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佳能60D是一款中高端的单反相机,于2010年发布。它采用了18.0百万像素的APS-C CMOS传感器,DIGIC 4图像处理器和ISO 100-6400的灵敏度范围。此外,它还具有可旋转的3英寸LCD屏幕,高清视频录制功能和快速自动对焦系统等功能。

















佳能60D拥有18.0MP的APS-C CMOS传感器,可以拍摄出高质量的照片。它还配备了DIGIC 4图像处理器,可以提供更快的处理速度,更出色的图像质量。


1. 佳能60D的重量是较重的。2. 佳能60D相机的重量较重,主要是因为其内部结构和材质的设计,以及所搭载的镜头和电池等组件的重量。这些因素导致了整个相机的重量较大。3. 相机的重量对于摄影爱好者来说是一个需要考虑的因素。较重的相机可能会增加携带的负担,特别是在长时间使用或者需要进行长时间拍摄的情况下。因此,对于需要频繁携带相机的人来说,可能需要考虑相机的重量对于使用的便利性的影响,并选择适合自己的相机型号。











配EF17-40mmF2.8 L镜头最实用。这枚广角变焦镜头是一枚红圈高端镜头,焦段、做工、画质等方面表现非常优异,是很多半画幅单反的挂机镜头,非常实用。


One, beautiful can 60D beautiful can 60D beautiful can how does 60D camera kinescope apply beautiful can 60D camera kinescope how?

1, the mains switch that opens watch for an opportunity first (green indicator light will be ablaze) .

2, before filming, install first, click MENU pushbutton.

3, filming animation set is found in menu.

4, setting quality is higher, take up store the space is larger. Normally the setting is in picture quality of the standard is already enough → OK key affirms.

5, will film set is in P (the order is first) archives.

6, press right the Info pushbutton of next horn, the data that examines a setting is accurate.

7, screen switch shows after opening, the central button that clicks red is OK kinescope.  

2, beautiful can is 60D good?

Beautiful can the sheet that 60D is the one high end in the paragraph turns over camera, released 2010. It used the 18 1 million APS-C CMOS sensor that resemble element, the sensitivity limits of processor of DIGIC 4 image and ISO 100-6400. In addition, it still has the screen of 3 inches of LCD that can rotate, transcribe function mixes high-definition video to wait for a function automatically to anxious system quickly.

Overall for, beautiful can 60D is the sheet with a good performance turns over camera, suit photography lover and professional cameraman to use. Its picture shows scene character, film rate is rapid, the operation is handy. But, because it has been an older camera model, with the photograph of a few new model on the market is compared now may some are backward. If you are abecedarian,just perhaps want to film daily life photograph, so beautiful can 60D may have some too high end and costly.

3, beautiful can 60D quote?

Market price is 4700 yuan

Beautiful can the market condition of 60d is as follows:

The beautiful of limited company of science and technology of water of 1. Shenzhen town can 60d camera, sensor dimension is 22.3*14.9mm, price is 4850 yuan.

The beautiful that flourishing of power of 2. Shenzhen city amounts to limited company of science and technology can 60d camera, install an authorised edition formerly, price is 5500 yuan.

4, beautiful can is 60D multiple?

1215 grams; Beautiful can 60D weight is 675g suttle, add batteries and memory card 765g, add 18-55 camera lens again 965 grams, if change a 18135 camera lens,be 1215 grams; 18135 it is to show extensive role carries a 18 scene that to long Jiao Duan 135 all cover. Basically film OK and contented. Beautiful can 60D camera perfectly a camera, very pretty good. 50mm1.8 is 50 millimeter focal length paragraph focus camera lens.

5, beautiful can 60D how?

Buy do not buy newly old, do not consider 60d now, d7000 and K5, it is 3 years ago, from 70d, d7100 and K5II/IIs are chosen.

The K5II on the price is the cheapest, airframe function and D7100 are about the same, less to the focus.

6, beautiful can 60D parameter?

Consumed group is first, pat a scenery to be put in 8-11 commonly, 16 also go, ISO100; Pat indoor, the light is darker, ISO can rise appropriately, 400 the left and right sides, be no good again high point, aperture 5.6-8. Shutter is decided by camera, but you also had be toed be in charge of, if too slow, the meeting is burnt piece, be about to raise ISO to make up for at this moment.

7, beautiful can is 60d good?

Good. 1. Beautiful can 60D is camera of number of a type blocking an opening, it is had film high-poweredly ability, camera lens performance is good, image processing function is reliable, after service also very reach the designated position.


Beautiful can the APS-C CMOS sensor that 60D has 18.0MP, can film the picture that gives high quality. It still deployed processor of DIGIC 4 image, can offer rapidder processing rate, more outstanding picture quality.

8, beautiful can 60D weight?

1.Beautiful can the weight of 60D is heavier. 2. Beautiful can the weight of 60D camera is heavier, basically be the design that because of its internal composition and material pledge, and the weight of the component such as the scene that carries and batteries. The weight that these elements brought about whole camera is greater. 3. The weight of camera to the element that consideration of a need is for photography lover. More serious watch for a chance may increase the burden that carry, be being used for long especially or need to undertake the circumstance that films for long falls. Accordingly, for the person that carries watch for a chance often to need, the weight that the likelihood needs to consider camera is convenience to what use sexual influence, choose to fit oneself camera model.

9, beautiful can how is 60D Bai Pingheng adjusted? Beautiful can 60D Bai Pingheng?

One, method one:

1, open watch for an opportunity;

2, the key that press WB;

3, the Bai Pingheng mode that chooses need of corresponding setting place can, suggest uses setting undertakes modulatory.

2, method 2:

1, film white object, make white object is full of a picture;

2, the Bai Pingheng that changes camera, set to be defined oneself, the photograph that films before the choice;

3, setting according to from the definition Bai Pingheng mode films can finish adjust beautiful can Eos60d Bai Pingheng.

10, beautiful can what scene does 60d camera mix the most practical? Beautiful can 60d?

Mix EF17-40mmF2.8 L scene the most practical. Camera lens of scorch of this extensive role is camera lens of high end of a red circle, anxious paragraph, charge for the making of sth. , picture is qualitative wait for a respect performance is very superior, it is sheet of a lot of half picture turn over hang machine camera lens, very practical.

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