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  基本技巧  蜘蛛侠2的操作方式有两种,一种是鼠标加键盘的操作方式,另一种是纯粹的键盘操作。键盘操作所用的键是方向键控制蜘蛛侠的移动方向,Ctrl跳跃,回车键用于使用各种技能,小键盘的“0”键是闪避敌人攻击,而Home、End、Delete、PageDown这四个键则是分别对应视角的调节的上下左右。而鼠标加键盘则是用惯例的ASDW键位控制方向移动,鼠标移动控制视野调节,左键是技能使用,右键控制跳跃,闪避键则被设置在空白键上面。对于大多数玩家,我们推荐使用鼠标加键盘的控制方式,鼠标的移动精确很利于施放蜘蛛丝的瞄准。  基本动作:Swing  蜘蛛侠的经典动作,利用坚韧的蜘蛛丝在高楼之间荡来荡去,是快速移动的重要技巧。游戏中,要将蜘蛛丝射到空中标示的蜘蛛网上,然后才能在空中荡秋千。当蜘蛛侠靠近附近的蜘蛛网后就能让空中的蜘蛛网标志变成绿色,这个时候就可以点鼠标左键或按回车键射出蜘蛛丝。一般情况下,每两个蜘蛛网之间的距离可以让玩家用前一个荡到最高点的时候能够直接用蜘蛛丝连接到另一个蜘蛛网。但是有时候也会出现距离过远无法够到下一个蜘蛛网的情况,这时就要向着蜘蛛网的方向跳跃出去,然后再半空中射出蜘蛛丝。不用担心会掉下去,无论多高蜘蛛侠也不会摔死,即使在太空中掉下去了也会自动回到开始跳跃的位置。  基本动作:Zip  蜘蛛侠的另一个经典动作,从空中将蜘蛛丝射到墙上或地上,然后快速拉近。zip是在各种设施之间移动的关键,它能够精确的指定移动后所处的位置,而且其速度非常的快,对于避开一些机关来说是非常的有效。当画面中心的蜘蛛形瞄准器对准一个比较平的地方就会显示出ZIP的字样,这时候按鼠标左键或者回车就可以使用这个技能,迅速拖近。注意,ZIP的蜘蛛丝只能喷到一些表面平坦但是并不光滑的地方,在一些非常光滑的玻璃上蜘蛛丝就无法稳固的粘住,而在一些金属或者岩石上就能够轻松的粘住。  基本动作:爬墙  用蜘蛛侠手掌上伸出的无数小的倒钩能够紧紧抓住光滑的墙壁,甚至倒爬在天花板上。在游戏中爬墙动作很容易实现,只要跳上墙壁蜘蛛侠自己就会主动的抓紧墙,然后可以用上下左右控制在墙上的移动方向。在墙上可以按住闪避键(空白或小键盘0)观察后面的情况,观察时可以用鼠标控制看的方向。一些机关可以通过爬在墙上而显得简单并容易通过。  基本动作:二段跳  凭借蜘蛛侠敏捷的身手可以在空中再跳一次,操作方法即是跳到空中的时候再按一次跳跃键就可以了。同样的,从墙上跳出去也可以进行两段跳,但是从蜘蛛丝上跳下来的途中不能再跳一次。这个技能能够让蜘蛛侠跳到非常高的高度,但是它和单纯的跳得高不同,跳到中途会有一次转折,所以可以半途转换跳跃的方向。  组合动作:Swing+ZIP  如果想用Swing荡起来后跳到某个地方,很难准确的控制自己的落点,这时候就要用到Swing+ZIP的技能组合了。用Swing荡起,然后跳向空中,这时用屏幕中央的蜘蛛准星指向目标地点,这时就会出现ZIP的提示,点击鼠标施放出ZIP就能够准确的到达需要到达的地点了。这一招往往用在需要跳到特定地点时使用,比如在其中一关需要荡过大量的石头,从半空中跳到一块小小的平地上,这一个技巧就非常重要。  组合动作:两段跳+Swing  蜘蛛侠在城市里行走经常会遇见一些突发事件让他需要快速的使用Swing,而往往Swing所需要的蜘蛛网在很高的地方,不能直接够到。这时候就需要用两段跳跳得很高,再对准一个蜘蛛网发射蜘蛛丝。这样比起从一旁的大厦爬上去再射出蜘蛛丝要节约时间得多。  组合动作:Swing+ZIP+爬墙  蜘蛛侠并非是只能在空中有蜘蛛网的时候进行快速移动,在一些蜘蛛网并不那么密集的地方依然可以利用ZIP和爬墙技能将两个蜘蛛网之间的距离拉近。这完全是凭借使用ZIP的时候能够用跳跃键停止ZIP动作向下落的特性和在墙上也能够使用二段跳的技巧。当用Swing荡到最高点的时候用跳跃键向前跳起,如果发现下一个蜘蛛网的距离很远,直接用Swing不能够到,这时可以向那个蜘蛛网附近的一幢大厦发射ZIP,然后用ZIP将自己拖到距离蜘蛛网更近的地方,然后用跳跃键停掉ZIP,这时蜘蛛侠会向下掉落,需要快速的发出Swing粘住蜘蛛网,否则就会落得太低而导致Swing也不能够到了。如果在中途停掉ZIP也不能够到蜘蛛网那就让蜘蛛侠趴上墙去,然后用二段跳跳到靠近蜘蛛网的方向发射Swing。注意,虽然ZIP能够快速的移动蜘蛛侠的横向距离,但是他不能容易的提高高度,所以虽然单纯用ZIP也能够快速前移,但是高度会越来越低,所以必须夹杂使用Swing来提高高度。  战斗技巧  蜘蛛侠和以无穷的力量取胜的超人不同,和使用各种高科技道具的蝙蝠侠也不同,他所拥有的只是敏捷的身手和释放蜘蛛丝的特殊能力。所以要灵活的使用蜘蛛网和准确的闪避敌人的攻击才能够打倒敌人。  战斗技术:拳击  拳击是蜘蛛侠最基本的战斗方式,虽然他的拳头没有超人那种一击必杀的强大的攻击力,但是依然能够用拳头对付一般的敌人。靠近敌人后按左键或者回车键就可以进行拳击攻击。攻击敌人能够积聚能量值,当能量值集满以后就可以使用超强的攻击拳。在能量集满以后靠近敌人就会自动切换到超强模式,能量条不断减少,这时候如果进行拳击就是使用的超强攻击。注意靠近的时候即时不进行攻击能量值也会不停的减少,不进行攻击的时候就要尽量避免靠近敌人,一旦靠近敌人就要迅速的解决掉。  战斗技术:蜘蛛网  用蜘蛛侠的蜘蛛网套住敌人的头或者手,让他暂时不能攻击或战斗,可以趁这个时候冲过去用拳头进行攻击。用画面中央的蜘蛛瞄准器瞄准目标敌人就会出“Web”的字样,这时候点鼠标左键或回车就能够发出网将敌人网住。要注意的是,网住敌人分网住头和网住身体,只要稍微注意蜘蛛准星瞄准的位置就能够确定是网住头部还是身体。虽然两种网都能够让敌人暂时停止活动但是如果网住的是头部,敌人有可能可以防御,而如果网住的是身体则无论如何也是不能防御的。对于一般的小喽啰都是可以被网住身体的,但是一些头目级的敌人不会被网住身体,还有一些更高等级的敌人则完全不能用网网住。另外还有一些非人型的敌人也不会被网网住。  战斗技术:蛛网弹  蜘蛛侠将蜘蛛丝结成很小的一团,然后发射出去就成了蛛网弹,粘住机械的关键部分让它们失效。蛛网弹的发射速度很快,但是攻击力并不高。当蜘蛛瞄准器上出现Shoot的字样就可以按左键用蛛网弹进行攻击了。蛛网弹可以用于以下几种敌人:遥控机器人、监视器机枪以及一些机械类的Boss敌人。蛛网弹除了可以攻击机械敌人之外还可以用于打碎玻璃,让蜘蛛侠可以自由通行。  战斗技术:蜘蛛丝  和用于束缚敌人的蜘蛛网不同,蜘蛛丝并非用于困住敌人,而是用于牵制削弱敌人。蜘蛛丝的用法很多,最常用的一个就是用蜘蛛丝收缴敌人的武器,对于一些手持武器的敌人可以准确的瞄准他的手按左键将他的武器拿掉。也可以用蜘蛛丝拖住逃跑中的汽车的轮胎,从而使它减速甚至停下。  战斗技术:空中踢击  利用蜘蛛侠强劲的弹跳力,在空中对敌人进行攻击,这一招可以用于攻击多个敌人,而且攻击速度很快。游戏中只要在靠近敌人的地方跳起的,在跳起的过程中按鼠标左键就可以使用这种攻击。有时敌人非常强大,踢击不会将它踢倒,反而靠踢击敌人的反作用力让蜘蛛侠向上重新进行了一次小跳,这种时候就可以多次使用连续踢击,快速的点击鼠标左键能够给敌人造成很大的伤害。


The mode of operation of 2 has a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of fundamental skill spider two kinds, one kind is the mode of operation that the mouse adds clavier, another kind is real clavier operation. The mobile direction that the key that clavier operation uses is a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of spider of directional key control, ctrl is bouncing, carriage return key is used at using all sorts of mastery of a skill or technique, of small keyboard " 0 " key is dodge enemy attack, and Home, End, Delete, PageDown bolts 4 times this is to part the fluctuation left and right sides of the adjustment of corresponding perspective. And the mouse adds clavier is the ASDW that uses a rule direction of key position control is mobile, mouse shift controls eye shot