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水果游戏机玩法? 水果游戏机怎么下载?英文双语对照


水果游戏机玩法? 水果游戏机怎么下载?英文双语对照



在爽快的消除中,来享受的有趣的水果大餐吧。水果机上的物品有八种,分别为:苹果、西瓜、木瓜、橙子、铃铛、77、双星,这些物品又分为大小两种。还有BAR图标,分为3种。  押注在正方形游戏区下方为押注区,押注区中列出各种物品和其相关的赔率。每种物品下方有“押注”按钮,每次点击增加1个筹码注金(可按住不放,视作连点),每种物品的押注上限都为999。但是这台苹果机上限设置了2位数。最多压分不过99。

照理说1元钱10分按照BAR最大赔率1:100的话就1000块钱。当然开出BAR的几率是极小的。  猜大小玩家中奖之后都可以进行猜大小。玩家可以点击“大”或者“小”按钮进行猜大小。如果猜中,则会赢取玩家在“中奖金额”区中一样的金额。玩家猜中大小之后仍然可以再次猜大小。 划拨玩家如果中奖之后,可以将“当前余额”区中的金额划拨进“中奖金额”区。划拨的上限为“中奖金额”区的金额。相对的,玩家也可以将“中奖金额”区的金额划拨入“当前余额”区。当玩家猜中大小后,还可以再次划拨进行猜大小。开始当玩家中奖之后,玩家点击“开始”按钮为收分,再次点击“开始”按钮为按照上一次押注再次进行游戏。如果玩家要重新押注,在押注物品上直接押注即可。

在押注的同时会将中奖的金额收入“当前余额”区中。如果玩家没有中奖,则玩家点击“开始”按钮为按照上一次押注再次进行游戏  现在市面上最平常的机子,有些地方叫苹果机。



1. 在手机或电脑上打开游戏下载平台或官方网站。

2. 在搜索栏中输入“水果游戏机”或相关关键词搜索游戏。

3. 在搜索结果中找到符合要求的游戏,并点击进入游戏详情页面。

4. 在游戏详情页面中,查看游戏的介绍、评价和系统要求等信息,确保游戏适合自己的设备。

5. 找到游戏的下载按钮或链接,点击进行下载。

6. 根据提示完成下载过程,可能需要提供一些个人信息或者同意相关用户协议。

7. 下载完成后,可以在手机或电脑上找到并安装游戏。

8. 安装完成后,就可以开始玩水果游戏机了。








点击开始按钮开始跑灯。当灯跑到豹子的头像系统还会再送你一次,自己再跑一圈 ,那么这圈下来你就有机会中两次奖。















一般情况下按K2键调整,前两位是难度 ,后面是输入密码就行,再配合说明书就OK,如果实在不懂的,建议你去网上找些视频来看,这样你就会了 。





1. 下载和安装新游戏:访问游戏机的应用商店或官方网站,寻找您想要下载和安装的新游戏。按照提示下载并安装新游戏,然后在游戏机上启动新游戏。

2. 更新现有游戏:如果您已经安装了游戏机上的某个游戏,并且该游戏有更新版本可用,您可以尝试更新游戏。通常,在游戏的设置菜单或游戏机的系统设置中,您可以找到游戏更新的选项。选择更新游戏,然后按照提示进行操作。

3. 删除和重新安装游戏:如果您想更改游戏机上的某个游戏,您可以尝试删除该游戏,并重新安装您想要玩的新游戏。在游戏机的设置菜单或游戏管理器中,找到要删除的游戏,选择删除。然后,您可以通过应用商店或官方网站重新下载并安装新游戏。











1. 设定预算:在开始玩游戏之前,确定你愿意花费的金额,并将其作为你的预算。这将帮助你控制投注金额,避免超出你的财务能力。

2. 制定投注策略:根据你的预算,制定一个投注策略。例如,你可以决定每次投注的固定金额,或者根据游戏的进度调整投注金额。

3. 避免冲动投注:避免因为情绪或冲动而增加投注金额。如果你感觉自己的情绪不稳定或者处于压力之下,最好暂时停止游戏。

4. 注意游戏节奏:注意游戏的节奏和你的投注频率。如果你发现自己频繁地投注并且投注金额逐渐增加,可能需要停下来冷静一下。

5. 设定时间限制:为自己设定一个玩游戏的时间限制。这样可以帮助你控制投注金额,避免长时间沉迷于游戏。

6. 寻求帮助:如果你发现自己无法控制投注金额,或者游戏对你的生活造成了负面影响,寻求专业帮助是一个明智的选择。可以咨询心理健康专家或寻求赌博成瘾治疗的支持。




One, does fruit sport plane play a way?

