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  • "精神抖擞"常用来形容人精神饱满、状态极佳,充满了活力和干劲。这个成语常用于描述某人在身体或心理上表现出的积极、活跃和充满能量的状态。它通常用于形容人在早晨起床后、休息充分后或经过一段时间的调整后,感到精力充沛、准备迎接新的挑战或任务。

    “精神抖擞”,汉语成语,形容精神振奋,饱满。可以翻译为“be in high spirits,be vigorous and energetic或brace up”等。



    She returns to work feeling energized.

    He pretended to be in high spirits. He wore exhausted smiles, though.

    他假装情绪很高, 不过却露出了疲惫的微笑.

    Let's brace up and finish the work in two days.


    在英语中,有多种表达方式可以传达类似的意思,以下是精力充沛的几种英文表达:   1. Energetic    - 描述一个人充满活力和能量。    - 例句:After a good night's sleep, she woke up feeling energetic and ready to tackle the day's challenges.   2. Vibrant    - 形容人或事物充满活力、生机勃勃。    - 例句:The vibrant young artist brought a fresh perspective to the old art studio.   3. Full of beans    - 一个非正式的表达,意思是精力充沛、活力四射。    - 例句:Ever since he started his new fitness routine, he's been full of beans every morning.   4. Dynamic    - 形容人积极主动、充满活力。    - 例句:She is a dynamic leader who inspires her team with her enthusiasm and creativity.   5. Lively    - 形容人或活动充满生气和乐趣。    - 例句:The party was so lively with everyone dancing and having a great time.   6. Zesty    - 形容人或事物充满活力、有趣味。    - 例句:The new marketing campaign is zesty and engaging, capturing the attention of potential customers.   7. Peppy    - 一个非正式的表达,形容人充满活力和快乐。    - 例句:Despite the long flight, she was still peppy and ready to explore the city.   8. Full of vim and vigor    - 这是一个较为正式的表达,意思是充满活力和精力。    - 例句:After his vacation, he returned to work full of vim and vigor, ready to take on new projects.   9. Raring to go    - 形容人非常渴望开始行动或工作。    - 例句:As soon as the project was announced, she was raring to go and couldn't wait to get started.   10. Brimming with energy     - 形容人充满能量,好像随时都会溢出来一样。     - 例句:The children were brimming with energy, running around the playground and laughing loudly.   这些表达方式可以根据上下文和语气的不同灵活运用,帮助你准确地描述一个人精力充沛的状态。无论是正式场合还是日常对话,这些词汇都能有效地传达出“精神抖擞”的含义。