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宠物博览会要门票吗? 上海宠物博览会有宠物吗?英文双语对照


宠物博览会要门票吗? 上海宠物博览会有宠物吗?英文双语对照


"宠物博览会需要门票。"1. 宠物博览会是一个展示宠物及相关产品和服务的活动,组织方需要支付场地租赁、活动宣传等费用,因此需要门票进行售卖以覆盖成本和获得收益。2. 参观者购买门票,也可以保障活动的安全和秩序,防止产生无序排队、恶意破坏等情况,同时购票也是对组织方投票支持的表现。3. 门票价格也因活动规模和场地而有所不同,购票者可以获取更好的参观体验和展品信息,也可以参加展会活动、抽奖等,因此门票为值得购买的投资。









  14:05-16:30[M STAR 2023春夏PETS品质生活SHOW






2021年12月10日至12月12日,在福建省福州市首次举办专业的“中国(福州)宠物水族博览会Petshow Fuzhou(福宠展)”及“中国宠物文化节Petday China.福州站”      中国(福州)宠物水族博览会暨中国宠物文化节PetdayChina·福州站致力于打造东南沿海B2B、B2C双向发展的宠物、水族行业博览会。 




















展览时间 :2023-12-01至12-03 9:00-17:30(最晚入场时间17:00)





One, does pet exposition want entrance ticket?

" pet exposition needs entrance ticket. "1. Pet exposition is an activity that shows pet and Wu of relevant product kimono, the organization just needs to pay conduct propaganda of a rental hire, activity to wait for charge, because this need entrance ticket has sale,with enclothing cost is mixed achieve earnings. 2. The person that look around buys entrance ticket, also can ensure mobile safety and order, prevent generation to queue up without foreword, ill will is destroyed wait for a circumstance, buying a ticket at the same time also is the expression of square to the organization poll support. 3. Entrance ticket price also is mixed because of mobile dimensions field and differ somewhat, the person that buy a ticket can get better visiting experience and information of item on display, also can attend exhibit meeting activity, lottery to wait, because this entrance ticket is,be worth bought investment.

2, does Shanghai pet exposition have pet?

Have, how to call pet exposition otherwise? This year in August the Shanghai pet exposition of 16-20 day, revealed a lot of kinds of pet, have high-quality goods dog, cat, of all kinds view and admire fish, ferret, chelonian kind reach climb bestow favor on etc.

3, when does Chengdu pet exposition close?

Closed at 16 o'clock.

09:00-09:30 mew answer ceremony of city of big Tang Kai

09:30-09:5Association of pet of 0 Sichuan province is searched bestow favor on an expert to award card ceremony

09:55-12:0Congress of breed of vivid put oneself in another's position of department of 0 Chinese and Western

13:30-14:00 the brand recommends Weiduobiya meeting

14:05-16:3SHOW of life of character of PETS of Chun Xia of 0[M STAR 2023

4, time of exposition of 2023 Kunming pet?

Extend meeting time: On July 21, 2023---On July 23

Exhibit meeting site: International exhibition center of pool of Kunming another name for Yunnan Province

Kunming east alliance pet exposition founds 2016, it is the year grand meeting of the Yunnan pet industry that collect pet industry and pet match activity are an organic whole, with dabble limits wide, radiation interval is big, category is rich, have professional distinguishing feature alone, got western reach east alliance is broad of pet feeder, consumer, lover chase after hold become reconciled in both hands to judge.

5, exposition of pet of 2021 Fuzhou aquatic animals?

Came on December 10, 2021 on December 12, hold major first in Fujian Province the Fuzhou City " China (Fuzhou) blessing of Petshow Fuzhou(of exposition of pet aquatic animals is bestowed favor on exhibit) " reach " Petday China of Chinese pet Cultural Festival. Fuzhou stands "   China (Fuzhou) exposition of pet aquatic animals and station of Fuzhou of · of PetdayChina of Chinese pet Cultural Festival devote oneself to to make southeast fair of trade of the pet of two-way development of coastal B2B, B2C, aquatic animals.