Fruit sport plane regards game as the theme with original fruit machine, shirt-sleeve rich colour kind game element.

In frank elimination, the interesting fruit big eat that will enjoy. The article on fruit machine has 8 kinds, it is respectively: Apple, watermelon, Chinese flowering quince, orange, small bell, 77, double star, these article are divided again for size two kinds. Still have BAR icon, cent is 3 kinds. Detain is noted the area is noted for detain in lower part of square game division, detain is noted list all sorts of article and the compensate related its are led in the area. Lower part of every kinds of article has " detain is noted " pushbutton, click every time increase a chip to note gold (can press do not put, inspect nod repeatedly) , the detain of every kinds of article notes upper limit to be 999. But upper limit of this apple machine installed 2 digit. Press cent not to pass at most 99.

Say 1 yuan of money 10 minutes according to manage according to BAR the biggest compensate leads 1: The word of 100 with respect to 1000 money. The odds that opens a BAR of course is dinky. After guessing size player win a prize in a lottery, can undertake guessing size. The player can be clicked " big " or " small " pushbutton undertakes guessing size. If guess, can win take a player to be in " amount of win a prize in a lottery " the same amount in the area. The player guesses size still can be guessed again after size. Transfer player if after win a prize in a lottery, can will " current remaining sum " the amount transfer in the area is entered " amount of win a prize in a lottery " area. The upper limit of transfer is " amount of win a prize in a lottery " the amount of the area. Opposite, the player is OK also will " amount of win a prize in a lottery " the amount transfer of the area is entered " current remaining sum " area. Guess when the player after size, OK still again transfer undertakes guessing size. Begin to become a player after win a prize in a lottery, the player is clicked " begin " pushbutton is divided to close, click again " begin " pushbutton is according to last time detain is noted have game again. If the player wants new give as security to note, be in custody is noted direct detain is noted on article can.

While be in custody is noted, meet the amount income win a prize in a lottery " current remaining sum " in the area. If the player does not have win a prize in a lottery, criterion the player is clicked " begin " pushbutton is according to last time detain is noted have game again now the usualest chance on market child, some places make malic machine.

2, how does fruit sport plane download?

Hello, want to download fruit sport plane, need to find reliable game to download platform above all or official website. Undertake download according to the following measure next:

1.Game is opened to download platform or official website on mobile phone or computer.

2.Input in searching column " fruit sport plane " or relevant keyword searchs game.

3.The game that accords with a requirement is found in searching a result, click enter game detail page.

4.In game detail page, the introduction that examines game, evaluation and system ask to wait for information, ensure game suits his equipment.

5.Find the download pushbutton of game or link, click undertake download.

6.Complete download process according to clew, the likelihood needs to offer a few individual information to perhaps agree with relevant user agreement.

7.After download is finished, can be found on mobile phone or computer and install game.

8.After installation is finished, can begin plane of dabble fruit sport.

Those who need an attention is, ensure what when downloading game, use is reliable platform or official website, lest download arrives baleful software or virus. Additional, if be,game downloads on the mobile phone, ensure the safe setting of the mobile phone and attributive setting can allow to download and install the applied process that comes from sealed origin please.

3, how does fruit sport plane play?

Play a way: Chip in

Had picked the lower part of urine fruit icon that you like, click mouse chip in, press a mouse to be able to connect addend repeatedly. The number of coping of urine fruit icon is compensate leads this fruity.


Click urine fruit icon, reduce the amount of chip in.

Run the lamp

Click begin pushbutton to begin to run the lamp. The head portrait system that runs to panther when the lamp still can send you again, oneself run again circuit, so this encircles you to have two reward in the opportunity.

The result runs

Upper part runs the lamp stays in fruit of corresponding detain affusion, gaining cent is chip in number is multiplied with fold. Rate of compensate of icon of blame double fruit is 2 or 3 times.

Guess size

Guess size only perhaps double play. New-style fruit machine contains Zhuang Hexian medium perhaps hoar, red green Huang Wanfa.

4, processing of trouble of fruit sport plane?

