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郑州成功财经学院在中国民办大学中, 全国排名第78; 郑州财经学院全国排名第111。祝你好运。












6000郑州大学 37数学类66 38英语34 3A日语34 3B物理学类24

40电子信息科学与技术32 41测控技术与仪器34 42电子科学与技术46

44化学(含应用化学)123 45生物技术52 46生物工程50

47机械工程及自动化196 48工业设计36


4A电气工程及其自动化88 4B生物医工程48 4C计算机科学与技术40 50电子信息工程29 51通信工程35 52工程58

54材料科学与工程175 55材料化学42 56包装工程18

57化学工程与工艺60 58制工程26

59工程装备与控制工程62 5A热能与动力学工程56

5B安全工程(系统安方面)42 5C环境科学28 60土木工程96

61建筑环境与设备工程22 62交通工程28 63水利水电工程56 64环境工程46 65给水排水工程32 66地理信息系统30 67水文与水资源工程26 68道路桥梁与渡河工程30 69建筑学(学制五年)20 6A城市规划(学制五年)20

6B艺术设计(环境艺术设计方向)30 6C工业工程47 70工程管理45 71物流管理50 72电子商务52 73工程力学46

74安全工程(设备与结构安全方向)42 75预防医学(学制五年)56 77临床医学(学制五年)159 78医学影像学(学制五年)21 79医学检测(学制五年)33 7A口腔医学(学制五年)33 7B学52 7C物制剂50 80行政管理17 81法学20 82经济学9




河南财经政法大学成功学院是由河南财经政法大学与社会力量筹措资金合作创办的一所本科层次的独立学院。学院位于人杰地灵、物产富饶的中原腹地——河南省巩义市。紧临陇海铁路、连霍高速和310国道。距省会郑州和古都洛阳行车仅一小时,交通便利。校园占地1390亩,资产评估3.75亿元人民币(不含土地),建筑总面积30万平方米以上。 学院以经济、管理、外语、信息工程等学科为主,兼有人文、社科类专业。以本科教育为主,辅之以专科教育和成人教育,计划到2015年左右,本科专业达到30个左右,在校生突破万人规模。2012年起河南财经政法大学成功学院转设为郑州成功财经学院,该学院由独立学院转变为独立设置的民办院校,至此我省属普通高校总数达到120所。




在郑州北三环,名字叫郑州财经学院,以前叫郑州经贸职业学院,去年升的本,和河南财经政法不是一个学校,也不是什么郑州成功财经学院。 在郑州市惠济区天河路36号,杜庄村里面。







One, institute of Zhengzhou success finance and economics and institute of Zhengzhou finance and economics which good?

College of Zhengzhou success finance and economics is a bit good.

Institute of Zhengzhou success finance and economics is in university of Chinese run by the local people, the whole nation is ranked the 78th; Whole nation of institute of Zhengzhou finance and economics is ranked the 111st. Wish you are lucky.

2, how much is the tuition of institute of Zhengzhou success finance and economics?

Rate of college of Zhengzhou success finance and economics is as follows:

1. tuition

Undergraduate course: Artistic tuition is kind of major 13000 yuan / school year / unripe (contain: Environmental design, vision communicates major of design, products plan, animation) ; Tuition of the others major all is 11000 yuan / school year / unripe.

Rise only this: Artistic tuition is kind of major 13000 yuan / school year / unripe (contain: Environmental design, vision communicates major of design, animation) ; Tuition of the others major all is 11000 yuan / school year / unripe.

Specialized subject: Artistic tuition is kind of major 9000 yuan / school year / unripe (contain: Art of artistic design, decorate designs major) , tuition of the others major all is 7000 yuan / school year / unripe.

Minority preparatory class: Preparatory phase (the first school year) tuition is 20000 yuan / school year / unripe, collection of coequal student standard is pressed after rising ordinary undergraduate course.

2. accommodation expends: 1100 yuan / school year / unripe

3, how much is the tuition of institute of Zhengzhou success finance and economics?

Standard of tuition of college of Zhengzhou success finance and economics is as follows: Common major is average and tuitional: 11000 yuan / year literary history kind common major is average and tuitional: 11000 yuan / year, 13000 yuan / year manage is versed in kind of common major is average and tuitional: 11000 yuan / year management of institute of Zhengzhou success finance and economics is tighter, the environment is better, have more than 1400 mus area, the dining room still calculates sanitation, have a meal in the dining room only everyday every month 400 OK, every day object can be bought in the supermarket, the net should go telecommunication deals with every school more than 200, probably every month 1000 be enough cost, random nevertheless flower and smoking can be not carried

4, code of recruit students of college of Zhengzhou success finance and economics and each major code?

