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  1) 有点难懂,但又很有道理。

  2) 你在吗?怎么不见你上线?

  3) 隐名免灾祸,隐身免烦恼。

  4) 心无时不跳,我无处不在。

  5) 哇,好难懂啊,你学哲学的?

  6) 哭和笑怎么能一样,去死吧!

  7) 笨男人要结婚,笨女人要减肥。

  8) 想你在每一刻,爱你在每一天!

  9) 黄脸老婆易寻,红颜知己难觅。

  10) 我开始流汗了,你真是个牛人!


  1) 日久不一定生情,但必定见人心。

  2) 不知道“小隐于野,大隐于市”吗?

  3) 好酷呀,可是人不可能没有感情呀!

  4) 你是怪物吧!

  5) 原来是个“隐君子。

  6) 怎么感觉那么沧桑啊。

  7) 爱有多深,恨有多深。

  8) 嗯,至理名言,你受过感情的伤呀?

  9) 苦与乐都是财富,生与死都要绚丽。

  10) 流汗流血不流泪,泡茶泡吧不泡妞。

  11) 每个人都是怪物,每句话都是真理。

  12) 有你相伴的日子,即使平凡也浪漫!

  13) 和你说话真累,其实你不懂女人心。

  14) 良性的色情有益,恶性的色情有害。

  15) 嗯这句话有道理,你有没有女朋友?

  16) 知人知面不知心,隐名隐身难隐情。

  17) 有没有一瞬间,你心疼过我的执着。

  18) 没有你的日子里,我会更加珍惜自已。

  19) 爱笑的人哭起来时,比谁都撕心裂肺。

  20) 一句简单的“呵呵”涵盖了多少真情。


  1) 有文化未必有文凭,没文凭未必没文化。

  2) 成就越小越要自大,成就越大越要谦虚。

  3) 有钱的人轻视金钱,没钱的人重视金钱。

  4) 我之所以非常自信,因为自信是免费的。

  5) 好女人叫贤妻良母,好男人叫贤夫良父。

  6) 女人用情商玩男人,男人用智商玩女人。

  7) 玩什么都别玩爱情,信什么也别信男人。

  8) 没有不好色的男人,没有不好财的女人。

  9) 学文学的都是傻子,学哲学的都是疯子。

  10) 男人善于花言巧语,女人喜欢花前月下。

  11) 结婚是做爱的广告,女友是同居的证件。

  12) 对不诚实的人诚实,就是愚笨的诚实人。

  13) 我不知道是我上了大学,还是大学上了我。

  14) 真精辟啊,你是不是经常这样在网上泡妞?

  15) 我们,就是一张纸的两面,如何才能分开呢?

  16) 没名利的人重视名利,有名利的人轻视名利。

  17) 有你的日子你是一切,没你的日子一切是你。

  18) 难不难过都是自己过,伤不伤心都是一颗心。

  19) 大女人不可一日无权,小女人不可一日无钱。

  20) 人是地球上的脑细胞,脑细胞是大脑上的人。

  21) 如果你对我没有感觉,是上帝都不信的事实。

  22) 当两个人遇见,接下来的不是故事就是事故。

  23) 男人受性欲驱使找女朋友,女人受情欲驱使找男朋友。

  24) 我的领带又找不到了,是不是你昨天又没有找到抹布?

  25) 我不会眼睁睁地看着你往火炕里跳,我会闭上眼睛的。

  26) 男人的痛苦从结婚开始,女人的痛苦从认识男人开始。

  27) 天啊,和你生活在一起会累死了,肯定没人会嫁给你。

  28) 始终没有沦为一名优秀的大学生,靠的就是坚强品质。

  29) 遇见你是个错,爱上你是一错再错,离开你是错上加错。

  30) 不删你,就是想看看你是怎样为那个男人或女人写东西。


Chat commonly used and classical ana [handpick edition]

1) is a bit difficult, but very reasonable.

Are you in 2) ? How to see the line on you?

