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  • 中国,作为拥有五千年悠久历史的文明古国,孕育了丰富多彩的文化遗产和独特的传统艺术。从书法、绘画到京剧、茶艺,再到哲学思想,中国文化以其深厚的历史底蕴和独特的审美价值影响着世界。在当今全球化的背景下,了解和掌握与之相关的英文词汇,不仅有助于我们更好地向世界介绍和传播中国文化,也促进了跨文化之间的理解和尊重。


    • 拜年: pay a new year call
    • 爆竹: firecracker
    • 鞭炮: a string of small fire crackers
    • 大扫除: year-end household
    • 灯谜: lantern riddles
    • 庙会: temple fair
    • 年画: new year’s picture
    • 挂年画: to hang out new year’s picture
    • 年夜饭: family reunion dinner on lunar new year
    • 守岁: to stay awake all night
    • 年糕: glutinous cake for new year
    • 大年初一: the first day of the first lunar month
    • 八宝饭: eight-treasure rice pudding
    • 对联: poetic couplets
    • 贴春联: to put up antithetical couplets
    • 糊窗花: to put up window paper-cuts
    • 压岁钱: money given to children as a lunar new year gift


    • 轿子: sedans
    • 风车: pinwheel
    • 杂技: acrobatics
    • 魔术: magic
    • 皮影: shadow puppet
    • 糖人: sugar-molded
    • 四合院: courtyard homes
    • 踩高跷: stilt walk
    • 武术: martial arts
    • 人力车: rickshaw
    • 宫灯: palace lantern
    • 猜拳: finger-guessing game
    • 说书: monologue story-telling
    • 老字号: time-honored
    • 相声: cross talk
    • 本命年: this animal year of sb.
    • 处世之道: philosophy of life
    • 姻缘: yinyuan (prefixed fate of marriage)


    • 馄饨: wonton
    • 锅贴: guotie (fried jiaozi)
    • 春卷: Spring Roll(s)
    • 莲藕: Lotus Root
    • 花卷: steamed twisted rolls
    • 套餐: set meal
    • 盒饭: box lunch; Chinese take-away
    • 米豆腐: rice tofu
    • 米粉: rice noodles
    • 冰糖葫芦: a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples, etc.)
    • 火锅: Hot Pot
    • 八宝饭: eight-treasure rice pudding
    • 粉丝: glass noodles
    • 豆腐脑: jellied bean curd
    • 北京烤鸭: Beijing Roast Duck
    • 小吃摊: Snack Bar/Snack Stand


    • 宣纸: rice paper
    • 衙门: yamen
    • 叩头: kowtow
    • 孔子: Confucius
    • 牌楼: pailou; pai-loo
    • 武术: wushu (Chinese Martial Arts)
    • 功夫: kungfu; kung fu
    • 中庸: the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)
    • 中和: harmony (zhonghe)
    • 孝顺: to show filial obedience
    • 孝子: dutiful son
    • 家长: family head
    • 三纲: three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son, husband guides wife
    • 五常: five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and fidelity
    • 八股文: eight-legged essays
    • 多子多福: The more sons/children, the more blessing/great happiness
    • 养儿防老: raising sons to support one in one’s old age


    • 武术: martial arts
    • 气功: Qigong
    • 打擂台: to fight a challenge fight in an arena
    • 听评书: to listen to historical or traditional stories
    • 下象棋: to play Chinese chess
    • 练习书法: to make special studies of calligraphy
    • 画国画: to do traditional Chinese painting
    • 题诗: to inscribe a poem
    • 求对: to match an antithetical couplet
    • 禅宗: Zen Buddhism
    • 禅: dhyana; dhgaya
    • 混沌: chaos
    • 道: Daosim, the way and its power
    • 四谛: Four Noble Truths
    • 八正道: Eightfold Path
    • 无常: anity
    • 五行说: Theory of Five Elements
    • 无我: anatman
    • 坐禅: metta or transcendental meditation
    • 空: sunyata
    • 虚无: nothingness
    • 还愿: redeem a wish (vows)


    • 红楼梦: A Dream of Red Mansion/Chamber
    • 水浒: Water Margin
    • 西游记: Journey to the West
    • 三国演义: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
    • 聊斋志异: Strange Tales from a Scholar’s Studio
    • 牛郎和织女: The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl
    • 《西厢记》: The Western Chamber
    • 《醒世恒言》: Stories to Awaken Men
    • 《喻世明言》: Stories to Enlighten Men
    • 《警世通言》: Stories to Warn Men
    • 《官场现形记》: Exposure of the Official World
    • 《本草纲目》: Outline of Herb Medicine
    • 《史记》: Records of the Historian
    • 《资治通鉴》: History as a Mirror


    • 国庆节: National Day
    • 中秋节: Mid-Autumn Day/Festival
    • 除夕: Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival
    • 春节: Spring Festival
    • 元宵节: Lantern Festival
    • 儿童节: Children’s Day
    • 端午节: Dragon Boat Festival
    • 妇女节: Women’s Day
    • 泼水节: Water-Splashing Day
    • 教师节: Teachers’ Day
    • 五四青年节: Youth Day


    1. 画类

      • 壁画: mural
      • 国画: Chinese traditional painting
      • 水墨画: ink and wash painting
      • 绢画: silk painting
      • 木刻画: wood engraving
      • 版画: engraving
      • 贝雕画: shell carving painting
      • 年画: new year picture
    2. 陶器类

      • 陶器: pottery ware
      • 玉器: jade article
      • 瓷器: china ware
      • 青瓷: celadon
      • 青铜器: bronze ware
      • 景泰蓝: cloisonné enamel
      • 漆器: lacquer ware
      • 彩陶: painted pottery
      • 唐三彩: trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty
    3. 雕刻类

      • 冰雕: ice carving
      • 玉雕: jade carving
      • 石雕: stone carving
      • 骨雕: bones carving
      • 贝雕: shell carving
      • 木雕: wood carving
      • 根雕: tree root carving
      • 瓷器雕: porcelain carving
      • 象牙雕: ivory carving
    4. 塑像类

      • 彩塑: painted sculpture
      • 画塑: dough figurine
      • 泥人儿: clay figure
    5. 扇类

      • 绢扇: silk fan
      • 檀香扇: sandal wood fan
      • 折扇: folding fan
    6. 宝石类

      • 珍珠: pearl
      • 玛瑙: agate
      • 珊瑚: coral
      • 翡翠: green jade
      • 琥珀: amber
      • 玉: jade
    7. 工艺类

      • 刺绣: embroidery
      • 双面绣: two-sided embroidery
      • 挂毯: tapestry
      • 蜡染: batik
      • 藤条制品: wickerwork
      • 真丝: pure silk
      • 烟嘴: cigarette holder
      • 鼻烟壶: snuff bottle
      • 图章: seal
    上一篇:As cool as a watermelon “像西瓜一样酷”?