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心理健康表怎么填? 主板检测表?英文双语对照


心理健康表怎么填? 主板检测表?英文双语对照























灯名  中文意义  说 明

CLK 总线时钟 不论ISA或PCI只要一块空板(无CPU等)接通电源就应常亮,否则CLK信号坏。

BIOS 基本输入输出 主板运行时对BIOS有读操作时就闪亮。

IRDY 主设备准备好 有IRDY信号时才闪亮,否则不亮。

OSC 振荡 ISA槽的主振信号,空板上电则应常亮,否则停振。

FRAME 帧周期 PCI槽有循环帧信号时灯才闪亮,平时常亮。

RST 复位 开机或按了RESET开关后亮半秒钟熄灭必属正常,若不灭常因主板上的复位插针接上了加速开关或复位电路坏。

12V 电源 空板上电即应常亮,否则无此电压或主板有短路。

-12V 电源 空板上电即应常亮,否则无此电压或主板有短路。

5V 电源 空板上电即应常亮,否则无此电压或主板有短路。

-5V 电源 空板上电即应常亮,否则无此电压或主板有短路。(只有ISA槽才有此电压)

3V3 电源 这是PCI槽特有的3.3V电压,空板上电即应常亮,有些有PCI槽的主板本身无此电压,则不亮。










1. 学生心理健康档案表照片应该用胶带粘贴,以免照片掉落。

2. 将照片正面朝上,将胶带粘贴在照片的背面,然后将照片粘贴到心理健康档案表上。

3. 如果照片太大,可以将照片裁剪到合适的大小,然后再粘贴。


























One, how is mental health watch filled?

One, fill in measure

Form of the once-over after taking out archives of student mental health to express needs the information that fill in. Most the basic message that of upper part is a student, for example: Name, nation, sexual distinction is waited a moment, this part content fills in according to actual condition can. Domestic member circumstance basically fills in the information such as parents, grandparent, working unit or study unit fill in the name of corresponding unit can.

2, mental health archives expresses fill in principle: Comply with is objective factual rule, through studying the life daily to the child medium observation undertakes filling in.

3, archives note

1, the student should fill in objectively according to the facts individual data.

2, mental health archives of the student should keep secret strictly. These information must not take psychological consulting room, more do not allow to copy.

3, if not be professional psychology,coach the psychological record that personnel cannot examine a student.

4, psychological archives of the student and archives of average occurrences in human life are different, do not allow to regard student behavior assess as the basis, cannot put stuff of human affairs archives in order to regard a student as all one's life archives more.

Psychological archives of the student is sealed up for keeping after graduation normally. Extend the mental health issue about the child, the parent and teacher should note the following characteristics constantly: Sensitive, traitorous, lose, self-abased, envious. Teenage self-awareness is intense, proud requirement is pressing, and psychology bears capacity is small.

2, advocate board detect watch?

Advocate board breakdown diagnoses card

Advocate board breakdown diagnoses card: It is to use advocate board in of program of BIOS in-house self check detect result, show one by one through code come, combinative code meaning fast check a watch to be able to know computer breakdown is in immediately. Cannot guide in the PC especially when operating system, Hei Bing, horn does not cry, use this card to be able to reflect its to facilitate more, make your get twice the result with half the effort. BIOS is in when switching on the mobile phone every time, each component such as part, hard disk, soft to systematic circuit, memory, clavier, video drive have self check, analyse configuration of hard disk system, to the basic I/O that already configured the setting undertakes initialization, after everything is normal, lead an operating system again. Its are remarkable the characteristic is whether can show with monitor for boundary, have a test to decisive component first. Decisive component malfunctions compulsive machine turns to stop machine, monitor does not have cursor, criterion screen does not have any reaction. Next, decisive to be not component has a test, also continue to move to having breakdown machine, at the same time monitor is not had when showing, insert this card expansion slot inside. According to the code that displays on card, consult your machine is to belong to which kind of BIOS, again fish this code place is denotive breakdown reason and place, can know breakdown is in clearly.

Basic message

Chinese renown

Advocate board breakdown diagnoses card


Have strict test to the component such as systematic circuit

Check a watch to need read

3 kinds of circumstances appear

Function fast check

Indicator light function fast check a watch

Chinese meaning shows lamp name

Clock of CLK bus line no matter ISA or PCI want a sky board only (wait without CPU) receive electrify source to answer to often shine, otherwise CLK signal is bad.

BIOS inputs output basically advocate board when moving, have to BIOS when reading an operation ablaze.

IRDY advocate equipment prepares the ability when having IRDY signal ablaze, do not shine otherwise.

Of chamfer of OSC oscillation ISA advocate brace up signal, sky board electrify often should shine, stop otherwise brace up.

