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女性小知识? 女性保养小知识?英文双语对照


女性小知识? 女性保养小知识?英文双语对照












1. 情绪调节:幼儿的情绪波动较大,家长和老师需要教会他们识别和表达自己的情绪,学会用正确的方式进行情绪调节。

2. 社交技能:幼儿期是学习社交技能的关键时期,通过与同伴、家庭成员、老师等的互动,让孩子学会与他人沟通、合作和解决冲突。

3. 自尊心建立:幼儿期是建立自尊心的关键时期,家长和老师要尊重孩子,赞美他们的优点,避免过多地批评和指责,让孩子建立起健康的自尊心。

4. 自主性发展:家长和老师要尊重幼儿的自主性,让他们选择自己喜欢的活动,慢慢地学会独立思考和自主完成任务。

5. 培养习惯:幼儿期是培养良好生活习惯、学习习惯的最佳时期,如按时作息、有规律的饮食、自律的学习等。

6. 情商教育:情商教育包括情绪智慧、人际关系等方面,家长和老师要关注幼儿的心理需求,引导他们学会理解、表达情感,增强同理心和人际沟通能力。

7. 创造力培养:通过各种有趣的游戏和活动,激发幼儿的想象力、创造力,培养他们独立解决问题的能力。

8. 安全意识:家长和老师要教会幼儿安全意识,让他们知道什么是安全的行为,什么是危险的行为,避免在日常生活中发生意外事件。

9. 寓教于乐:幼儿期的学习是玩中学,家长和老师要结合孩子的兴趣和天赋,设计有趣且有教育意义的活动,让孩子在快乐中成长。

10. 家庭教育环境:家庭是幼儿心理健康的重要依托,家长要为孩子提供一个温馨、和谐的家庭氛围,多关心关爱孩子,满足他们的情感需求。



















1、 月经初潮一般开始于14岁左右,最早11岁,最晚18岁以上。

2、 女性绝经年龄一般在45~52岁。

3、 除妊娠或哺乳期外,月经按月来潮,周期一般是28天,经期在3~7天,尽量为50~100ml。

4、 请认真做好每一次的月经周期记录,拥有规律的月经,很重要!

5、 经期可以正常洗头,不过要用热水洗,洗完尽快吹干。

6、 不要买太便宜的姨妈巾,不要购买杂牌卫生巾,消炎止痒、清新气味、离子科技,进入超市、连锁店铺,有安全认证才靠谱。

7、 姨妈巾必须两小时换一次,否则滋生细菌,感染阴道炎等妇科病,更烧钱。

8、 有的人天生没有处女膜,甚至有的人处女膜过厚,需要通过手术摘除。

9、 处女也可以用卫生棉条,处女膜是有洞的,否则月经怎么流出?

10、 卫生棉条建议量多时使用,比较容易推进,没有异物感。

11、 大约4000~5000名女婴中就有1人没有阴道,同时可能没有子宫,可通过后续手术改造。

12、 正常情况下,不要天天“洗洗更健康”,阴道有菌群,用洗液易破坏阴道菌群平衡,反而易得妇科病。清水洗,就足够了。

13、 带有香味的肥皂或清香型清洁剂会破坏阴部组织,造成皮肤不适。

14、 桂圆红枣茶、红糖姜水、玫瑰花茶,比热水更管用。

15、 一旦开始性生活,每1~3年都需一次常规妇科检查,可能查一次你会发现大秘密。

16、 女性生理结构特殊,有肛门、阴道、尿道,分别是三个洞洞,为了避免各自感染,便便后,从前往后擦,尿尿后,从后往前擦。

17、 不管是哪种“姿势”,不管是手手还是其他,都要用TT,学会保护自己。

18、 阴毛存在是有原因的,可以减缓冲击,减少皮肤摩擦。

19、 宫颈糜烂不是病,并不需要医治。

20、 皮肤干燥,流汗,太厚的衣服都会让你感到瘙痒或者刺痛。不过持续时间超过一天的严重瘙痒或者感觉来自阴道内部的瘙痒则不是那么简单,有可能是细菌感染或者其他生殖器官的疾病。




One, female little knowledge?

