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福州美食必吃排行榜? 夫子庙必吃的美食排行?英文双语对照


福州美食必吃排行榜? 夫子庙必吃的美食排行?英文双语对照








4.小笼包:吃小笼包讲究汤汁,做的时候要把高汤凝成透明的固体胶质,切碎了拌在里面,热气一蒸,就全化成了汤水。好的小笼包皮薄如纸,提来提去还不带破的。小心翼翼地提出来,放在醋碗里,对准上面一吸,鲜美的汤汁就进了肚了。不过不能着急,不然会烫着,然后再慢慢享用里面的内容。所以南京人吃小笼包又有歌谣,“ 轻轻移,慢慢提,先开窗,后喝汤”。



扬州必吃的十大美食有 :蟹粉狮子头,大煮干丝,扬州春卷,虾籽饺面,烧麦,三丁包子,千层油糕,扬州炒饭,扬州酱菜,扬州牛皮糖


NO.1 平遥豆腐脑




NO.2 莜面栲栳栳




NO.3 平遥水煎包



NO.4 平遥香草肉





NO.5 平遥剔尖面





NO.6 平遥油茶





NO.7 猫耳朵












  民国美龄粥 据坊间流传,民国期间蒋夫人为驻颜养心,让家厨用上等粳米和豆浆百合山药熬煮成粥服用。此粥口味独特、清香鲜甜,常服有美白、美颜、润肺之功效。(根据上辈老人口述研制而成)

















1. 南京盐水鸭:盐水鸭是南京的传统名菜之一,鸭肉嫩滑鲜美,制作时使用特殊配方的盐水腌制,让肉质更加鲜嫩可口。

2. 老门东烤鸭:这是一家历史悠久的烤鸭店,以其独特的烤鸭技巧和传统工艺而闻名。吃时常会有店家现场展示切片技巧。

3. 夫子庙汤包:夫子庙是南京的一个古老文化区域,在那里你可以品尝到汤包。这些小笼包皮薄馅多,汤汁鲜美。

4. 南京扬州炒饭:扬州炒饭起源于扬州,后来在南京流行开来。它是用米粒精细切碎再炒制而成,口感松软,配料丰富。

5. 江苏春卷:江苏春卷有很多种类和变体,在南京你可以找到各种不同口味的春卷。它们通常由蔬菜、肉类和海鲜等馅料包裹而成,口感酥脆可口。

6. 南京炸酱面:炸酱面是一道家喻户晓的中国传统面食,南京的炸酱面用特制的豆瓣酱和各种配料烹制而成,味道浓郁。

7. 南京大排档:南京有很多夜市和大排档,你可以在那里品尝到各种小吃和美食。比如烤串、灌汤包、锅贴等等。

8. 鸭血粉丝汤:这是一道传统的汤类美食,在南京有很多店铺供应。它由鸭血、粉丝、豆腐等材料煮制而成,汤汁鲜美。

9. 南京水盆羊肉:水盆羊肉是一道具有浓厚本地特色的菜品。它由嫩羊肉片、黄豆芽、莴苣叶等配料组成,汤底清爽可口。

10. 金陵奶皮糖:这是南京的特色甜品之一,以牛奶为主要原料制作而成。它外层焦糖酥脆,内部柔软香甜,口感丰富。










One, does Fuzhou cate eat pop chart surely?

Fuzhou cate included Buddha to jump wall, litchi flesh, drunk flooey chicken, weak flooey sweet snail piece, drunk chop, explode fry double fragile, flesh of red be pickled with grains or in wine, mud of eight treasures taro, weak flooey sweet snail piece, south the Fuzhou characteristic dish such as decoct liver.

Among them " Buddha jumps wall " be judged to be " Chinese dish " Fujian dish of 10 big classical name, it is the entree of state banquet for many times!

2, the cate seniority that master shrine eats surely?

1. brine duck: Going to Nanjing to eat cate surely is briny duck, briny duck is Nanjing's famous special local product, long negative great reputation, already had history of more than 1000 years up to now. Plain boiled pork of skin of Nanjing brine duck is tender, fat and not be bored with, delicacy is sweet delicate, have sweet, crisp, tender characteristic. Annual the briny duck lubricious flavour of around is optimal mid-autumn!

: of 2. beef fried dumpling?

: of vermicelli made from bean starch of 3. duck blood? It is difficult that horsefly グ shape admires Mei of Mie of leg of Pai of Rong Zheng  does reed of bowstring of capture of Qu of beautiful  delay drop is fine gold phlegmy south it is good that serve breaks through Wen of cochlea of  of  confused delicacy to stay  carve board  of caries of busy of σ of Zhun Ting draw water so 0  of excuse me of Cui of Gan of You Xian the Huaihe River high mountain?

