表达,指的是在某地过夜,通常是不计划的或临时的住宿。


    1. 例句: “I decided to stay over at a friend’s house instead of driving home late at night.”

    2. 例句: “We had to stay over at a hotel because of the unexpected storm.”

    3. 例句: “They stayed over at a motel on their way to the next city.”

    4. 例句: “If you stay over, please make sure to let us know in advance.”

    5. 例句: “He stayed over at his colleague’s place after the late meeting.”

    “Lodge at a Hotel”


    “Lodge at a hotel” 是一种较为正式的表达,意指在酒店“住宿”。“Lodge” 是一个相对正式的词汇,用于正式或书面的语境中。


    1. 例句: “They chose to lodge at a historic hotel during their visit to the old town.”

    2. 例句: “We will lodge at a five-star hotel for the duration of the conference.”

    3. 例句: “The company provides accommodation for employees who lodge at approved hotels.”

    4. 例句: “He lodged at a quaint hotel in the countryside for a relaxing weekend.”

    5. 例句: “The tour package includes lodging at comfortable hotels throughout the trip.”

    在英文中,描述“住酒店”的表达有多种方式,包括 “stay at a hotel”、“book a hotel room”、“check into a hotel”、“check out of a hotel”、“stay over”、“lodge at a hotel”等。每种表达都有其特定的语境和使用场景,可以根据具体情况选择合适的短语来描述酒店住宿的不同方面。