3) concealed name avoids disaster, concealed body avoids embarrassment.

When 4) heart is not had, do not jump, my nowhere is absent.

5) , very difficult, do you learn philosophy?

6) cries and laugh how can same, go dead!

7) stupid man should get married, stupid woman should reduce weight.

8) thinks you are in each quarter, love you to be in each days!

Wife of 9) yellow face is searched easily, female bosom friend is looked for hard.

I begin 10) perspiration, you are a Niu Ren really!

Chat commonly used and classical ana [latest edition]

1) with the passing of time does not lay condition certainly, but surely definite opinion popular feeling.

2) does not know " small concealed Yu Ye, old hidden from view at city " ?

3) good cruel, but the person is impossible to do not have sentient!

4) you are an eccentric person!

5) is so " concealed gentleman.

How does 6) feel so vicissitudes of life ah.

7) loves to have many deep, hate has many deep.

8) hum, axiom, had you sufferred emotive to hurt?

9) suffering and happy it is fortune, unripe with want to death flowery.

10) perspiration bleeds not to weep, make tea bubble not bubble girl.

11) everybody is an eccentric person, every word is the truth.

12) has the time that you accompany, although ordinary romantic also!

13) and your conversation are really tired, actually you do not know feminine heart.

The pornography with benign 14) is beneficial, malign pornography is harmful.

15) hum this word is reasonable, do you have a girlfriend?

16) you may know a person's face but not his mind, difficult facts one wishes to hide of body of concealed name concealed.

17) is had flashy, you had felt distressed my persistence.

In the day that 18) does not have you, I can be cherished more from already.

When 19) risible person cries, rip a heart to crack lung than who.

20) simple " ah ah " covered how many the real situation.

Chat commonly used and classical ana [popular edition]

1) is literate unlikelihood diploma, do not have diploma may not to do not have culture.

2) accomplishs Yue Xiaoyue to want proud, achievement wants modesty more greatly more.

The person with wealthy 3) underestimates money, the person that does not have money values money.

4) me special self-confidence, because self-confidence is free.

5) good woman cries virtuous wife fine mother, good man calls virtuous husband fine father.

6) woman uses situation business plays a man, the man plays a woman with intelligence quotient.

What does 7) play not to play love, what to believe to also do not believe a man.

8) does not have the man of bad color, without the woman of bad money.

What 9) learns literature is fool, those who learn philosophy is bedlamite.

10) man is good at fair-spoken, the woman likes before the flowers and below the moon.

11) marriage is sex advertisement, cummer is cohabitational certificate.

12) is honest to dishonest person, it is addlehead honest person.

I do not know 13) is I attended a college, still be an university went up I.

14) is really incisive, do you often go up in the net so bubble girl?

15) we, it is the two sides of a piece of paper, how can you just part?

16) does not have the person of fame and gain to take fame and gain seriously, the person of well-known interest underestimates fame and gain.

The time that 17) has you you are everything, the day that does not have you everything is you.

18) passes hard is he pass, the injury is not sad it is a heart.

19) old woman cannot have no right one day, young woman cannot not have money one day.

20) person is tellurian head cell, cerebral cell is the person on cerebrum.

21) if you do not have a feeling to me, it is the fact that god does not believe.

22) is encountered when two people, next is not a story it is an accident.

23) man suffers sexual desire to drive look for a girlfriend, the woman suffers passional drive look for a boy friend.

My cravat cannot find 24) again, didn't you find dishcloth again yesterday?

I won't look at 25) helplessly you jump in past heated kang, I can close an eye.

The anguish of 26) man from marry begin, feminine anguish begins from understanding man.

27) day, with you the life is met together tired died, affirmative nobody can marry you.

28) did not reduce an outstanding undergraduate from beginning to end, those who lean is firm tone.

29) encounters you is a fault, falling in love with you is one fault again wrong, leaving you is the fault is added on the fault.

30) not cutout you, wanting to see you namely is how to write a thing for that man or woman.

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