If fruit sport plane encounters trouble, needing to check above all is power source problem, it is normal whether examination outlet and power source join. If power supply is normal, the likelihood is game software occurrence issue, need is reinstalled or update software, also can taste test mass to open game opportunity.

If insoluble still problem, need connects after service or professional maintenance technician is maintained, do not want to disassemble by oneself and be repaired, lest pose bigger problem.

5, how does fruit sport plane move difficulty?

Fruit sport plane also is called tiger machine. Its interior has button, can move difficulty. Specific see later development.

1, these 2 key-press at the back of general tiger machine are locked up dead. Cannot press move.

2, after opening tiger opportunity, interior has a lock to decide pushbutton, k0 and K1 classics travel can be used to adjust after opening

3, general difficulty (namely probability) for 10 archives, press K0 decreases archives, press K1 adds shelf. Archives taller, probability is smaller, jump over bos. Conversely probability is big, easy in.

4, some model tiger machine still have more adjustment facility, some can adjust with wireless remote control. The person is absent machine child before can let machine child probability change.

6, how is difficulty of fruit sport plane moved?

By K2 usually key is adjusted, before two are difficulty, it is to input a password to go from the back, cooperate a manual again with respect to OK, if fructification is in what do not understand, suggest you go looking for some of video to look on the net, such you were met.

7, fruit sport plane how to clear?

Press key of K0, K1 to switch on the mobile phone, or press two other key to switch on the mobile phone at the same time try. General meeting has speech clew. But do not assure to be able to succeed, this kind of machine child sort is really too much, some even the password just goes, some is flat do not have to clear. Some need agency hit an ability to clear.

8, how does fruit sport plane change a course?

Want to change the course on fruit sport plane, you can try the following kinds of methods:

1.Download and install new play: Visit the applied shop of sport plane or official website, search you to want the new play of download and installation. Download according to clew and install new play, start new play on sport plane next.

2.Update existing game: If you had installed a certain game on sport plane, and this game has newer version can be used, you can try to update game. Normally, in the systematic setting of the setting menu of game or sport plane, you can find the option that game replaces. The choice updates game, undertake operating according to clew next.

3.Delete and reinstall game: If you want to change a certain game on sport plane, you can try to delete this game, reinstall you to want the new game that play. The setting menu in sport plane or game management implement in, find the game that should delete, choose to delete. Next, you can pass applied shop or official website downloads afresh and install new play.

Ask an attention, the course that changes sport plane to go up may need you to have certain knowledge to the operation of sport plane and setting. The guideline on the user manual that sport plane reads before ensuring you are being operated or referenced government website, avoid needless problem in order to ensure correct operation is mixed.

9, how does plane of vole fruit sport download?

Want to download plane of vole fruit sport, need to find reliable game to download platform or official website above all. Plane of vole fruit sport is searched on this platform or website, the version that ensures choice and your equipment is compatible.

Next, click download pushbutton, await download to finish.

After download is finished, according to your equipment type, the likelihood needs to install game uses a program or guide game file in equipment.

Ensure your equipment has allowed to install the applied process that comes from sealed origin please.

After the installation that finish, you can begin to enjoy the fun of plane of vole fruit sport. Write down those who check game regularly to update better with getting game to experience.

10, how does fruit sport plane play?

When game of dabble fruit machine, the betting amount that controls oneself is very important, it is a few proposals below:


1.  Set budget: Before beginning to play game, determine the amount that you are willing to cost, regard your budget as its. This will help you control betting amount, avoid to exceed your financial capacity.

2.  Formulate betting strategy: According to your budget, formulate a betting strategy. For example, you can decide the fixed amount that bets every time, perhaps adjust betting amount according to the plan of game.

3.  Avoid impulse to bet: Avoid to increase betting amount because of mood or impulse. If you feel your mood is flabby,be in pressure under, best intermit game.

4.  Notice game rhythm: Notice the rhythm of game and your betting frequency. If you discover yourself to frequent ground bets and bet,amount increases gradually, the likelihood needs to stop sober one.

5.  Set time restricts: For oneself set plays the time limitation of game. Can help you control betting amount so, avoid long indulge game.

6.  Seek a help: If you discover you are uncontrollable betting amount, or game caused negative effect to your life, seeking professional help is a well-advised choice. Can seek advice from mental health expert or the support that seek gamble to be treated into addiction.


The most important is to should remember, fruit machine game is a kind of recreational activities, is not means of a kind of investment. Retain reason and control, ensure your betting amount is in you but inside susceptive limits.
