大众行进有氧健身操,是胶东地区一些健身队编用的。《花楼恋歌》第二节《唱红歌》《火辣辣的军营火辣辣的兵》《玛尼情歌》 《荷塘月色》《情醉女儿国》《军歌声声》《坐上火车去拉萨》《水乡新娘》《红雪莲》《留客歌》。
The people advances setting-up exercise having oxygen, it is glue east group of a few fitness makes up the area use. " the love song that spend a building " the 2nd " sing Gong Ge " " the arms with burning burning barback " " Ma Buddhist nun love song " " moonlight of pond of carry on one's shoulder " " country of affection drunk daughter " " army singing tone " .
In the morning 8:30_10:30 midday 2:30_4:00 in the evening 7:30_9:00
Pretty good
Standard of movement of the setting-up exercise between Yuan Yuan direct seeding, can achieve very good motion result. Strong and handsome operation has oxygen to move for, can raise fitness in the round, make healthy, all say, the movement is beautiful, harmonious.