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以下是现代快餐与传统餐饮在各力面的比较。   1加工方式    快餐餐食品源于传统的餐饮菜品。餐饮菜品的制作有不同的加工方式,即现代工业化加工方式和传统手工加方式。传统餐饮主要是按手丁方式制作的;中式快餐和方便食品则主要是按工业化方式制作的,而后者的工业化程度更高,一般由食品工厂生产。餐饮菜品的生产方式如下所示    2菜品制作    (I)传统餐饮店.    实行主厨制,生产设备专业化群度低;菜品制制作带有很强的技艺性与个体性;菜品质量在很大程度上取决于厨师的技艺水平和经验,因而受到人为因素的制约,    传统餐饮店的菜品种类繁多,烹制过程较繁琐,使菜品制作与供餐时间相对较长    (2)快餐店    实行非主厨制的流水作业加工方式.1业化程度较高。操作者虽无技艺高低之分,但因有专业化的机械设备以及严格的操作规程与质量标准来控制产品质量,所以无论谁来操作,无论在哪--个分店制作,所生产的产品质量都基本相同。这种丁业化标准化的制作方式可以将人为因素的影响减少到最低限度,从而使菜品质量始终保持统和稳定。   现代快餐加盟店的菜品品种较少,制作加工环节分段进行,销售店内加工简捷,菜品制作与供餐时问较短。   3销售服务    (I)传统餐饮店    服务方式大多采用桌前服务形式,即由服务员为顾客送餐上桌,点餐、供餐与收银环节一般分开进行    (2)快餐店    服务方式采用柑台服务与半自助服务相结合。柜台服务兼有接待、点餐、收银及供餐的多种功能。半自助服务无送餐上桌服务员,即顾客自行在柜台点餐和取餐后自我服务找桌就餐    4服务程序    (l)传统餐饮店    顾客需求信息(即点餐)与厨房加工是一致的。顺客的需求信息由服务员传递给厨房,厨房再接顾客的需要制作,即顾客点什么,厨房做什么,然后由服务员把菜品送到顾客桌上,并继续为客人提供其他就餐服务。   (2)快餐店    顾客需求信息与厨房加工是分离的,即每一顾客的需求信息并不传递到厨房加工部门,而是直接由柜台服务员迅速通过配餐设备或配餐员把所需菜品提供给点餐的顾客。厨房加工部门的职责在于为柜台配餐处提供足够的菜品,以保证菜品的快捷供应。


Contemporary snack and traditional meal are in run on have substaintial distinction, from management tradition meal arrives manage contemporary snack, want to be updated on the idea above all.

It is contemporary snack and traditional meal below the comparison in each force face. Food of food of snack of   of 1 treatment means results from traditional meal dish is tasted. Meal dish tastes make have different treatment kind, namely means of modern industrialized treatment and traditional handiwork impose kind. By the hand basically fourth means makes traditional meal; Chinese style snack and convenient provision basically are made by industrialized means, and latter industrialized rate is higher, produce by food shop commonly. What the producer type that meal dish tastes shows   as follows 2 dish taste the   that make (inn of I) tradition meal. Execute advocate hutch is made, manufacturing facilities specializations group degree low; Dish is tasted make make contain very strong craft sex and individual sex; Food quality quantity depends on greatly the craft level of chef and experience, be an element consequently restrict, the dish of traditional meal inn tastes sort various, cook a process trivaller, make dish is tasted make relatively as longer as the time that offer food   (  of 2) snack inn is executed blame advocate the flow operation that hutch controls machines means. 1 course of study changes rate taller. Although handlers does not have the cent of craft discretion, but because specializationed mechanical equipment and rigid operating rules and quality standard come,control product quality, so wh whoever is operated, no matter be in which- - the branch is made, produces product quality is basic and same. The making way that this kind of Ding Ye changes standardization is OK the influence of will factitious element reduces lowermost limit, make dish tastes quality to maintain all and stability from beginning to end thereby. Contemporary snack joins in the dish of inn tastes breed less, section of link of the treatment that make undertakes, sell right on the money of the treatment inside inn, dish is tasted make with when offerring food, ask shorter. 3 sales serve   (means of service of   of inn of I) traditional meal uses form of the service before the desk mostly, send the desk on eat for the client by the clerk namely, dot eat, for eat as general as link receiving silver departure undertakes   (means of service of   of 2) snack inn uses band of service of mandarin orange stage and photograph of half self-help service. Bar service holds concurrently recieve, dot eat, receive silver to reach a variety of functions for eat. Half self-help service is not had send the desk on eat the clerk, namely client proper motion nods eat and service of the ego after taking meal to look for desk repast   in bar   of 4 services program (news of demand of customer of   of inn of L) traditional meal (order meal namely) be being machined with the kitchen is consistent. The demand news of suitable guest delivers a kitchen by the clerk, the kitchen receives the client's need to make again, namely what does the client nod, what does the kitchen do, taste dish by the clerk next send to client desk, continue to provide other repast service for the guest. (News of demand of customer of   of 2) snack inn and kitchen treatment are detached, namely the demand news of each client does not deliver kitchen processing sector, the member that carry equipment distributing food quickly by bar clerk directly however or distribute food wants place dish tastes the customer that offers bit of food. The duty of kitchen processing sector depends on matching meat place to offer enough food to taste for bar, what taste in order to assure dish is quick supply.

上一篇:天津文化中心地铁站? 天津文化中心最近的地铁站是哪个?英文双语对照