adjustment, zun Jian is skill use, right key controls leap, dodge key is by the setting above blank key. To most player, we recommend use mouse to impose the control kind of clavier, the shift of the mouse is accurate very benefit at discharge the thread of a spider web aim at. Main action: The classical movement of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of Swing   spider, use tough the thread of a spider web to swing to swing between high-rise, it is the fundamental skill of sudden shift. In game, want to shoot the thread of a spider web the indicative cobweb in sky, just can swing swing in sky next. Can let aerial cobweb mark become green after spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct stands by the cobweb around, this moment can nod mouse wrong key or by carriage return key shoots a the thread of a spider web. Usually, connection of the thread of a spider web can be used to another cobweb directly when the distance between every two cobweb can let a player swing apogee with before one. But also can appear occasionally the distance is excessively long-distance cannot the circumstance of cobweb of get at the next, the directional leap that is about to side with cobweb at this moment goes out, shoot a the thread of a spider web in the air again next. Need not worry can drop, no matter a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of much taller spider also won't fall dead, although be dropped in aerospace,went down to also can return the position that begins leap automatically. Main action: Another of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of Zip   spider classical movement, shoot a wall to go up from the thread of a spider web of empty lieutenant general or on the ground, pull quickly next close. Zip is mobile between all sorts of establishment key, it can the located position after accurate designation is mobile, and its rate is exceedingly rapid, to escape it is exceedingly effective for a few mechanism. Aim at when the spider form of picture center implement the model of written characters that alignment compares smooth place to be able to show ZIP, press mouse Zun Jian at that time or carriage return can use this mastery of a skill or technique, procrastinate quickly close. Attention, the thread of a spider web of ZIP can gush arrives evenness of a few surfaces but not smooth place, on a few very smooth glass the thread of a spider web cannot adhere firm, and in a few metals perhaps can adhere easily on rock. Main action: Climb a wall to be able to tighten grip to live with the countless small barb that extend on palm of spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct smooth wall, climb to go up in the ceiling even. In game movement climbing a wall comes true very easily, want him a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of pop-up wall spider to be met only clutch actively wall, can control the mobile direction on the wall with fluctuation left and right sides next. Dodge can be pressed to bolt on the wall (blank or small keyboard 0) the circumstance at the back of observation, the way that see can be controlled with the mouse when observation. A few mechanism can be through climbing on the wall and appear simple and pass easily. Main action: 2 paragraphs jump to be able to be by right of the skill with spider nimble a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct in sky jump again, operation method is to jump to aerial moment to press bouncing key again namely OK. Same, jump to also can undertake two paragraphs jump from the wall, but cannot jump again in the road that jumps down from the thread of a spider web. This skill can let spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct jump to very tall height, but it and jump purely high to differ, jump to midway to meet once turn, the direction with OK and halfway so bouncing changeover. Constitute