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家校协会工作职责? 校武术协会副会长的职责?英文双语对照


家校协会工作职责? 校武术协会副会长的职责?英文双语对照




1、 协助会长规划及实施协会中长期发展战略;

2、 落实协会与服务平台的发展规划;

3、 组织协会会议、会员大会、论坛、沙龙、对外交流、展会等活动;

4、 积极对接上级政府主管部门,承接部分政府职能转移工作;

5、 带领团队在各类媒体、网站、官微等进行协会的对外宣传;

6、 整合内外部资源积极引进合作项目并开拓更多会员服务项目;

7、 根据会长要求进行协会的团队管理、例会管理等日常部门管理工作;

8、 领导交办的其他工作



















1. 了解青年志愿者协会的背景和宗旨,确定自己是否符合该协会的宗旨和理念。

2. 了解青年志愿者协会的服务范围和项目,确定自己是否对这些项目感兴趣,并愿意积极参与。

3. 了解青年志愿者协会的组织结构和职责,确定自己是否愿意加入该协会,并愿意为协会做出贡献。

4. 了解青年志愿者协会的志愿者管理制度,确定自己是否符合该协会的志愿者条件,并愿意遵守协会的规定。

5. 了解青年志愿者协会的活动安排和计划,确定自己是否有空闲时间参与协会的活动,并愿意为协会的活动做出贡献。

6. 了解青年志愿者协会的经费来源和使用情况,确定自己是否了解协会的财务状况,并愿意为协会的财务工作做出贡献。

7. 了解青年志愿者协会的章程和纪律,确定自己是否遵守协会的章程和纪律,并愿意为协会的发展做出贡献。



















One, duty of job of domestic school society?

Basically be to coordinate the relation between the school and parent, reflect a few specific problems that parent place cares to the school, feedback solution, deal with a few schools to need to carry the item that domestic school society will come to deal with.

2, the duty of vice-chairman of school wushu association?

1, in assisting chairman to plan to reach executive association; of long-term development strategy

2, the development program; that fulfils association and service platform

3, the organization is association conference, general meeting, forum, salon, right diplomatic shedding, exhibit the mobile; such as the meeting

4, government of superior of active butt joint is in charge of a branch, carry on; of job of move of partial government function

5, guide a group to wait for those who have society to publicize; external in of all kinds media, website, Guan Wei

6, resource of ministry of integrated inside and outside introduces cooperative item actively and develop more member to serve project;

7, the daily branch such as the group management that asks to have society according to chairman, regular meeting management manages working;

8, the leader makes the other work that do

3, what is mass organizations of association of faculty of school, courtyard?

For instance young volunteer learns all sorts of interest that the association mass organizations that school courtyard fastens is the student composition that point to and social organization wushu association, chess association, electric equipment learns to wait a moment

4, what large activity can mental health association conduct?

Mental health association can conduct the following and large activity: Mental health association can hold mental health lecture, mental health to seek advice from the large activity such as activity and mental health propaganda. Mental health association holds mental health lecture to be able to think social masses provides mental health knowledge and skill, help the mental health that people understands better and maintains oneself. The people that mental health advisory activity can feel intentional manage is perplexed provides professional advisory service, help them solve problem gentle to see psychological pressure. Mental health propaganda can pass multiform propagandist promotion, raise a society to be spent to the acknowledge of mental health, gain ground and take seriously of stimulative mental health. Besides the large activity that above mentions, mental health association still can hold mental health to groom the activity such as exhibition of theme of class, mental health. Mental health grooms the class can think mental health worker offers major groom and learn an opportunity, promote their professional level and service quality. Exhibition of mental health theme is OK wait through showing gain of the work of art related mental health, research, cause the public to pay close attention to and think to mental health. Of these activities run the promotion that will conduce to level of stimulative society mental health, offer better mental health to support kimono Wu for people.

5, why should hold the position of school green society to grow?

Raise an individual integrated quality especially intercourse ability. Constituent capacity. Handle affairs ability. Thinking ability. Have again even if do a few activities to improve knowledge.

Make oneself happy. Because enlarge the force of young volunteer association ceaselessly, why can you enter into an election contest this post?

Be like above all in front be said, I feel green assist be exercise oneself very well to run ability, intercourse ability, the platform that serves ability is final, thank young volunteer association.

6, how to fill into interest of interest of mental health association and specialty?

Is there simple list? If be me, that is to say likes to read, perhaps doing a volunteer, other perhaps interests (athletic and so on) , but should not fill in carefully similar not quite good interest, hit for example machine, the not quite excellent job that nocturnal cattail waits a moment.

This I believe you understand

7, school volunteer association and do poineering work which good?

It is volunteer association of course.

Volunteer association is compared with poineering photograph, above all we should understand a bit, the help that place of volunteer mass organizations provides to the student implements extensive sex and specific aim more.

Above all, volunteer activity can make a student ceaseless in be carried out integratedly examine and increase the integrated capacity of oneself,

The society carries out an activity, the goes raising oneself company that can make a student ceaseless knows the viewpoint of value with oneself knowingly, help student accomplishs the integrated capacity that increases oneself in the round and culture culture.

8, what should association of volunteer of interview officer young person notice?

Should notice the following item:

1.Understand the setting of young volunteer association and purpose, decide whether oneself accord with the tenet of this association and concept.

2.Understand the service limits of young volunteer association and project, decide whether oneself are interested in these projects, be willing to take an active part in.

3.Know the constituent structure of young volunteer association and responsibility, decide whether oneself are willing to join this consortium, be willing to make contribution for association.

4.The volunteer that understands young volunteer association runs a system, decide whether oneself accord with the volunteer condition of this association, be willing to abide by the regulation of association.

5.Understand the mobile arrangement of young volunteer association and plan, decide whether oneself have free time to participate in the activity of association, be willing to make contribution for the activity of association.

6.The funds origin that understands young volunteer association and use circumstance, decide whether oneself understand the financial standing of association, be willing to be the financial work of association to make contribution.

7.Understand the constitution of young volunteer association and discipline, decide whether oneself abide by the constitution of association and discipline, be willing to make contribution for the development of association.

9, school of home of mental health of middle and primary school in all Yo linkage mechanism?

The mental health education with unripe middle and primary school should rely on student parent to still have the joint efforts of the school

10, what does written examination of association of volunteer of officer young person take an examination of commonly?

The volunteer plans exam content to include: The relevant ABC of the respect such as writing of current affairs, politics, law, economy, management, science and technology, humanitarian, computer application, archives 1, what motion indicates motion recruits a Chinese young person certain level and dimensions?

2, build for what the Youth League organizes honour what is calm foundation?

3, of round organization name what is evolving into a process?

4, what is the glorious tradition of the Youth League?

5, what kind of organization is the Youth League?

6, how carry out a party build a line?

7, where does the advanced sex of the Youth League basically express to be in?

8, what is the constituent principle of the Youth League? Where is its expression?

9, why should build the organization with perfect group and system?

10, be opposite in round chapter the Youth League member how do attending round organization to live set?

11, how do the youth in round chapter joins round postulate set?

12, how to enter round motive rightly?

13, how to fulfil member obligation?

14, the member that how to do an eligible the Youth League hard?