6000 Zhengzhou university 37 maths kind physics of 34 3B of Japanese of 34 3A of 66 38 English kind 24

Science of 40 electrons information and technical 32 41 are measured accuse technology and science of electron of instrument 34 42 and technology 46

44 chemistry (contain applied chemistry) project of biology of 52 46 of technology of 123 45 biology 50

47 mechanical engineerings and industry of automation 196 48 are designed 36

49 automation 110

Project of 35 52 of project of communication of science of 4A electrician Cheng and computer of 48 4C of project of cure of biology of its automation 88 4B and 29 51 of project of information of electron of technical 40 50 58

54 material science and 42 56 of chemistry of material of project 175 55 pack a project 18

57 chemical projects and craft 60 58 control a project 26

59 engineerings equipment and heat energy of control project 62 5A and kinetic project 56

5B safe project (the system brings a side) civil engineering of 28 60 of science of 42 5C environment 96

Hydrology of 30 67 of system of information of geography of 32 66 of project of catchment of water supply of 46 65 of project of environment of 56 64 of project of 61 buildings environment and water and electricity of irrigation works of 28 63 of project of traffic of equipment project 22 62 and bridge of road of 26 68 of project of water natural resources and 30 69 of the project that cross a river are architectural (eductional systme 5 years) 20 6A town planning (eductional systme 5

6B art is designed (environmental art devises way) content of 45 71 of management of project of 47 70 of project of 30 6C industry sheds management engineering of 52 73 of business affairs of 50 72 electron is mechanical 46

74 safe projects (equipment and structural safety way) medicine of 42 75 precaution (eductional systme 5 years) 56 77 clinical medicine (eductional systme 5 years) 159 78 medicine is video learn (eductional systme 5 years) 21 79 medicine detects (eductional systme 5 years) medicine of 33 7A oral cavity (eductional systme 5 years) 33 7B learns

5, is institute of Zhengzhou success finance and economics are 2 still 3?

It is school of 3 this academy so, now oneself become officer of 2 this academy.

6, institute of Zhengzhou success finance and economics after all how? Seek real answer?

The independent institute that institute of success of university of politics and law of Henan finance and economics is the administrative levels of an undergraduate course that establishs by university of politics and law of Henan finance and economics and collaboration of social force finance. The institute is located in the Central Plains hinterland with spirit of ground of an outstanding personality, abundant products -- Henan visits Gong Yi town. Face Gansu sea railroad closely, even suddenly high speed with 310 countries. Be apart from provincial capital Zhengzhou and drive a vehicle of ancient capital Luoyang only a hour, communication is easy. Campus covers an area of 1390 mus, asset evaluates 375 million yuan of RMBs (do not contain land) , building gross area above of 300 thousand square metre. The institute is given priority to with the course such as project of economy, management, foreign language, information, hold division of humanitarian, company concurrently kind professional. Give priority to with undergraduate course education, complementary teach with the specialized subject is taught and growing up, plan to was controlled 2015, undergraduate course major achieves 30 or so, the student breaks through dimensions of 10 thousand people. Institute of success of university of politics and law of finance and economics of the Henan since 2012 turns set for institute of Zhengzhou success finance and economics, this institute is the school of run by the local people of independent setting by independent institute change, so far my province belongs to average college gross to achieve 120.

7, address of institute of Nanchang finance and economics?

Institute of Nanchang finance and economics is located in Chinese Jiangxi to visit new developed area of beach of Nanchang city red cereal the highway in Gong Gu 169. If you plan to head for this school, before according to particular case the choice takes public traffic tool to perhaps be driven oneself, can go to. The proposal searchs relevant traffic information ahead of schedule, so that reach destination smoothly.

8, is institute of Zhengzhou finance and economics in?

In Zhengzhou north 3 annulus, the name calls Zhengzhou finance and economics the institute, call profession of Zhengzhou classics trade the institute before, rose last year this, with politics and law of Henan finance and economics not be a school, also not be institute of finance and economics of what Zhengzhou success. In road of the Milky way of area of benefit of Zhengzhou city benefit 36, inside Du Zhuang village.

9, is institute of Zhengzhou finance and economics how old?

Institute of Zhengzhou finance and economics only then built 1997, predecessor is school of Zhengzhou economy management, institute of profession of trade of classics of Zhengzhou of all previous classics, in May 2014 more show a name.

Advocate the campus is located in road of Zhengzhou city the Milky way 36. The school covers an area of 870 mus, floor area 570 thousand square metre; Build center of example of the fact inside the school with can advanced have rendered great service 8, room of experimental solid example 82, base of solid example of outside school exercitation 212; Education uses the computer 6000; Library holding is of all kinds books 2 million; Have the full-time teacher such as professor, associate professor, instructor 870; Student dormitory executes standard apartment to turn management; Build have field of track and field, volleyball field, sink the of all kinds sports such as musical square is literary establishment. The student is close 10 thousand people, set 13 courtyards 2, cover tubal a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, economics, labour to learn, the course such as literature, art.

10, celebrity of institute of Zhengzhou finance and economics?

Zhang Hongjiang---Ever held the position of group of Microsoft Asia-Pacific research and development dean of courtyard of project of Asia of chief technology officer, Microsoft, already took office as CEO of golden hill software now

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