an act: If Swing+ZIP   wants to a certain place jumps after swinging with Swing, control oneself point of fall well and truly very hard, the skill that is about to use Swing+ZIP at that time was combined. Swing with Swing, jump to the middle of sky next, point to target place with post of screen center spider at this moment, can appear at this moment the clew of ZIP, click mouse discharge to give ZIP to be able to reach the place that need reachs well and truly. This one action often is used when need jumps to specific place to use, for instance amid closes need to had swung many stone, from jump to a little level ground in the air, this one skill is very fundamental. Constitute an act: Two paragraphs jump + the use Swing that a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of Swing   spider walks to encounter a few sudden incident to make his need fast via regular meeting in the city, and often the cobweb that Swing place needs is in very tall place, cannot direct get at. Jump with two paragraphs with respect to need at that time jump very high, aim a cobweb to launch the thread of a spider web again. Such compared with from aside the edifice climbs to shoot a the thread of a spider web to want spare time again much. Constitute an act: Swing+ZIP+ climbs wall spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct to be not is can have sudden shift when there is cobweb in sky only, in a few cobweb not so concentrated place still can be used ZIP and skill climbing a wall pulls the distance between two cobweb close. This is the character that ZIP movement can stop to fall downward with bouncing key when depending on use ZIP and the skill that also can use 2 paragraphs to jump on the wall completely. Bolt with leap when swinging apogee with Swing forward start, if discover the distance of next cobweb is very far, use Swing to be able to not arrive directly, can launch ZIP to an edifice near that cobweb at this moment, pull oneself to be apart from the place with closer cobweb with ZIP next, stop ZIP with bouncing key next, at this moment spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct can drop downward, need gives out Swing clingy cobweb quickly, can get otherwise too low and bring about Swing to also can not arrive. If halfway stops ZIP to also cannot allow spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct then to cobweb quite,bend over on the wall goes, jump with 2 paragraphs next the direction that jumps to stand by cobweb launchs Swing. Attention, although ZIP can move quickly the transverse distance of spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct, but he cannot raise height easily, so although pure with ZIP also can fast reach, but height will be lower and lower, so must use Swing of be mingled with will raise height. A person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of battle skill spider and with boundless strength score a success preterhuman and different, also differ with the batty a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct that uses all sorts of high-tech stage property, what what he has is nimble skill and the special ability that release the thread of a spider web only. The attack that wants agile use cobweb and accurate dodge enemy so just can Ko the enemy. Battle technology: Boxing boxing is the battle pattern with spider the most fundamental a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct, although his fist is done not have preterhuman the powerful assault force that the sort of biff reduces surely, but still can meet common enemy with fist. Zun Jian is pressed after standing by the enemy or carriage return key can undertake boxing is atttacked. Attack enemy can build up energy cost, be worth collect to be able to be used later completely when energy exceed strong attack fist. Stand by the enemy to arrive with respect to can automatic