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大自然的声音出处? 大自然的鬼斧神工出处?英文双语对照


大自然的声音出处? 大自然的鬼斧神工出处?英文双语对照












1. 滴水能够穿石,启示我们做事要持之以恒。

2. 要装进一杯新泉,你就必须倒掉已有的陈水;要获取一枝玫瑰,你就必须放弃到手的蔷薇;要多一份独特的体验,你就必须多一份心灵的创伤。

3. 冬天的河干涸了,我相信,春水还会来临,那时白帆就是我心中的偶像;风中的树叶凋零了,我相信,泥土里的梦将在枝头开花结果。

4. 百花争艳的春天是充满活力的季节,烈日曝晒的夏天是富有热情的季节,瓜果飘香的秋天是极具魅力的季节,白雪飘飘的冬天是最富遐想的季节。

5. 天空收容每一片云彩,不论其美丑,所以天空宽阔无边。大地拥抱每一寸土地,不论其贫富,所以大地广袤无垠。海洋接纳每一条河流,不论其大小,所以海洋广阔无边。

6. 粒沙能够成漠,是在告诉我们做事应坚持到底。

7. 壁立能够千仞,是在告诉我们要无私无欲。

8. 水缸出汗蛤蟆叫,不久将有大雨到,蜜蜂归窠迟,来日好天气。

9. 布谷啼鸣,播种忙,燕子低飞,雨要到。

10. 风从水上走过,留下粼粼波纹;阳光从云中穿过,留下丝丝温暖;岁月从树林走过,留下圈圈年轮,朋友,我们从时代的舞台上走过,留下了什么呢?


1. 大自然是我们最美丽的艺术家,用绚丽的色彩和壮丽的景象为我们呈现了无尽的美景。

2. 大自然是一本永不翻篇的书,每一次走进自然,都能发现新的故事和奇迹。

3. 在大自然的怀抱中,我们感受到了生命的力量和宇宙的奥秘。

4. 大自然是我们最好的老师,教会我们谦卑、坚韧和顺应变化的智慧。

5. 每一片绿叶、每一滴雨水都是大自然对我们的关怀和馈赠。

6. 大自然的美丽和宁静让我们心灵得到了净化和放松。

7. 大自然是我们的家园,我们应当珍惜和保护它,与它和谐共处。

8. 在大自然中漫步,我们能够重新连接自己与宇宙的纽带,找回内心的平静和力量。

9. 大自然的奇观和多样性让我们惊叹不已,它是我们永远无法完全理解和掌握的存在。

10. 大自然的鬼斧神工创造了无数美丽的景观,让我们对生命和世界充满了敬畏和感激之情。




























































  ----致 为我们私人定制的地球








1. 描述大自然的景色:


2. 描述大自然的气息:


3. 描述大自然的声音:


4. 描述大自然的生物:


5. 描述大自然的力量:















One, the sound provenance of nature?

" the sound of nature " it is text of Chinese of a junior high school, the section is chosen from French biologist law Boer " the insect is written down " . This book the language with dramatic image, detailed ground recorded nature all sorts of insect characteristics and life characteristics.

2, the uncanny workmanship provenance of nature?

Answer: Out " village · is amounted to unripe "

"The uncanny workmanship of nature " means: Ghosts and gods makes the picture of nature. Skill of art of uncanny workmanship appearance is excellent, craft choiceness, manpower can achieve unlike.

Phrasal provenance:

Catalpa celebrate cut wood to be Zuo , Zuo is become, jing of the person that see still ghosts and gods. Lu Hou sees and ask Yan, say: "Child does He Shu think Yan? "Child does He Shu think Yan??

To saying: "Official worker, he Shuzhi has! Although, have one Yan. I will be Zuo , have not dare enrage with bad news also, surely Qi Yijing heart. Qi San day, and dare not conceive celebrate

Enjoy salary of the rank of nobility; Neat 5 days, dare not conceive blame praise artful clumsy; Neat 7 days, always forgets I has 4 branches body like that also.

Should be when also, without general government, its are artful only and outside spirit pass the time in a leisurely way; Enter mountain forest next, view nature; Form human body comes, next prejudice Zuo , add hand Yan next; Do not in that case already. Close a day with the day, implement doubt god person, its are with! " (" village · is amounted to unripe " )

3, the sentence of nature enlightenment?

