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  1. 空间规划:根据宠物的种类和大小,合理规划宠物活动空间和休息空间。
  2. 安全考虑:确保宠物的活动空间没有尖锐物品和有害物质,避免宠物意外受伤。
  3. 舒适度:提供舒适的床铺和休息区,让宠物有一个安静、舒适的地方休息。
  4. 易清洁:选择材质易清洁的家具和地板,方便日常的清洁工作。
  5. 娱乐设施:设置一些宠物喜欢的玩具和娱乐设施,让宠物有足够的娱乐和互动。



  • 适应宠物的习性:不同种类的宠物有不同的习性和特点,需要根据宠物的需求进行设计。
  • 避免过度装饰:过度装饰会增加宠物的焦虑感和不安全感,需要保持简洁、自然的风格。
  • 宠物卫生:保持宠物家居的卫生和清洁,定期进行清理和消毒。
  • 注重安全性:确保家具和装饰物的材质无毒无害,避免宠物咬食或接触有害物质。



  1. 猫咪公寓:在有限的空间内,将活动区、休息区和卫生区合理分隔,为猫咪提供一个功能完善的家。
  2. 狗窝定制:根据狗狗的体型和喜好,设计一个独特的狗窝,满足狗狗的休息和活动需求。
  3. 鸟类舞台:打造一个适合鸟类活动的舞台,提供足够的空间和自然风光,让鸟儿可以尽情展翅翱翔。





Pet lives in the importance of the design

Pet is the indispensable associate in people life, they accompanied us to spend a lot of good time. However, whether had we ever thought, does our pet also need a sweet and comfortable home? Pet lives in the importance of the design to not allow to ignore. The pet household of a reasonable design can satisfy the life requirement of pet, provide a safety, healthy, easy environment. The importance that the article will introduce pet to live in a design for you and inspiration of a few designs and note.

Pet lives in the inspirational origin of the design

The inspiration that pet household designs originates living environment of the mankind. We can draw lessons from the mankind the concept of interior design and principle, on the foundation of demand of contented pet life, create a beautiful and comfortable pet home. Plan to be put to furniture from the space, we can use the experience of interior design at pet to live in a design, make a scope of activity that attributes them truly for pet.

Pet lives in the crucial essential factor of the design

When undertaking pet lives in a design, we need to consider the following crucial essential factor:

  1. Dimensional program: According to the sort of pet and size, space of activity of sound program pet and rest space.
  2. Safe consideration: Ensure the mobile space of pet does not have acerb article and harmful material, avoid pet accident to get hurt.
  3. Easy is measurable: Offer easy bed and rest area, let pet a quiet, comfortable place rests.
  4. Yi Qingjie: Choose the furniture of material qualitative Yi Qingjie and floor board, convenient and daily cleanness works.
  5. Recreational establishment: Install the toy that a few pet like and recreational establishment, let pet have enough recreation and interactive.

Pet lives in the note of the design

When undertaking pet lives in a design, still need to notice the following:

  • Get used to the characteristics of pet: Do not have distinct characteristics and characteristic with phyletic pet, need undertakes designing according to the demand of pet.
  • Avoid overdress: Overdress can increase the anxiety sense of pet and insecurity, need keeps concise, natural style.
  • Pet sanitation: Maintain the sanitation that pet lives in and cleanness, undertake clear and be alexipharmiced regularly.
  • Pay attention to security: Ensure the material of furniture and ornamental is qualitative avirulent and harmless, avoid pet to bite feed or contact harmful material.

Pet lives in the case of the design to share

The pet household that a few successes share here designs case, the hope can bring a few inspiration to you:

  1. Feline Mi apartment: Inside limited space, mobile area, rest area and wholesome area are reasonable space, the Mi that it is a cat provides the home with a perfect function.
  2. Doghole is custom-built: According to the bodily form of dog dog and be fond of, design a distinctive doghole, satisfy the rest of dog dog and mobile requirement.
  3. Avian arena: Make an arena that suits avian activity, offer enough space and natural view, it is OK to let bird to the top of one's bent volant hover.

Pet lives in a design to be able to provide a comfortable surroundings for pet not only, still can promote pet and host the affection communication between. Through be designed reasonably and be being decorated, we can create " symbiosis is shared " , spend each days jointly with our pet.

When design pet is lived in, remember the demand that pays close attention to pet, provide a safe and easy environment as far as possible. The material of use Yi Qingjie is qualitative, offer proper recreational establishment for pet. Pet household design is interesting the process that has challenge sex again, hope the content of the article can provide a few inspiration and help for you.

Thank you to read the article, hope you can know the value that lives in a design to pet through the article, obtain a few practical design inspiration from which.
