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  • 在英语写作中,使用恰当的连接语句对于构建文章的逻辑性和连贯性至关重要。连接词不仅帮助读者理解文章的结构,还能增强文章的说服力。本文将对英语写作中常用的起、承、转、合用语进行整理,以提高写作的流畅性和专业性。


    1.As a rule,S+V.…一般而言,….   2.As far as know,S+V.….据我所知,…   3.As the saying goes, S +V...常言道,…   4 Everybody knows that+S+V.….众所周知,…   5.Frankly speaking,S+V..坦白地说,…   6.Generally speaking,S+V.….一般而言,…   7.I'm of the opinion that+S+V….依我之见,…   8.I am greatly convinced that + S +V.….我深信,…   9.In dealing with..., one cannot but admit that S +V.….在讨论…,一个人不得不承认…   10.In general,S+V...一般而言,….   11.In my opinion,S+V...依我之见,…   12.It can be easily proved that S+v……是容易证明的   13.lt goes without saying that S+V.…不消说,…   14.It is out of the question toV…是不可能的   15.It's quite obvious that S +V...不消说,…   16.lt is said(reported据报导,known一般皆知,estimated据记 估计,believed一般相信expected一般预料)that...据说   17.It is important(necessary必要的,urgent紧急的,proper适当的)thatS(should)+V(..是)重要的   18.It's true that+ S +V.事实是   19.Lucky to say,S +V.….说来幸运,..   20.Needless to say,S+V...不消说,...   21.No one can deny that+S+V.….没有人可以否认...   22.Nothing in the world can delight me so much as…世界上没有什么比..更令我高兴   23.Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than...在我所认识的人当中,也许没有一个人比..更值得我尊敬微博搜索:考试必备君   24.On the average,S+V.…一般而言,..   25.Regretful to say,S+V...说来遗憾,..   26.Sad to say,S+V...说来可悲,...   27.Strange to say,S+V...说来奇怪,...   28.Strictly speaking,S+V.….严格地说,...   29.There is no doubt that S +V...毫无疑问,….   30.There is no V-ing….…是不可能的   31.To tell the truth, S+V...老实说,...   32.To the best of my knowledge,S+V.….据我所知,...


    1.According to +N, S+V...根据….,.….   2.As a matter of fact, S+V.….实际上,...   3.As far as I'm concerned,S+V.….就我而论,..   4.As good ( ill ) luck would have it,S+V.….幸运地(不幸地)   5.As is often the case with + O, S + V…….对...是常有的事   6.Besides, we should not neglect that S+V.….此外,我们不应忽略   7.But the problem is not so simple.Therefore,…但是问题不是如此单纯。所以...   8.But it is a pity that S +V.….但是遗憾的是...   9.Compared with +N, S +V...较之…,..   10. Even if ( Though ) + S1 +V1, S2 +V2….即使…,….   11.First of all, S + V...首先,...   12.For all +N, S+V..虽然…,...   13.For example,S +V...例如,...   14.For instance,S+V...例如,..   15.For one thing,S+V.….一则,...   16.For the other, S+V...另一方面,...   17.For this reason, S+V.….因为这个缘故,...   18.I take it for granted that S+V.…我认为...是理所当然的   19.If we take …. into account ( consideration ), we +v...如果我们考虑到…,我们..   20.In accordance with +N,S +V.…根据…,….   21.In addition, we should +V….此外,我们必须...   22.In all likelihood,S+V.….十之八九,...   23.In comparison with+N,S+V...和..比较,….   24.In fact(reality,truth),S+V..事实上,..   25.In nine cases out of ten,S+V….十之八九,...   26.In other words, S +V.….换句话说,...   27.In relation(respect,regard,reference)to +N,S+V...关于...,..   28.In spite of +N, S +V...虽然.…,.   29.In the beginning,S+V.….首先,..   30.In the first place, S +V...首先,...   31.lt is not too much to say that S+V……说起来并不过份   32.No matter wh- + S1 + V1, S2 + V2….无论…,….   33.To begin with,S +V...首先,...   34.To change another words,S +V.…换句话说,….   35.To cite an old saying,S+V.….套句古人说的话,...   36.To one's astonishment,S+V...令某人吃惊地,...   37.To one's delight,S+V...令某人高兴地,...   38.To one's disappointment, S+V.….令某人失望地 ,..   39.To one's excitement,S+V...令某人兴奋地,...   40.To one's joy,S+V.….令某人高兴地,...   41.To one's regret,S+V.….令某人后悔地,...   42.To one's surprise,S+V.….令某人吃惊地,...   43.To start with, S +V...首先,..   44.To take...for example, S +V...举..为例,...   45.We have enough reasons to V我们有足够的理由...   46.What I must emphasize is…我必须强调的是...   47.What's more, S + V...此外 ,...   48.What seems to be the problem is that S+V.….问题似乎是...


