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Bank the city teachs a net: Establish the educational ecology group that shares win-win in all

Bank city education net is bank city district is dedicated the Internet platform at teaching a domain, aim to be teacher, student, parent to offer Wu of all-around kimono of educational natural resources. Pass city of conformity bank state to teach resource of ministry of inside and outside, bank city education net devotes oneself to to make establish the educational ecology group that shares win-win in all.

Natural resources of high grade education gathers together area education characteristic is revealed

Bank city education net gathered bank state city various school and the natural resources of high grade education that teach an orgnaization, include education tax, data of teaching plan, study. These resource are passed bank the platform of city education net undertakes centralized reveal and be issuanced, let teachers can get resource of of all kinds education conveniently, promote education quality.

In the meantime, bank city education net is active still the educational characteristic of district of promotion bank city, establish characteristic to teach a column, reveal bank the new concept that state city teachs, new course, new method. Such, can promote not only bank the educational consequence of state city, still can let more teaching staff understands and be drawn lessons from bank the educational experience of the city.

School of home of personalized study service cooperates in all Yo

Bank city education net provides study data for the student not only, the study that still provides individuation for them serves. Through studying a plan setting, exercise coachs, study is evaluated wait for a function, bank city education net can satisfy a student the study requirement of disparate arrangement of ideas, diverse demand, help them achieve individual development goal.

In addition, bank city education net promotes domestic school cooperation actively still, built a communication platform for the parent and school. The parent can be passed bank the study circumstance that the city teachs a net to know him child, undertake communicating with the teacher, and the teacher can be passed bank city education net issues an announcement, share educational resource, stimulative home school cooperates, collective Yo person.

Innovation teachs scientific research together compose builds educational wisdom

Bank the innovation that the city teachs a net to promote educational scientific research actively, encourage a teaching staff to undertake education research and education reform practice. This platform offerred scientific research project to declare share a function with resource, provide strong support to teach scientific research. Try hard through these, bank city education net devotes oneself to compose to build those who have an education wisdom in all share platform, drive bank the high quality of enterprise of state city education develops.

Appreciate your attention and support

Those who thank you to read article introduction bank the city teachs a net. As bank the major of city district teachs platform, bank city education net will devote oneself to to be teaching staff, student, parent to bring Wu of more and high grade kimono of educational natural resources, the innovation that helps city of force bank state teach a career develops. Believe to pass bank the city teachs a net, we are OK and collective compose establishs a more high grade educational ecology group, share educational wisdom, start educational tomorrow in all!

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