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历史上的今天 · 1749年-德国著名诗人、剧作家歌德诞辰


历史上的今天 · 1749年-德国著名诗人、剧作家歌德诞辰

  • On August 28, 1749, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in Frankfurt, Germany. A renowned poet, playwright, and statesman, Goethe stands as one of the most significant figures in German literature and the Western literary canon. His profound influence on the Sturm und Drang movement and his contributions to Weimar Classicism have left an indelible mark on the world of letters.


    Biography of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德的生平

    Goethe was a German poet, playwright, and literary figure whose body of work was so extensive and varied that it spread across a wide range of literary genres, including novels, poems, dramas, and essays. His magnum opus, "Faust," is a two-part play that is often considered one of the greatest works of German literature and has been compared to the epics of Homer and the plays of Shakespeare.


    One of his earliest and most famous works is the novel "The Sorrows of Young Werther," which was published in 1774 and became an immediate sensation, making Goethe a literary celebrity at the age of 25. The novel's epistolary format and its themes of unrequited love and emotional turmoil resonated with a broad readership and contributed to the rise of the Sturm und Drang movement.


    Goethe's interests were not confined to literature; he was also a philosopher, scientist, and politician. His inquisitive mind led him to explore various fields, including anatomy, botany, and color theory. His scientific pursuits were as rigorous as his literary endeavors, demonstrating his commitment to understanding the natural world.



    • Magnum Opus - 代表作
    • Epics - 史诗
    • Homer - 荷马
    • Shakespeare - 莎士比亚
    • Sturm und Drang - 狂飙突进
    • Epistolary - 书信体的
    • Unrequited Love - 单恋
    • Emotional Turmoil - 情感动荡
    • Philosopher - 哲学家
    • Scientist - 科学家
    • Anatomy - 解剖学
    • Botany - 植物学
    • Color Theory - 色彩理论

    Goethe's legacy endures as a testament to the boundless potential of the human spirit. His life and work serve as an inspiration to artists, thinkers, and dreamers around the world, reminding us of the power of creativity and the pursuit of knowledge. As we reflect on his contributions, we are reminded that the quest for understanding and expression is an unending journey that enriches our collective human experience.


    上一篇:历史上的今天 · 1770年-德国哲学家黑格尔诞辰