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历史上的今天 · 1915年-德国细菌学家保罗埃尔利希逝世


历史上的今天 · 1915年-德国细菌学家保罗埃尔利希逝世

  • 保罗·埃尔利希(Paul Ehrlich,1854-1915)是德国著名的细菌学家和免疫学家,被誉为现代免疫学的奠基人之一。他的研究开创了化疗和免疫治疗的新领域。埃尔利希最著名的贡献是提出了“神奇子弹”理论,强调药物可以特异性地靶向有害病原体而不损害宿主。这一理论催生了第一个有效治疗梅毒的药物——萨尔瓦散(Salvarsan),为现代医学的进步奠定了基础。

    Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) was a pioneering German bacteriologist and immunologist. His work laid the foundations for modern immunology and chemotherapy. Ehrlich is best known for developing the concept of "magic bullets" in medicine, which refers to specific drugs that target harmful pathogens without damaging the host. This concept led to the development of the first effective treatment for syphilis, known as Salvarsan.

    Ehrlich's research significantly advanced the understanding of the immune system and the development of targeted treatments. His work on staining techniques allowed for the identification of different types of blood cells and pathogens, greatly enhancing diagnostic methods in medicine. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1908, sharing it with Elie Metchnikoff for their contributions to immunology.

    Ehrlich's legacy continues to influence the fields of bacteriology, immunology, and chemotherapy. His innovative approach to medicine and his emphasis on targeted treatments paved the way for future advances in medical science. Paul Ehrlich passed away in 1915, but his contributions remain a cornerstone in the study of infectious diseases and the development of therapeutic drugs.


    1. Pioneering - 开创性的

      • Paul Ehrlich made pioneering contributions to the field of immunology.
      • 保罗·埃尔利希对免疫学领域做出了开创性的贡献。
    2. Bacteriologist - 细菌学家

      • As a bacteriologist, Ehrlich studied the effects of bacteria on human health.
      • 作为一名细菌学家,埃尔利希研究了细菌对人类健康的影响。
    3. Immunologist - 免疫学家

      • Ehrlich's work as an immunologist helped in understanding how the body fights infections.
      • 埃尔利希作为免疫学家的工作有助于理解身体如何对抗感染。
    4. Concept - 概念

      • The concept of "magic bullets" revolutionized the treatment of diseases.
      • “神奇子弹”的概念彻底改变了疾病的治疗方法。
    5. Salvarsan - 萨尔瓦散(特指第一个有效的梅毒治疗药物)

      • Salvarsan was the first effective treatment for syphilis developed by Ehrlich.
      • 萨尔瓦散是埃尔利希开发的第一个有效的梅毒治疗药物。
    6. Staining techniques - 染色技术

      • Staining techniques developed by Ehrlich improved the ability to diagnose diseases.
      • 埃尔利希开发的染色技术提高了诊断疾病的能力。
    7. Nobel Prize - 诺贝尔奖

      • Paul Ehrlich was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contributions to medicine.
      • 保罗·埃尔利希因其对医学的贡献获得了诺贝尔奖。
    8. Therapeutic drugs - 治疗药物

      • His research laid the groundwork for the development of therapeutic drugs.
      • 他的研究为治疗药物的发展奠定了基础。
    9. Legacy - 遗产

      • Ehrlich's legacy continues to impact modern medical science.
      • 埃尔利希的遗产继续影响现代医学科学。
    10. Pathogens - 病原体

      • Magic bullets target harmful pathogens without harming the host.
      • 神奇子弹针对有害病原体,而不会伤害宿主。