Little knowledge of the female has a lot of, what is breast cancer for instance? How be on guard breast cancer, how be on guard palace neck cancer is waited a moment.

2, does the female maintain little knowledge?

1, the state of mind that keeps happy, regard happy mood as a kind of ability goes fostering, perhaps strengthen physical training, best weekly perspires greatly, time amounts to the motion of 40 minutes of above, let every pore stretch, remember must bathing a heat next (lukewarm) , after bathing, with cold bath face; insists to wash a face with cold water.

2, no matter rise early,still rise after siesta, drink the plain boiled water of a cup of 250 milliliter above all, want to be drunk at a heat, do not want those who separate time to drink, experience carefully, you will be gutty be in all over greedy the feeling that absorb, believe love, believe somebody is in nearby spoony await, and what you should do is to arrange body form, outside Yuneinei outside fix is very beautiful oneself, the face takes away deep smile to go to ahead, proud and persistent! This is best, the costliest!

3, no matter sleep in the evening before or before siesta, remember washing the face clean, had wiped protect wet eye frost and cream, rise in the morning on meeting feeling face not dry, siesta rises but need not wash a face, fill to protect again on the face directly wet, can go to work directly, can feel the cell is vivid and active on the face next, the person is light also.

4, can have a choice eat cate, eat less for instance hot, have raw meat or fish less, little fat, little sweetmeats, but do not be on a diet, it is good to strengthen campaign, balanced ability has nutrition red have white, often do not think figure exquisitely carved, be able to pass goes, want to learn star, still get the environment that thinks oneself live and capital.

3, data of mental health little knowledge?

A person wants mental health to be about to maintain at ordinary times play hopeful, the attitude is positive, be brave in to assume responsibility, be good at lying fallow, maintain enough sleep, capability of meet an emergency is strong, can get used to all sorts of change of external environment.

4, little knowledge of cheeper mental health?

Cheeper mental health is a very important facet in children growing process, it is a few little knowledge about cheeper mental health below:

1.Mood adjustment: The mood wave motion of cheeper is bigger, the parent and teacher need church to they identify and express his sentiment, the society enters a mood adjustment with right kind.

2.Gregarious skill: Infancy is the crucial period that learns gregarious skill, interact through what wait with member of companion, family, teacher, let child society and other communicate, cooperate and resolve conflict.

3.Proper pride builds: Infancy is the crucial period that establishs proper pride, the parent and teacher should respect the child, praise their advantage, avoid to overmuch ground is criticized and censure, let the child build healthy proper pride.

4.Autonomy develops: The parent and teacher should respect the autonomy of cheeper, let them choose the activity that them like, the society thinks independently and finish the job independently slowly.

5.Develop a habit: Infancy is the optimal period that develops habit of good habits and customs, study, be like on time the study of the work and rest, food and drink that has the law, self-discipline.

6.Business teachs affection: Business education includes situation the respect such as mood wisdom, human relation, the parent and teacher should pay close attention to the psychological demand of cheeper, guide them to learn affection of understanding, expression, increase to be mixed with manage heart human communication ability.

7.Creativity education: Carry all sorts of interesting game and activity, stimulate the imagination of cheeper, creativity, foster them to solve the ability of the problem independently.

8.Safe consciousness: The parent and teacher want consciousness of church infant safety, let them know what is safe behavior, what is dangerous behavior, avoid to produce accident in daily life.

9.Contain teachs Yu Le: The study of infancy is to play a middle school, the parent and teacher should combine the child's interest and natural gift, the design is interesting and the activity that has educational sense, let the child grow in joy.

10.The family teachs an environment: The family is cheeper mental health is important rely on, the parent should provide a warmth, harmonious family atmosphere for the child, care care child more, satisfy their affection requirement.

5, little knowledge of human body of popular science female?

1, menstruation does not use cold water, cannot bathe, shampoo.

2, do not use sanitation to protect as far as possible mat, should change everyday wash briefs.

3, when sleeping as far as possible naked sleep 4, often should change tooth brush and briefs.

