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  • 了解家用电器的英文词汇及实用例句对日常生活中的沟通至关重要。这些词汇不仅帮助我们在使用电器时更加得心应手,还能在购买、维修或讨论电器时提供必要的语言支持。从冰箱、微波炉到洗衣机和吸尘器,每种电器都有其特定的功能和表达方式。掌握这些常用的电器词汇和表达,不仅能提升你的英语沟通能力,还能让你更好地管理家庭事务,解决电器相关的问题。

    1. Refrigerator (冰箱)

    • 定义: 用于储存食物和饮料以保持其新鲜。
    • 例句:
      • "Can you put the milk in the refrigerator?"
      • "The refrigerator is making a strange noise."

    2. Freezer (冰柜)

    • 定义: 冰箱的一部分,用于冻结食物。
    • 例句:
      • "I need to defrost the freezer this weekend."
      • "The ice cream is in the freezer."

    3. Microwave Oven (微波炉)

    • 定义: 用于加热和烹饪食物的电器。
    • 例句:
      • "Could you heat up the leftovers in the microwave?"
      • "The microwave is not working properly."

    4. Dishwasher (洗碗机)

    • 定义: 用于清洗餐具的电器。
    • 例句:
      • "We need to load the dishwasher."
      • "The dishwasher cycle takes about an hour."

    5. Washing Machine (洗衣机)

    • 定义: 用于洗衣物的电器。
    • 例句:
      • "I need to put the laundry in the washing machine."
      • "The washing machine is leaking water."

    6. Dryer (烘干机)

    • 定义: 用于烘干洗净的衣物。
    • 例句:
      • "The clothes are still damp; I’ll put them in the dryer."
      • "The dryer is making a loud noise."

    7. Stove (炉子)

    • 定义: 用于烹饪食物的设备,通常包括燃气炉和电炉。
    • 例句:
      • "I’m cooking dinner on the stove."
      • "Be careful, the stove is very hot."

    8. Oven (烤箱)

    • 定义: 用于烘烤和烹饪食物的电器。
    • 例句:
      • "Preheat the oven to 350 degrees."
      • "I’m baking a cake in the oven."

    9. Toaster (烤面包机)

    • 定义: 用于烤面包片的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "I’ll toast some bread for breakfast."
      • "The toaster is broken; it won’t pop up the toast."

    10. Coffee Maker (咖啡机)

    • 定义: 用于制作咖啡的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "I need to make a pot of coffee."
      • "The coffee maker is clogged."

    11. Blender (搅拌机)

    • 定义: 用于混合和搅拌食材的电器。
    • 例句:
      • "Can you blend these fruits into a smoothie?"
      • "The blender is leaking."

    12. Food Processor (食品处理机)

    • 定义: 用于切割、剁碎和混合食材的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "I’m going to use the food processor to chop the vegetables."
      • "The food processor blades need to be cleaned."

    13. Electric Kettle (电热水壶)

    • 定义: 用于快速烧开水的电器。
    • 例句:
      • "Can you boil some water in the electric kettle?"
      • "The electric kettle has an auto shut-off feature."

    14. Iron (熨斗)

    • 定义: 用于熨平衣物的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "I need to iron my shirt before work."
      • "The iron is not heating up properly."

    15. Vacuum Cleaner (吸尘器)

    • 定义: 用于清洁地板和地毯的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "I need to vacuum the living room."
      • "The vacuum cleaner’s filter needs to be changed."

    16. Air Conditioner (空调)

    • 定义: 用于调节室内温度的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "The air conditioner is not cooling the room enough."
      • "Please turn on the air conditioner."

    17. Heater (取暖器)

    • 定义: 用于加热房间的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "The heater is not working properly."
      • "Turn on the heater; it’s cold in here."

    18. Humidifier (加湿器)

    • 定义: 用于增加空气湿度的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "The air is too dry; I need to use the humidifier."
      • "The humidifier needs to be refilled with water."

    19. Dehumidifier (除湿机)

    • 定义: 用于减少空气湿度的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "The basement is damp; let’s use the dehumidifier."
      • "The dehumidifier’s tank is full."

    20. Bread Maker (面包机)

    • 定义: 用于自动制作面包的设备。
    • 例句:
      • "I’m going to make some fresh bread in the bread maker."
      • "The bread maker needs to be cleaned after each use."