switch later completely in energy market exceed strong pattern, energy decrease ceaselessly, the exceeding that if undertake boxing,uses namely at that time is strong attack. Notice close moment does not undertake energy is worth what also can keep to decrease atttacking immediately, do not make when atttacking, be about to avoid to stand by the enemy as far as possible, once stand by the enemy,be about rapid settlement is dropped. Battle technology: The head of the cobweb ring enemy that cobweb uses spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct or hand, let he cannot be atttacked temporarily or fight, can take the advantage of this moment to have charge with fist to the past. Aim at with picture center spider implement aim at target enemy to be able to go out " Web " model of written characters, at that time dot mouse wrong key or carriage return can give out a net to stay in enemy net. Those who want an attention is, the net lives enemy branch network lives head and net live the body, the position that should notice spider post is aimed at a little only can be the net lives certainly the head or body. Although two kinds of nets can allow enemy intermit activity but if the net lives, is the head, the enemy can be prevented likely drive, and if the net lives, is the body also be anyhow cannot of defence. To general small is OK of body be stayinged in by the net, but the enemy of class of a few heads won't be stayed in by the net the body, the enemy that still has a few higher order and degree cannot live completely with net net. Still have a few additionally impersonal model the enemy also won't be stayed in by net net. Battle technology: Cobweb plays spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct to form the thread of a spider web very small posse, blast off next went out to become cobweb to play, adhere mechanical crucial part allows their be no longer in force. The emissive rate that cobweb plays is very rapid, but assault force is not tall. Aim at when the spider implement on the model of written characters of occurrence Shoot can use cobweb to play by Zun Jian have charge. Cobweb plays can use at the following kinds of enemies: Machine gun of remote control robot, monitor and the Boss enemy of a few enginery. Cobweb is played besides can return besides enemy of attack plane instrument can use at shattering glass, make spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct OK pass through freely. Battle technology: The thread of a spider web and the cobweb that are used at manacling the enemy are different, the thread of a spider web is not use at box up enemy, use at however diversionary weaken the enemy. The use of the thread of a spider web is very much, one the most commonly used captures the enemy's weapon with the thread of a spider web namely, press Zun Jian to take off his weapon to a few enemies that hold a weapon's OK and accurate hand that lays him. Also can stall with the thread of a spider web the tire of the car in desert, make its decelerate stops even thereby. Battle technology: Kick in sky attack use the bounce power with spider driving a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct, charge has to the enemy in sky, this one action can be used at atttacking many enemies, and attack rate is very rapid. Local start of the enemy should be being stood by only in game, mouse Zun Jian is pressed to be able to use this kind of attack in the process of start. Sometimes the foe is very formidable, kick attack won't kick it, rely on to kick the counterforce that attacks the enemy to let spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct undertake afresh up instead small jump, this kind of moment can be used for many times kick continuously attack, click mouse Zun Jian quickly to be able to cause very great harm to the enemy.

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