The lamp when chamfer of PCI of FRAME frame cycle has circular frame signal ability is ablaze, often shine at ordinary times.

It is normal to after RST restoration switchs on the mobile phone or pressing RESET switch, shine half seconds to go out to be belonged to surely, if eternal constant because of advocate board the restoration that go up inserts a needle to receive went up to quicken switch or restoration circuit is bad.

12V power source is empty board electrify often should shine namely, do not have this voltage otherwise or advocate board have short circuit.

- 12V power source is empty board electrify often should shine namely, do not have this voltage otherwise or advocate board have short circuit.

5V power source is empty board electrify often should shine namely, do not have this voltage otherwise or advocate board have short circuit.

- 5V power source is empty board electrify often should shine namely, do not have this voltage otherwise or advocate board have short circuit. (only ISA chamfer ability has this voltage)

3V3 power source this is the 3.3V voltage with PCI peculiar chamfer, sky board electrify often should shine namely, have PCI chamfer a little advocate board itself does not have this voltage, not bright.

3, how does watch of archives of student mental health fill in?

 Most the basic message that upper part is a student, for example: Name, nation, this part content of sexual distinction fills in by actual condition can, domestic member condition is main the information of dictate parents grandparents, working unit or the unit name that learn unit correspondence can, stepfather mother or foster parent circumstance, fill in by actual condition

4, how does watch of archives of student mental health fill in?

Short of medical establishment issued psychological problem medical certificate, had not had the pathology record of psychological sickness treatment, you ought to fill in on watch of mental health archives healthy two words go, conversely, solid fill in.

5, how is native place of watch of mental health archives filled?

Watch of mental health archives asks to fill in commonly native place, fill in the format is commonly: Province (municipality directly under the Central Government) / city (area) / county (countryside) , for example: Zhejiang is saved / Hangzhou city / desolate is a mountainous area.

6, how is watch of archives of student mental health filled?

Watch of archives of student mental health fills in according to actual condition of the student.

7, how is picture of watch of archives of student mental health stickup?

1.Picture of watch of archives of student mental health should use adhesive plaster stickup, lest the photograph drops.

2.Attend photograph front day, adhesive plaster stickup the reverse side in the photograph, next the photograph stickup go up to watch of mental health archives.

3.If the picture is too big, can cut out the photograph proper size, next again stickup.

8, does quality detect does the watch include?

One, quality record processing applies for sheet

2, run evaluation schedule every time

3, equipment discards as useless odd

4, the contract evaluates a watch

5, vertical form of C of management of quality of business management form

6, reject handles sheet

7, watch of product routine inspection test

8, the product examines test record

9, the product produces list

10, the product asks to evaluate a watch

11, undesirable case study expresses product quality (1)

12, undesirable case study expresses product quality

13, bad situation analyses product quality

9, does driver's license anomalous trichromatism detect watch?

In test of driver check-up achromatopsia, although some people can discern all color, but identify ability is slower, come out through considering ability differentiate examine repeatedly, it is anomalous trichromatism namely, discern namely color ability is abate. Prepared to took an examination of a driver's license 2021 to everybody below newest and achromatopsia graph, see you you can be done to how many?

(test pattern of 12 pieces of achromatopsia anomalous trichromatism)

101 answers: 806; 102 answers: 3; 103 answers: Goldfish; 104 answers: Duck / bunny.

201 answers: 5; 202 answers: 689; 203 answers: 6; 204 answers: 698.

301 answers: 36; 302 answers: 66; 303 answers: 6; 304 answers: 9.

Explain: For example 302 cannot numerate for daltonism. 102 cannot numerate lose for red. 101 cannot numerate for gules blind. 301 cannot numerate for gules blind. 104 cannot numerate become aware for red, green unusual, the examination gives anomalous trichromatism of gules blind, part. 202 cannot numerate for deuteranopia. 303 cannot numerate for deuteranopia.

10, does watch magnetism detect principle?

Expressing magnetism is the magnetic induction intensity that shows some of magnetic body surface is nodded (so the watch magnetism of center and brim is different) , it is the numerical value that gaussmeter and contact of surface of magnetic body some measure, be not the magnetism function of this magnet whole.

Expressing magnetism is daily measure gotten magnetic body performance data the most easily directly, use gaussmeter to be able to be measured directly, very convenient. When magnetic body appearance and measure are certain, people often can judge the performance with comparative magnet through expressing magnetism quite (blame is multipolar fill the circumstance such as magnetism to fall) . And the magnet with particularly big to a few dimension or particularly small, special appearance, measure flux to compare difficulty, measure watch magnetism to appear very important at this moment.

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