Is 4. small basket bag: ? Book of  of pregnant ×  engraves neon of Bao of happy   to bake  of excessive of to instruct of Kuo  fast admires this Jian grave to iron  of Qian brown remnant to promote  of Gui of Juan of hey of Cui duty Xia to circle  of billow of Shansong of  of  of leg of  of  badge Deng: Lao of  of sword of reins of ∪ of け of  of  of Mei male × pricks セ rising abruptly in all  of Zheng of Rong of Zi of the Gua other  of hawk of Ke of vasting dimple of a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides of bursa of ⌒ of P of copy of frequency of  of the Huaihe River standing tall and upright slaughters avoid mansion play to shake   mop to bilk excuse me of pry of large of  of apprentice of grandma happy  2, carry slowly, open a window first, boiling water is drunk after " .

Does 5. boil dry silk: ? Is injury of free time └ thirsty and does anxiety bump into discharge of scabbard of  of Lu of brilliant  flatter to scoop up an ancient nationality in China to be troubled by chart to show D of ā of any of several hot spice plants to cut ┠ Po  shine Xing of star of  of dirty of  of = of umbrella of  of deficient of Piao of grandma of an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise of  of dirty of  of  of  of dredge of injury of mother of Lv of feng4huang2 of  of rare  what?

3, does Yangzhou cate eat pop chart surely?

Does Yangzhou need eating 10 big cate have: ?

4, does Ping Yao eat cate pop chart surely?

NO.1 makes the same score Yao jellied bean curd

Fresh and tender tastily bean curd deserves to go up this thick gravy of particular way

Go down readily, can savor even high grade soya bean taste come out!

A breakfast that smooth Yao person loves most is fastfood, do not say more, get it!

Lao of wicker basket of NO.2 You face

Craft is exquisite, mouthfeel interest, there also is distinguishing feature quite on modelling

Dip in makings eat or incision is being fried eat, very delicate

Also be Gu Cheng one of a famous, cooked wheaten food that cannot miss!

NO.3 averages bale of Yao water simmer in water

Bag of water simmer in water is in Ping Yao almost unmanned do not know, unmanned not dawn

Build is not big, inside however stuffing makings is full, all sorts of taste have cortical and golden, crisp is goluptious, fresh and tender and juicily more fetching aftertaste

NO.4 makes the same score Yao herb flesh

The everywhere on the small vendor's stand that is by the side of the street is visible

The skin that use a beans is wrapping the flesh, bag of net of reoccupy corn skin is being wrapped

A variety of taste such as beef, pork, chicken offer an alternative

Transmit the distinct fragrance of a corn from time to time, it is hungry ~

NO.5 makes the same score pointed face of Yao get rid of

Be called again " the noodle that dials with the chopstick "

Knead dough is exquisite, the face that such get rid of come out just is met easy figuration has strong way

Thick gravy is the soul of pointed face of get rid of!

Can say Shanxi people is the most exquisite of sauce, thick gravy made

NO.6 makes the same score Yao tea-oil tree

The classical and traditional food of health care of advance business preserve one's health

Also be northward and common acting eat provision

Pure natural make technology without what add

Be judged to be green conscience food by common people

NO.7 cat is auditive

It is cooked wheaten food of smooth Yao tradition, name because of ear of cat of be similar in shape. Can thoroughly cook next burden or fish out to mixing eat, taste knead dough of opening of muscle slippery interest is very exquisite, but the method that make looks to be able to learn

5, does Zhengzhou cate eat pop chart surely?

In Zhengzhou person eye cate can have each different, can taste below this a few appearance, with full the luck to eat sth delicious, pretty good still:

1 close the noodle shop that write down draw, 2 Cai remember steamed dumpling store, 3 arrowroot remember frowsty cake store, inn of roast duck of the dining-room on 4 Zhijinshan water, 5 have the more elegant restaurant of chicken of eight treasures precious, 6 fascia dish feeds inn to wait a moment for the A Wumei of Yellow River big carp.

The affirmation of be the first to be affected is the braise face of Zhengzhou, the braise noodle shop that Zhengzhou has name quite is to combine the aspect that write down braise, another is face of Xiao Ji braise.

6, does archives of Nanjing big shop sign eat cate surely?

A region of rivers and lakes a pail of delicacy

Jiang Xianhe is bright, gather together a pail, conflagration abstraction, shang Senong Bai Chunhou, bring up charm of a region of rivers and lakes.

Seedling of taro of candy of ancient magic art

Manual and abrade sweetened bean taste boils boil, young of bead bead taro is sweet glutinous mouth, pure Nanjing gust. [China name is fastfood]

Age congee of beauty of the Republic of China

Age congee of beauty of the Republic of China circulates according to in the bookshops, jiang Fu is stationed in Yan Yangxin artificially during the Republic of China, hutch allowing the home uses classy rice and infusion of yam of soya-bean milk lily to be taken into congee. This congee taste delicacy of distinctive, faint scent is sweet, mufti has the beauty the effect of lung of white, United States colour, embellish. (According to ancestors old population narrates development and become)

Lotus root of gold sweet juice

Though every inn has, only archives of Nanjing big shop sign has the honor to win China name fastfood special honour. Unbroken the sweet juice that glutinous glutinous is hanging pear syrup candy to be boiled, taste is not general.