6, female fitness little knowledge?

Must drink bit of ice less, come otherwise maternal aunt when meeting very ache, do not have an insatiable desire for cool, discharge makeup follows it is good to protect skin to must assure, discharge makeup is otherwise sordid rot easily face, discharge makeup is too clean it is easy also to do not protect skin sodden face

7, does female illicit protect healthy little knowledge?

Maintain knowledge has the following:

One, maintain private parts cleanness

2, not sedentary

3, choose pure cotton briefs

4, do shrink shade moves

5, clip body hair

6, use condom

7, keep abdominal and tepid

8, little knowledge of care female fitness?

Care female health is very important, it is a few little knowledge below: It is very important to female health to drink water more at ordinary times. Body interior of the female needs to hold water share enough, drink water to be able to promote the metabolization inside body and haemal circulation more, maintain the organ inside skin water embellish and body to work normally. Water is place of human body metabolism must material, compensatory moisture can quicken body metabolism, exclude the waste material inside body. The female needs to notice to drink water more particularly, get because the physiology function of female body and physiology are periodic very easily the influence of a few explicit elements, for instance environment, food, mood is waited a moment. Accordingly, drink enough water to have very big safeguard effect to female health everyday. In the meantime, the health that the female notices food even at ordinary times and balanced, avoid a few undesirable habits and customs.

9, little knowledge of 20 females physiology?

1, menstrual menarche begins to be controlled at 14 years old commonly, the earliest 11 years old, the latest 18 years old of above.

2, female menopause age is in commonly 45~52 year old.

3, divide gravid or outside lactation, menstruation comes by the month wet, cycle is 28 days commonly, period is in 3~7 day, it is 50~100ml as far as possible.

4, the menstrual cycle that makes good every time seriously please is recorded, have regular period, very important!

5, period is OK and normal shampoo, want to use hot bath nevertheless, wash blow as soon as possible dry.

6, do not buy too cheap maternal aunt towel, do not buy sanitary towel of a less known and inferior brand, diminish inflammation stops urticant, pure and fresh odour, ionic science and technology, enter store of supermarket, chain, safe attestation just relies on chart.

7, maternal aunt towel must be changed two hours, cause a bacterium otherwise, contract the disease of department of gynaecology such as vaginitis, more burn money.

8, some people do not have Hymen inherently, even some person Hymen heavy panel, need to be excised through the operation.

9, maiden also can use tampon, hymen has a hole, otherwise how is menstruation poured out of?

10, tampon suggests quantity a long time is used, advance more easily, do not have an eyewinker to feel.

11, there is 1 person to do not have the vagina in 4000~5000 name female baby about, at the same time the likelihood does not have an uterus, can pass follow-up operation to transform.

12, below normal circumstance, not every day " wash wash more healthy " , the vagina has bacterium group, with lotion easy destroy vaginal bacterium group evenly, get disease of department of gynaecology easily instead. Clear water is washed, enough.

13, the soap that contains scent or faint scent cleaner can destroy pubic organization, cause the skin unwell.

14, water of ginger of tea of longan red jujube, brown sugar, rose tea, specific heat water more the canal is used.

15, once begin sexual life, every 1~3 year require inspection of groovy department of gynaecology, the likelihood checks you to be able to discover big secret.

16, female physiology structure is special, have anal, vagina, urethral, it is 3 holes respectively, to prevent respective infection, hind, in the future was brushed once upon a time, after uric make water, from hind brush forth.

17, no matter which be,plant " pose " , no matter be hand hand,still be other, want to use TT, the society protects him.

18, pubic hair presence has a reason, can decrease amortize to attack, reduce skin attrition.

19, palace neck debaucjed is not ill, do not need cure.

20, the skin is dry, perspiration, too thick dress can let you feel Sao is urticant perhaps prickle. The serious Sao that does not cross duration more than one day itchs or the feeling comes from the Sao of vaginal interior to itch is not so simple, it is the disease that the bacterium contracts organ of other perhaps reproduction likely.

10, catchphrase of female mental health?

Pay close attention to female mental health. It is the responsibility of whole society.