First are exhibited 2021 can exhibit an area to plan 35000 smooth rice, predict many 600 to attract global ginseng to postpone business, the brand exceeds 3000, predict visiting number exceeds 60000 people, devote oneself to to become southeast distinguished gathering of industry of the pet of two-way development of coastal B2B, B2C, aquatic animals, exhibit match of major of form a complete set of meeting the corresponding period and seminar, the enterprise that help strength opens southeast pet market quickly.


     Exhibit Fuzhou of meeting base oneself upon, south radiation short for Zhejiang Province, country of Jiangxi, Anhui, Taiwan, southeast Asia, will invite short for Zhejiang Province south, hospital of platform of business of the pet things trafficker of Jiangxi, Anhui, 8 Fujian, agency, cable, direct seeding platform, pet, pet grooms course of study of center of hairdressing of center, pet person present visit hand-in-hand industry Wu to negotiate.

     Goldfish of the manufacturing business of product of pet of the brand business that meeting general postpones to invite countrywide pet industry in the meantime, agency, jobber, Fujian, trafficker, Fuzhou, aquatic builds scene and its fluctuation to swim, electric business platform, groom center when. Exhibit the conference is professional tall, it is your study newest industry trend and with course of study wife person interacts adequately the superexcellent opportunity that communicates collaboration.

6, does global pet exposition show an area?

Ginseng postpone a business 985, net area 26064 square metre, major buys the home 5597, had developed become one of professional trade fair that have force in the world. Should exhibit the conference is professional stronger, course of study of the state-owend enterprise in suiting attends. Before this is exhibited can only the member just can be joined exhibit, increased international to exhibit an area from 2019, allow to be not member ginseng to exhibit, but be restricted only international exhibits an area

7, does Xi'an pet exposition want entrance ticket?

Do not need entrance ticket

Open time: 9:00, 22:00

Scene area address: Highway of rich of world of Ba bridge area 1

Make an appointment platform: "Garden of Xi'an world rich " official public platform

Scene area entrance ticket: Entrance ticket is free, need to make an appointment house.

Can exhibit a house about: Chang'an tower, bud bestows favor on house, natural house, jewelry shop

Make an appointment time: 9:30-17:00

Sweet clew: Classics treasure is examined, at present the scene area entrance ticket during the Spring Festival all can make an appointment, everybody can plan to make an appointment according to his proper motion.

8, Changsha pet exposition how?

Very good

Exhibition of the meeting that bestow favor on rich shows gross area 30 thousand square metre, attract ginseng of brand of 800 Yu Jiazhan business, 3000 many tide to exhibit, collect bestows favor on bound fashion to release, bud bestows favor on goods of interactive, store up to shop, the libertinism that make friend, brand is tasted newly for an organic whole, make an experience change, be enmeshed the type, pet trade grand meeting that has energy.

9, when does Changsha pet exposition arrive?

Show time: 2023-12-01 comes 12-03 9: 00-17: 30 (enter the latest time 17:00)

Changsha pet exposition is to belong to what pet and love bestow favor on a personage to exceed big grand meeting, here has all sorts of bud to bestow favor on not only, have whole more about pet zoology catenary exhibit an area to reveal, let love to bestow favor on a person, raise bestow favor on a person to know modes of life and relation to their environment of pet, understanding pet more this is one builds pet and master life of more good zoology catenary large exhibit meeting.

10, schedule of 2022 pet exposition?

Eleventh exposition of day of pet of one Chengdu international will in April 2022 14-17 day is in new international exhibition center of Chengdu century city is held. Current exhibit can exhibit an area to make an appointment with 50000 ㎡, predict to 500+ ginseng exhibit audience of business, 10w+ to participate in. Current exhibit meeting with " witness new power, build new tomorrow in all " for the theme, around " change " , " change " , " communication " , " drive " , " service " 5 big keywords spread out, share through delibrate study, communication, the form such as accurate butt joint of brains storm, essence, deepness ode can exhibit business and audience, the industry that help strength grows.

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