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  • 在学习英语的过程中,掌握家庭关系的词汇是非常重要的。这些词汇不仅有助于我们在日常对话中准确表达家庭成员的关系,还能够帮助我们更好地理解和融入不同的文化背景。家庭关系的词汇涵盖了从直系亲属到旁系亲属的各个方面,这些词汇在英语中有着特定的称谓,与中文相比可能会有所不同。本文将详细介绍各种亲戚的英语称呼,并提供相关的英文例句及中文翻译,帮助大家更好地掌握这些词汇。

    1. 直系亲属 (Immediate Family)

    1.1 父亲 (Father)

    • Father: 家庭中的男性父母。
      • “My father is an excellent cook.”

    1.2 母亲 (Mother)

    • Mother: 家庭中的女性父母。
      • “My mother enjoys gardening.”

    1.3 儿子 (Son)

    • Son: 父母的男性子女。
      • “Their son is graduating from college this year.”

    1.4 女儿 (Daughter)

    • Daughter: 父母的女性子女。
      • “Her daughter is learning to play the piano.”

    1.5 兄弟 (Brother)

    • Brother: 与自己有相同父母的男性兄弟。
      • “My brother and I went hiking last weekend.”

    1.6 姐妹 (Sister)

    • Sister: 与自己有相同父母的女性兄弟。
      • “Her sister is coming to visit next month.”

    2. 祖辈和曾祖辈 (Grandparents and Great-Grandparents)

    2.1 祖父 (Grandfather)

    • Grandfather: 父亲或母亲的父亲。
      • “My grandfather loves telling stories about his childhood.”

    2.2 祖母 (Grandmother)

    • Grandmother: 父亲或母亲的母亲。
      • “Her grandmother bakes the best cookies.”

    2.3 外祖父 (Maternal grandfather)

    • Maternal grandfather: 母亲的父亲。
      • “My maternal grandfather was a soldier.”

    2.4 外祖母 (Maternal grandmother)

    • Maternal grandmother: 母亲的母亲。
      • “Her maternal grandmother makes wonderful quilts.”

    2.5 曾祖父 (Great-grandfather)

    • Great-grandfather: 祖父或祖母的父亲。
      • “My great-grandfather immigrated to this country in the 1920s.”

    2.6 曾祖母 (Great-grandmother)

    • Great-grandmother: 祖父或祖母的母亲。
      • “Her great-grandmother was known for her knitting skills.”

    3. 旁系亲属 (Extended Family)

    3.1 叔叔 (Uncle)

    • Uncle: 父亲或母亲的兄弟,或母亲的配偶。
      • “My uncle is visiting us for the holidays.”

    3.2 婶婶 (Aunt)

    • Aunt: 父亲或母亲的姐妹,或父亲的配偶。
      • “Her aunt gave her a beautiful necklace for her birthday.”

    3.3 堂兄 (Cousin - male)

    • Cousin (male): 叔叔或婶婶的子女,或自己父母的堂兄弟。
      • “My cousin is studying engineering at university.”

    3.4 堂姐 (Cousin - female)

    • Cousin (female): 叔叔或婶婶的子女,或自己父母的堂姐妹。
      • “Her cousin is getting married next month.”

    3.5 姨妈 (Aunt - maternal)

    • Aunt (maternal): 母亲的姐妹。
      • “My maternal aunt lives in another city.”

    3.6 舅舅 (Uncle - maternal)

    • Uncle (maternal): 母亲的兄弟。
      • “Her maternal uncle is a great cook.”

    4. 夫妇和配偶 (Spouses and Partners)

    4.1 丈夫 (Husband)

    • Husband: 妻子的配偶。
      • “Her husband is very supportive of her career.”

    4.2 妻子 (Wife)

    • Wife: 丈夫的配偶。
      • “My wife and I are planning a vacation.”

    4.3 配偶 (Spouse)

    • Spouse: 指配偶的通用词汇。
      • “The event is open to all spouses and family members.”

    5. 继亲和养亲 (In-laws and Step-relatives)

    5.1 岳父 (Father-in-law)

    • Father-in-law: 配偶的父亲。
      • “My father-in-law is coming to visit us next week.”

    5.2 岳母 (Mother-in-law)

    • Mother-in-law: 配偶的母亲。
      • “Her mother-in-law is very kind and helpful.”

    5.3 媳妇 (Daughter-in-law)

    • Daughter-in-law: 儿子的配偶。
      • “My daughter-in-law is expecting a baby.”

    5.4 女婿 (Son-in-law)

    • Son-in-law: 女儿的配偶。
      • “Her son-in-law is a talented musician.”

    5.5 继父 (Stepfather)

    • Stepfather: 母亲再婚后的配偶。
      • “My stepfather has been a great influence in my life.”

    5.6 继母 (Stepmother)

    • Stepmother: 父亲再婚后的配偶。
      • “Her stepmother is very caring and supportive.”

    5.7 继兄 (Stepbrother)

    • Stepbrother: 继父或继母的儿子,与自己同住但没有血缘关系。
      • “My stepbrother and I get along really well.”

    5.8 继姐 (Stepsister)

    • Stepsister: 继父或继母的女儿,与自己同住但没有血缘关系。
      • “Her stepsister helped her move into her new apartment.”