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  • 皮肤健康是个人护理的重要部分,而面对皮肤问题时,准确的描述能够帮助你获得更有效的解决方案。在英文中,有许多专门的词汇和短语用于描述不同类型的皮肤问题。


    1. Acne (痘痘)

    •  A skin condition characterized by red, inflamed bumps or pustules, often found on the face, back, and shoulders.
    •  一种皮肤状况,以红色、发炎的丘疹或脓疱为特征,通常出现在面部、背部和肩部。
    •  "She has been using a new treatment for her acne."
    •  “她一直在使用新的治疗方法来治疗她的痘痘。”

    2. Pimples (粉刺)

    •  Small, red, and often painful bumps on the skin, commonly associated with acne.
    •  皮肤上小而红色的丘疹,常常伴有疼痛,通常与痘痘有关。
    •  "He tried to avoid touching his pimples to prevent further irritation."
    •  “他尽量避免触摸他的粉刺,以防进一步刺激。”

    3. Blackheads (黑头)

    •  Small, dark spots on the skin caused by clogged pores filled with excess oil and dead skin cells.
    •  皮肤上小的黑点,由于毛孔堵塞而产生,通常是多余的油脂和死皮细胞积累的结果。
    •  "Using a pore strip can help remove blackheads."
    •  “使用毛孔贴可以帮助去除黑头。”

    4. Whiteheads (白头)

    •  Small, white, and often painful bumps that form when a pore is clogged with oil and dead skin cells but remains closed at the surface.
    •  小而白色的丘疹,通常伴有疼痛,形成于毛孔被油脂和死皮细胞堵塞,但表面保持封闭时。
    •  "Whiteheads are less visible than blackheads but can be equally troublesome."
    •  “白头比黑头不那么明显,但同样令人烦恼。”


    1. Dead Skin Cells (死皮细胞)

    •  Old skin cells that have sloughed off from the surface of the skin.
    •  从皮肤表面脱落的老化皮肤细胞。
    •  "Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells and reveals fresher skin."
    •  “去角质有助于去除死皮细胞,显现出更新的皮肤。”

    2. Flaky Skin (脱皮)

    •  Skin that peels off in small flakes, often due to dryness or irritation.
    •  皮肤以小片的形式脱落,通常由于干燥或刺激。
    •  "Her flaky skin was a sign that she needed more moisturizing."
    •  “她的脱皮是她需要更多保湿的迹象。”

    3. Exfoliation (去角质)

    •  The process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin to improve texture and appearance.
    •  从皮肤表面去除死皮细胞的过程,以改善皮肤的质地和外观。
    •  "Regular exfoliation can help keep your skin smooth and clear."
    •  “定期去角质可以帮助保持皮肤光滑和清晰。”


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