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  • 薪酬是指员工为完成工作所获得的经济回报,通常包括工资、奖金、福利等多种形式。它不仅仅反映了员工的工作价值,也体现了公司对其贡献的认可和奖励。薪酬管理涉及如何设定合理的薪资结构、制定公平的薪酬政策,并确保与市场标准和公司财务状况相匹配。薪酬(compensation)的相关英语词汇涵盖了多个方面。

    1. Basic Terms (基本术语)

    1. Salary - 基本工资,通常指固定的月薪或年薪。

      • "She receives a competitive salary for her position."
    2. Wage - 工资,通常按小时或周计算,适用于兼职或非固定工时的工作。

      • "The minimum wage was increased last year."
    3. Hourly Rate - 每小时的工资率,用于计算按小时工作的薪水。

      • "The hourly rate for this job is $15."
    4. Annual Salary - 年薪,总计一年内的工资收入。

      • "His annual salary is $60,000."
    5. Base Salary - 基础工资,通常是未包括奖金或福利的工资。

      • "The base salary for the position is $50,000."
    6. Commission - 佣金,基于销售或业绩的额外收入。

      • "She earns a commission on each sale she makes."
    7. Bonus - 奖金,额外支付的薪酬,通常基于业绩。

      • "He received a bonus for exceeding his sales targets."
    8. Incentive - 激励奖金,激发员工工作的额外报酬。

      • "Incentives are offered to employees who meet their targets."
    9. Overtime Pay - 加班工资,超过标准工时的额外薪资。

      • "She gets overtime pay for working more than 40 hours a week."
    10. Profit Sharing - 利润分享,员工根据公司利润的份额获取额外薪酬。

      • "Profit sharing is a benefit provided by the company."

    2. Benefits and Allowances (福利和津贴)

    1. Healthcare Benefits - 医疗福利,包括健康保险、医疗费用报销等。

      • "The company offers comprehensive healthcare benefits."
    2. Retirement Plan - 退休计划,为员工提供退休后的经济保障。

      • "The company provides a 401(k) retirement plan."
    3. Pension - 养老金,退休后定期支付的金额。

      • "He is looking forward to receiving his pension after retirement."
    4. Paid Time Off (PTO) - 带薪休假,包括年假、病假等。

      • "Employees are entitled to 15 days of paid time off each year."
    5. Sick Leave - 病假,因健康问题而获得的带薪休假。

      • "The company provides 10 days of sick leave annually."
    6. Holiday Pay - 假期工资,节假日工作的额外薪资。

      • "Holiday pay is provided for working on public holidays."
    7. Travel Allowance - 差旅津贴,用于支付与工作相关的旅行费用。

      • "Employees receive a travel allowance for business trips."
    8. Housing Allowance - 住房津贴,用于支付租房或购房的费用。

      • "A housing allowance is provided for employees relocating to a new city."
    9. Meal Allowance - 餐饮津贴,覆盖工作期间的餐饮费用。

      • "A meal allowance is given for business-related travel."
    10. Education Assistance - 教育补助,用于员工的培训或学费。

      • "Education assistance is available for employees pursuing further education."

    3. Compensation Strategies (薪酬策略)

    1. Competitive Compensation - 具有竞争力的薪酬,通常基于市场标准。

      • "The company offers competitive compensation to attract top talent."
    2. Total Compensation - 总薪酬,包括基本工资、奖金、福利等。

      • "Total compensation for the role includes salary, bonuses, and benefits."
    3. Pay Scale - 薪资等级,根据职位和经验设定的薪资范围。

      • "The pay scale for this job ranges from $50,000 to $70,000."
    4. Pay Structure - 薪酬结构,确定工资分配和调整的框架。

      • "The pay structure is designed to reward both performance and seniority."
    5. Equity Compensation - 股权薪酬,员工获得公司股份或股票期权。

      • "Equity compensation is offered to senior executives as part of their total package."
    6. Salary Band - 薪资区间,用于设定职位的薪酬范围。

      • "The salary band for this role is between $60,000 and $80,000."
    7. Variable Pay - 可变薪酬,基于业绩或公司表现的薪酬部分。

      • "Variable pay includes bonuses and incentives tied to performance metrics."
    8. Merit Pay - 优绩薪酬,根据个人表现的薪资调整。

      • "Merit pay is awarded based on annual performance reviews."
    9. Market Adjustment - 市场调整,基于市场变化对薪酬进行的调整。

      • "Market adjustments ensure our salaries remain competitive with industry standards."
    10. Recognition Awards - 认可奖,用于表彰员工的特别贡献。

      • "Recognition awards are given to employees who demonstrate exceptional performance."

    4. Other Relevant Terms (其他相关术语)

    1. Compensation Package - 薪酬方案,包括所有薪资和福利的组合。

      • "The compensation package offered was very attractive."
    2. Employee Value Proposition (EVP) - 员工价值主张,体现公司对员工的承诺和价值。

      • "The EVP includes competitive compensation and opportunities for career growth."
    3. Compensation Benchmarking - 薪酬基准分析,比较公司薪酬与行业标准。

      • "Compensation benchmarking helps ensure we offer salaries that match industry standards."
    4. Fair Pay - 公平薪酬,确保薪资对所有员工平等公正。

      • "Fair pay practices are essential to maintain a positive work environment."
    5. Compensatory Time Off (Comp Time) - 补偿性休假,用于代替加班费的休假时间。

      • "Compensatory time off is offered in lieu of overtime pay."