1.Drop water can wear stone, enlightenment we work want to perserve.

2.Want to hold a cup of new coin, you must be dropped already some old water; Want to get one branch rose, you must abandon in one's hand rose; Want many unique experience, you must the scar of much portion heart.

3.The river in the winter dried up, I believe, spring water still can come, bai Fan is the God in my heart in those days; The leaf withered in wind, I believe, the dream in clay will blossom and bear fruit in branch.

4.100 Hua Zhengyan's spring are vital season, the summer of burning sun insolate is rich zestful season, melon and fruit waves sweet autumn is extremely attractive season, the winter that white Xue Piao waves is the season of the richest daydream.

5.The sky accepts each cloudlet applause, no matter its beauty is ugly, the sky is so broad immensity. The earth embraces each inches of land, no matter its the rich and the poor, so the earth lengths and breadth of land boundless. Ocean admits each river, no matter its size, ocean is so capacious immensity.

6.Bead sand can become desert, it is to telling us to work should hold to after all.

7.Stand like a wall can 1000 an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi, it is to telling us to want altruistic without desire.

8.Water jar perspires toad cries, before long will heavy rain arrives, the bee puts in nest 's charge late, some day fine day is angry.

9.Cloth cereal caw cries, sow busy, swallow is low fly, rain should arrive.

10.Wind has gone from water, leave clear ripple; Sunshine is crossed from inside the cloud, leave filar silk warmth; Years has gone from the woods, leave the annual ring that encircle a circle, friend, we had gone from the arena of the times, what to leave?

4, the sentence about nature?

1.Nature is our most beautiful artist, presented endless beautiful scenery for us with flowery colour and magnificent sight.

2.Nature is one never breaks up piece book, every time walks into nature, can discover new old practice and miracle.

3.In the bosom of nature, we experienced the mystery of the force of life and universe.

4.Nature is our best teacher, church we are abasement, tough the wisdom that changes with suitable meet an emergency.

5.Each each greenery, rainwater is the nature consideration to us and gift.

6.The beauty of nature and halcyon let our heart get purify and be relaxationed.

7.Nature is our home, we ought to be cherished and protect it, as harmonious as it coexist.

8.Stroll in nature, we can join afresh the ligament of oneself and universe, seek the calm of a heart and power.

9.The marvellous spectacle of nature and diversity let our exclaim unceasingly, it is the existence that we cannot understand completely forever and masters.

10.The uncanny workmanship of nature created the landscape of countless beauty, let us be full of to life and world awe-stricken with the sentiment that appreciate.

5, the beautiful scenery sentence of nature?

The beautiful scenery of nature is one of landscape that the mankind loves most, include grandiose chain of mountains, grand ocean, unpredicatable cloud and mist to wait. Below, my general introduces a few nature beautiful scenery that I had seen in detail.

Above all, let me introduce scene of gallant chain of mountains to you. In Home Zhang group of China, have this world natural heritage " blue sky well " scene area, elegant chain of mountains towers aloft here, cloud and mist winds around, even if was May, still snow is in high mountain upper part, here is one of the most beautiful chain of mountains on the world, it is grand and grand gallant beautiful scenery more.

Next, let us talk about beautiful marine scenery. The Bora-Bora island in Pacific Ocean is known as heaven island south, the ocean wave of this isle is lesser, every thalassic color each are not identical, but very beautiful, there still is familiar marine live thing in clear seawater, like the fish wait with starfish, here is a holiday resort that is worth to go.

Still have, those who not allow to miss is scenery of grand cloud and mist. Dali city beautiful state power is saved to go up in Yunnan, infrequent low layer cloud and mist is in group of hill are medium float, be just as the spoondrift on offing, such beautiful scenery is shocking, extremely grand.

It is chain of mountains, ocean or cloud and mist no matter, they are the classic of nature, be worth us to be appreciated all one's life. Of course, when we are admiring these beautiful scenery, should cherish environment more, cherish the earth. We need to popularize environmental protection knowledge morely, let people know the value of ecological balance, the natural landscape oath that is protective beauty hard.

6, the sentence that nature apologizes?

Today is- - " earthly day "

We, apologize to nature!