Turnip silk terminal

Late clear consummate century 559 time, wander the deepfry of the butcher peddle at street alley is fastfood. The time that eats little oil is lacked in that, biting on one a cause for gossip is to satisfy a craving for delicious food, satisfy a craving.

Whitefish of gallinaceous juice the Yangtse River

In the Yangtse River one of downstream and famous precious fingerling, flesh of silvery white of colour and lustre is qualitative exquisite, complementary with evaporate of flourishing of conflagration of old chicken broth,

Shrimp soybean bean curd

Choose landed langouste to cook and become, entrance delicacy is sweet 4 excessive, this dish lasts long, for gold-lettered signboard. Have the honor to win Jiangsu name dish.

Large meatball of boiled in clear soup

Gust of raise of pure the Huaihe River, the entrance is fresh and tender and clinking, slow fire dip is raised fully 6 hours, kongfu sees one spot.

Noisy oily eel papers gold

The dish of Nanjing traditional name that cannot not taste, choose the eel of shaft degree of finish, very hot ripe delimit silk, heat is fried hang paste, on the reoccupy before the desk rolls oil to rush irrigate, grow grow makes sound. Very hot, slippery, embellish, fat, sweet.

Day king roast duck is wrapped

With the meat stuffing that roast duck flesh makes, cannot not taste, those who experience cate is cheerful, this is small basket flourish ascends a list of names posted up with China fastfood name.

7, go to Nanjing eating 10 big cate surely?

If you plan to go to Nanjing, it is below 10 taste cate surely greatly:

1.Nanjing brine duck: Briny duck is one of traditional name dish of Nanjing, duck flesh is tender slip delicious, the briny souse of special recipe is used when making, make the flesh qualitative more fresh and tender and goluptious.

2.Laomen east roast duck: This is the roast duck inn with a long history, famed with its distinctive roast duck skill and conventional technology. The regular meeting when eating has inn-keeper spot to show section skill.

3.Master shrine dumpling: Master shrine is area of a of Nanjing old culture, over you can taste savor dumpling. These are small basket wrapping thin stuffing is much, soup juice is delicious.

4.Nanjing Yangzhou fries a meal: Yangzhou fries meal traceable Yangzhou, leave in Nanjing popularity later come. It is to use grain of rice careful and mincing fry again make and become, mouthfeel is loose, burden is rich.

5.Jiangsu spring roll: Jiangsu spring roll has a lot of sort and aberrant, in Nanjing you can find the spring roll of all sorts of different taste. They normally by vegetable, flesh kind makings waiting for stuffing laps and become with seafood, mouthfeel crisp is goluptious.

6.Face of Nanjing fried bean sauce: Face of fried bean sauce is the Chinese tradition cooked wheaten food of a widely known, the face of fried bean sauce of Nanjing is cooked with all sorts of burden with tailor-made thick broad-bean sauce and become, flavour is full-bodied.

7.Nanjing discharges archives greatly: Nanjing has a lot of night fair and big grade, you can sample over all sorts of fastfood with cate. Bake for instance string, fill dumpling, fried dumpling is waited a moment.

8.Soup of duck blood vermicelli made from bean starch: The soup that this is a tradition kind cate, there are a lot of shops to supply in Nanjing. It is boiled by the material such as duck blood, vermicelli made from bean starch, bean curd make and become, soup juice is delicious.

9.Nanjing birdbath hotpot: Birdbath hotpot is to have the dish of characteristic of grumous this locality to taste together. It waits for burden to comprise by leaf of bud of tender sheep cutlet, soya bean, lettuce, soup bottom is relaxed and goluptious.

10.Candy of golden hill skin on boiled milk: This is one of characteristic sweetmeats of Nanjing, be made for main raw material with milk and become. It is outer caramel crisp, internal softness is sweet, mouthfeel is rich.

Above is Nanjing 10 taste cate surely greatly, every have its unique flavor and local color together. When exploring this city, might as well sample at the same time local cate, learn the culture of Nanjing and history at the same time.

8, 3 inferior does cate eat pop chart surely?

3 inferior in the end austral Hainan, it is a city of international seaside travel, also be free trade harbor, collect travel cate shops at an organic whole, to 3 inferior the cate that eats surely is quite much, coco chicken, hold collect pink in the arms, hainan pink, harbor door pink, qing Dynasty fills cool, coco freezes, drunk goose.

9, eat cate surely from tribute?

The cate that eats surely from tribute is fabaceous beautiful meal.

10, does Chongqing eat cate surely?

Chaffy dish

Mention Chongqing cate, impression giving a person is the deepest should be hot hot fiery chaffy dish. Chaffy dish, had become the basic physiology of Chongqing person to need! The life that does not have chaffy dish is indifferently, do not have passion, lose colorific. The sort of chaffy dish also has a lot of, for instance duck bowel chaffy dish, eel chaffy dish is waited a moment. One desk person round red chaffy dish, eat extremely, bowel of cutlet, duck, eel, bean sprouts, want to eat what to boil, go on the road to be able to smell through inn doorway the sort of fragrance that lets a person leave saliva.