    1.By contrast, if..., it will certainly be the fact that S + V.….相反地,假如…,那一定..   2.But for+N,S+V(假设法过去式或过去完成式)...若非…….   3.From now on,S+V..从现在起   4.Hardly had + S1 +V1,when ( before)+ S2+ V2.….……就...   5.Have you ever +V……?你曾经….吗?   6.If by any chance S1 + V1, S2 + V2....万一…,….   7.If only + S + V.….!但愿..!   8.In other words, S +V...换句话说,...   9.In the meantime, S + V...同时,...   10.In the similar way, S +V.….同样地,..   11.In this manner, S +V.….如此一来,...   12.In this light if..., there can surely be no doubt that S + V...有鉴于于此,假如.…,确实无疑地..   13.Indeen, S1 + V1, but S2+V2….没错..,但是...   14.It's 强调的人、事、物、地、时 +that S +V...正是...   15.It's high(about)time for+O+toV.….该是...的时候了   16.It's high(about) time that+S+should V.….该是...的时候了   17.lt stands to reason that S +V……是理所当然的   18.No doubt, S1 + V1, but S2 +V2….没错,…,但是...   19.Now that S1 + V1, S2 + V2...既然…,….   20.On the contrary,S+V.….相反地,...   21.On the one hand,S+V...一方面,..   22.On the other hand,S+V...另一方面,...   23.On(Upon)V-ing,S +V.….一.…就...   24.Owing to+N,S+V...由于…,...   25.The chief reason why+S+V+is..….…主要的原因是...   26.To do one justice,S+V.….公平而论,...   27.To make matters worse,S+V...更糟的是,..   28.To put it differently,S+V.….换句话说,..   29.To tell the truth,S +V...老实说,..   30.Undoubtedly(Absolutely)S+V.….毫无疑问地,...   31.We must recognize that S+V.….我们必须承认   32.We cannot betoo+我们愈...愈好   33.We cannot+V+too+我们愈….愈好   34.We cannot over-V 我们愈.…愈好   35.What if S+V……….…?要是...该怎么办?   36.What's worse, S +V...更糟的是 ,...   37.Without+N,S+V(假设法).. 若非..,...   38., not to mention +N…,更甭说...   39.; that is to say,S +V……,那就是 ,...


    1.Above all (things ), S +V...最重要地,...   2.According to the aforementioned,S+V.….综观上述所云,...   3.As a result(consequence),S+V..结果,..   4.As long as S1+ V1, S2 + V2...只要.…,….   5.As we know from the above, S +V...由上述我们可知,...   6.At any rate(cost),we should V.….无论如何,我们应该...   7.Because of this, we can find that S+V.….因为如此,我们可以知道...   8.For this reason, S +V...基于此因 ,...   9.From the ... point of view,….从.….的观点来看,...   10.If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that S+V.….假如我们能做到以上所提者,无疑地...   11.In a word, S +V.…一言以蔽之,...   12.In any case, we should +V 无论如何,我们应该...   13.In short(brief),S+V….简而言之 ,...   14.In conclusion,we should V 总而言之,我们应该...   15.Judging from the above,S+V.….从以上来判断 ,...   16.Last but not least,S+V.….最后还有一件重要的事就是...   17.Only by this can weV...只有以此我们才能..   18.On the whole, S+V...整体而论 ,..   19.On this ground, S +V.….基于此种原因   20.Owing to this fact we can find thatS+V….因此我们可以知道...   21.The long and the short of it,S+V.…总之 ,..   22.To be short( brief ), S +V.…简而言之 ,...   23.To sum up(conclude), S +V.…总之 ,...   24.Thus, this is the reason why S+V.….因此,这就是为什么...的原因   25.Under no circumstances should wev.….无论如何我们绝不...   26.What we must do is to V...我们只要...就可以了
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