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  • 火灾是威胁公共安全的重要因素之一,它不仅会造成巨大的经济损失,还可能危及人们的生命安全。因此,了解和掌握火灾预防知识,以及在火灾发生时的正确应对措施,对于每个人来说都至关重要。


    1. 日常防火注意事项

      • 不乱扔未熄灭的烟头和其他火种,不在床上或沙发上吸烟,尤其是在酒后或疲劳时。
      • Do not throw unextinguished cigarette butts and other fire sources, and do not smoke on the bed or sofa, especially when drunk or tired.
    2. 及时关闭电源开关及煤气、液化气总阀门。外出时、临睡前熄灭室内外火种。

      • Turn off the power switch and the main gas and liquefied gas valves in time. When going out and before going to bed, extinguish indoor and outdoor fire sources.
    3. 不要玩火,不要玩弄电器设备,发现电器或线路故障要及时报修。

      • Do not play with fire or electrical equipment, and report for repairs if electrical or wiring failures are found.
    4. 在规定区域内燃放烟花爆竹。

      • Set off fireworks and firecrackers in designated areas.
    5. 要确保走道、楼梯的畅通,不在楼层通道和安全出口处堆物封堵。

      • Ensure that walkways and stairs are unobstructed, and do not block passages and safety exits on the floors.
    6. 不乱接乱拉电线,宿舍内严禁使用热得快、电熨斗等大功率电器。

      • Do not connect and pull wires randomly, and it is strictly forbidden to use high-power electrical appliances such as quick heaters and irons in the dormitory.
    7. 宿舍内不存放酒精、油漆、烟花爆竹等易燃易爆物品。

      • Do not store flammable and explosive materials such as alcohol, paint, fireworks, and firecrackers in the dormitory.
    8. 熟悉消防器材的使用方法,以便能及时扑灭初期火灾。

      • Be familiar with the use of fire-fighting equipment to extinguish the initial fire in time.
    9. 定期对电气设备和线路的运行及维护情况进行检查。

      • Regularly check the operation and maintenance of electrical equipment and lines.


    1. 干粉灭火器

      • 使用时,先拔掉保险销,一只手握住喷嘴,另一只手握紧压柄,干粉喷出即可。
      • When in use, first remove the safety pin, hold the nozzle with one hand, and the pressing handle with the other, then spray the dry powder.
    2. 二氧化碳灭火器

      • 使用时,先拔掉保险销,然后握紧压柄开关,二氧化碳即可喷出。
      • When in use, first remove the safety pin, then hold the pressing handle, and the carbon dioxide will be sprayed out.


    1. 报警

      • Call the police
      • Dial the correct number (fire alarm number: 119).
      • Try to explain clearly the location, the part where the fire started, the materials on fire, the size of the fire, and whether anyone is trapped.
      • Explain your name, unit, contact information, and telephone number.
      • After calling, send someone to wait for the fire truck at the street intersection or village entrance, and guide the fire truck to the fire scene.
    2. 扑救

      • Put out the fire
      • In the initial stage of the fire, the area is small and the temperature is low, making it the most favorable time for extinguishing the fire.
    3. 逃生

      • Escape
      • Activate the fire emergency plan immediately in case of fire, and guide people to evacuate as quickly as possible.
      • When evacuating, do not be greedy for property, do not run around, and do not use elevators.
      • If trapped by fire, do not panic, immediately call for help on the balcony or window by shouting or waving clothes.
      • When escaping through dense smoke, wrap your body with wet clothes, cover your mouth and nose, and stay close to the ground.