Sunshine, I will to you apologize,

Although interval is worn between us thick haze,

But I still want to say to you,

You are fair,

It is we made a fault,

Let him defect enter deep muddleheaded in,

How should I apologize to you,

In the memory that just can let us return childhood --

"The; air that the sky is azure blue is pure and fresh; sunshine it is beautiful " .

I know you can say,

You are too greedy.

I go up in old photograph,

See this once was an immense forest,

Grand boundless and indistinct is continuous,

Circumference is a forest hundreds of lis,

Listen to local to say,

Fell trees begins from the fifties,

The truck receives,

Keep carrying outside everyday,

It is one person hugs the large tree that comes nevertheless,

Those trees want than the grandfather age of my grandfather big,

All the time cut down arrives in 90 time,

Remain you only now this one flake.

I know,

This hill is dug downward again,

Likelihood you this one flake also does not stay.

I ask them,

Why can you become such?

Because have coal,they say.

Of the prairie below had been drawn out empty.

They still say,

Every arrive monsoon,

The settlement sound of the thunder of rumble grand and earth,

Can go up in the prairie as one falls.

I do not know you are fulfiling one's promise do not be willing to foster us,

I do not know you still can foster us.

A lot of a lot of,

I want to to you an apology.

They say you are smelly,

It is black,

It is poisonous,

I say,

You were clear past,

Be Gan Tian.

Adage say:

Water is a mother.

Children becomes your waste however such.

I know you had been driven beyond forbearance,

Do not know you regret,

Regretted our life.

   ----Send for our private and custom-built earth

7, the sentence with mystical nature?

The sun is not had language, radiative however give brightness; The high mountain is not had language, reflect a lofty however; The earth is not had language, reveal however piece encyclopedical.

8, the sentence that writes nature?

Nature is us those who live is essential, it included tellurian all natural phenomena and biology.

In nature, what we can see the forest of river of beautiful mountains and rivers-land, length and breadth of land is prairie, clear is laky with ocean, still have use a plant variously.

The beauty of nature and magical let people is explored ceaselessly and discover.

To write the sentence of nature, we are OK from proceed with of the following respects:

1.Describe the scene of nature:

For instance, overflow of heave of shady, undulating hills, water waits blue sky Bai Yun, greenery a moment.

2.Describe the flavor of nature:

For instance, fresh air, flower is sweet the saline taste of 4 excessive, seawater is waited a moment.

3.Describe the sound of nature:

For instance, the vocal, wind of bird blows the sound of the leaf, sound of current to wait a moment.

4.Describe the live thing of nature:

For instance, panda, tiger, elephant, cetacean, avian, insect is waited a moment.

5.Describe the force of nature:

For instance, thunder, hurricane, earthquake, volcano erupts etc.

When the sentence that writes nature, we can combine our feeling and imagination, the beauty that will describe nature with vivid language and magical.

In the meantime, we also can pass observation and study, understanding is more the knowledge about nature, write the sentence of nature better thereby.

For example:

In this beautiful spring, nature shows the magical charm that gave it.

Blue sky white cloud, sunshine is beautiful, flower blossoms, bird carol, everything is so happiness and harmony.

I felt the power of the force of nature and life deeply, they let me feel clinking warmth and happiness.

9, the sentence that embraces nature?

harbour of incorporeal go to bed, the hug is natural, just know years static good, the United States is born by the heart.

Compare with the living photograph that be on one's last legs, I would rather choose to return to the bosom of nature.

The clay scent of early morning is tangy and come, suck the breath of nature greatly, quiet appreciation spends the new clothes after careless arboreous transhipment of through cargo, enjoy this wonderful spring scenery to the top of one's bent.

10, the force sentence of nature?

Nature is like first one, a boundless music, every note contains pleasant swing, every syllable is taking lively rhythm, every sound paragraph contain Rou Meihe easiness, song does not lose feeling point however oneself, there is the fish that eat in be like water more, free, happy. This music is carrying secure of the person that listen attentively to to dream, the person that make listen attentively to feels the charactizing a fine spring day of the nature in music, the colorful fragrance of nature, feeling sinks into to make a person yearning so in nature in.

下一篇:招远有旅游社没? 为什么有北博山和南博山?英文双语对照