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  • 在现代职场中,跳槽,即换工作,已成为很多职场人士常见的行为。无论是为了寻求更好的职业发展机会、提高薪资还是寻找更适合自己的工作环境,跳槽都是一种重要的职业决策。掌握相关的英文表达不仅有助于在国际化的职场环境中更好地沟通,还能提升你的职业英语能力。


    1. Job Hopping (跳槽)

    •  Frequently changing jobs, often within a short period of time.
    •  频繁更换工作,通常是在短时间内。
    •  "Job hopping can sometimes make it difficult to build a stable career."
    •  “跳槽有时会使建立稳定职业生涯变得困难。”

    2. Change Jobs (换工作)

    •  To leave one job and start another.
    •  离开一个工作岗位,开始另一个工作。
    •  "After five years at the company, she decided it was time to change jobs."
    •  “在公司工作了五年后,她决定是时候换工作了。”

    3. Switch Careers (转行)

    •  To move from one profession or field of work to a different one.
    •  从一个职业或工作领域转到另一个不同的领域。
    •  "He decided to switch careers from finance to teaching."
    •  “他决定从金融行业转行到教学。”

    4. Move to a New Position (调职)

    •  To take on a different role or job within the same company or in a different company.
    •  在同一公司或不同公司担任不同的角色或工作。
    •  "She moved to a new position within the company to gain more experience."
    •  “她在公司内部调职以获得更多的经验。”

    5. Pursue New Opportunities (寻求新机会)

    •  To look for and take on new job prospects or career options.
    •  寻找并接受新的工作前景或职业选择。
    •  "He decided to pursue new opportunities after feeling unfulfilled in his previous role."
    •  “在之前的角色中感到不满后,他决定寻求新机会。”

    6. Seek a New Challenge (寻找新的挑战)

    •  To look for a new job or position that offers more difficulty or responsibility.
    •  寻找提供更多难度或责任的新工作或职位。
    •  "She left her current job because she wanted to seek a new challenge."
    •  “她离开了目前的工作,因为她想寻找新的挑战。”

    7. Change Careers (职业转换)

    •  To move from one career path to another, typically involving a significant shift in job functions or industry.
    •  从一个职业道路转到另一个,通常涉及工作职能或行业的重大变化。
    •  "Changing careers can be daunting but rewarding if it aligns with your passions."
    •  “职业转换可能令人畏惧,但如果与您的激情一致,将会是值得的。”

    8. Take on a New Role (承担新角色)

    •  To accept a different job or position, often implying a new set of responsibilities.
    •  承担不同的工作或职位,通常暗示着一套新的责任。
    •  "He took on a new role as a project manager at his new company."
    •  “他在新公司担任了项目经理的新角色。”


    上一篇:As different as chalk and cheese:粉笔和奶酪有什么一样?