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  • 在日常生活中,送孩子上学是许多家庭的日常活动。这个过程充满了各种细节和动作,从准备早饭到最后的告别。在英语中,我们可以使用许多动词来描述这一场景,这些动词不仅能帮助我们更精确地表达行动,还能让我们在交流中更加生动。

    1. Drop off

    “Drop off”是描述送孩子上学时常用的动词之一。它指的是将孩子送到学校的门口,通常是由父母或监护人完成的动作。这个动词强调了行动的结束点,即把孩子放在指定地点的过程。

    • 例句: “Every morning, I drop off my daughter at her school before heading to work.”(每天早上,我把女儿送到学校,然后去上班。)
    • 应用场景: 适用于描述将孩子送到学校的门口或指定地点的动作,通常不涉及陪伴孩子进入校园的部分。

    2. Escort


    • 例句: “She escorts her son to the classroom every day to make sure he gets settled in.”(她每天都陪着儿子到教室,确保他安顿好。)
    • 应用场景: 适合用来描述陪伴孩子进入学校或课堂的情况,强调陪同的持续性和关心。

    3. Drive


    • 例句: “He drives his children to school every morning to avoid the crowded public transport.”(他每天早上开车送孩子上学,以避免拥挤的公共交通。)
    • 应用场景: 描述用车将孩子从家里送到学校的过程,适合在涉及交通工具的情境中使用。

    4. Prepare


    • 例句: “Before leaving, she prepares her child’s lunch and checks that all school supplies are packed.”(出门之前,她准备好孩子的午餐,并检查所有的学习用品是否已打包好。)
    • 应用场景: 适合用于描述送孩子上学之前所需的准备步骤,强调准备过程的重要性。

    5. Kiss


    • 例句: “He kisses his daughter goodbye before she gets out of the car.”(他在女儿下车之前给她一个吻告别。)
    • 应用场景: 描述亲吻作为告别的一部分,传达感情和关怀的动作。


    1. Get up - 起床

      • 例句:We need to get up early to prepare for school.
    2. Dress - 穿衣

      • 例句:Help your sister dress in her school uniform.
    3. Brush - 刷(牙)

      • 例句:Don't forget to brush your teeth before we leave.
    4. Eat - 吃(早餐)

      • 例句:Eat your breakfast quickly; we need to go.
    5. Pack - 打包

      • 例句:Pack your school bag with all the necessary books and stationery.
    6. Walk - 走

      • 例句:We'll walk to the bus stop together.
    7. Drive - 驾车

      • 例句:I'll drive you to school today.
    8. Ride - 骑(自行车)

      • 例句:You can ride your bike to school if you like.
    9. Wait - 等待

      • 例句:Wait for your brother to finish getting ready.
    10. Hurry - 赶紧

      • 例句:Hurry up or we'll be late for school.
    11. Drop off - 放下(送孩子到学校)

      • 例句:I'll drop you off at the school gate.
    12. Kiss - 亲吻

      • 例句:Give me a kiss before you go into school.
    13. Wave - 挥手

      • 例句:Wave goodbye as you enter the school.
    14. Encourage - 鼓励

      • 例句:I encourage you to do your best in school today.
    15. Remind - 提醒

      • 例句:I'll remind you to take your homework with you.
    16. Escort - 护送

      • 例句:I'll escort you to your classroom.
    17. Depart - 离开

      • 例句:I'll depart once I see you're safely inside.
    18. Ensure - 确保

      • 例句:I'll ensure you have everything you need for school.
    19. Prepare - 准备

      • 例句:Make sure you prepare your lunch and snacks.
    20. Arrive - 到达

      • 例句:Text me when you arrive at school.

