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育儿险是什么? 育儿险值得买吗?英文双语对照


育儿险是什么? 育儿险值得买吗?英文双语对照















1 育儿险的购买需要根据家庭实际需求和经济承受能力进行合理规划和选择,不能盲目跟风或者随意买。2 育儿险购买的主要原因是为了应对孩子突发疾病或者意外伤害的风险,保障孩子的健康和安全,同时也为家庭减轻财务压力。3 在选择育儿险时,应该考虑保险金额、保障范围、服务内容、保险期限、保费等因素。同时,也应根据孩子年龄、性别、健康状况等因素进行选择。4 最合适的购买方式是先了解多个保险公司的产品和服务,做到对比和评估,再根据具体情况选择最适合自己家庭的育儿险产品和购买方案。



生育保险要交多久才能报销具体是指到生育或实施计划生育手术时缴费未中断且已连续缴费满一年。另外,参加生育保险的男职工,其配偶未列入职工生育保险范围,不能享受生育保险有关待遇的, 凡足额缴纳生育保险费,并且连续缴费满一年的,可按规定享受生育保险及实施计划生育手术费用报销和津贴。具体是指到生育或实施计划生育手术时缴费未中断且已连续缴费满一年。另外,参加生育保险的男职工,其配偶未列入职工生育保险范围,不能享受生育保险有关待遇的,在符合计划生育规定时,由生育保险基金按照规定的支付标准报销50%的生育医疗费。 
























1. 所有育儿经验都仅供参考,每个宝宝都是一个独立的个体,别人的育儿良方并不一定适合你的宝宝!

2. 成功教育的奥妙在于:先设立一个较低的目标,让孩子体验到成功的快乐,然后再追求更高一级的目标。

3. 不要整天将别人家的孩子挂在嘴上,那样会伤孩子的自尊心。 可以在合适的时候通过适当的方式让孩子了解到差距,并鼓励孩子,你也可以!


Yo what be nearly?

Yo insurance is one of social security, this is the most fundamental material benefits.

One, birth insurance. In the employee that the unit goes to work, want social security to hand in only full a year, can win birth insurance treatment. Birth insurance can provide two parts safeguard: One part is birth allowance, another part is pay of birth medical treatment.

2, gravid and relevant commerce is safe. The birth insurance pay that sheet relies on a country is far insufficient still, because this returns need,commercial insurance does complement. Be pregnant can buy the commerce such as serious illness risk, accident danger, birthday danger, medical treatment danger to be sure normally, the ability before passing to want 28 weeks to be pregnant commonly is cast protect, if exceeded 28 weeks, after be about to wait for darling to be born, ability is cast protected. What nevertheless a bit want to say with everybody is, the normal cost that produces because of gravid place (produce check, childbirth) with blame is normal (complication, be difficult to do, premature nurses etc) charge, common commercial insurance was not ensured.

Mu Ying is safe, it can regard as commerce model birth insurance, what can ensure accurate mom and darling at the same time is safe. On the setting that ensures in its, pregnancy disease or accident are included inside. With its he is sure to be compared, mu Ying is sure to be able to say spend a body to have something made to order for gestation female. It is from what get insurance cost morrow begins to ensure normally, arrive all the time postpartum 7 days, 15 day or 30 days, general nonexistent " await period " scotoma of this safeguard time.

Yo be worth to buy nearly?

Be worth to buy

Dot dispute often is necessary to buy insurance. Insurance can transfer a risk on certain level, unapt occurrence child weighs the circumstance of the ill cure that do not have money, can save below a lot of money.

Yo how to deal with nearly?


The first pace: The parent carries relevant data, the cure that heads for place protects a service to nod or orgnaization of agency of medical treatment of collaboration of new rural area attends, the window is protected to refer application material; in cure

The 2nd pace: Relevant staff member can undertake examine and verify to application material. If the condition is accorded with and data is complete, can deal with on the spot. If the condition nots agree with,close or material is short of break, so meeting return data, do not grant to deal with. If can be dealt with on the spot, so the staff member is met the new student information input cure maintains a system, parent basis local new student the pay cost level that cure maintains undertakes capture is expended can;

The 3rd pace: After afore-mentioned programs are finished, in 1-2 cure is finished to keep card inside the month, before notifying the parent, go to get or mail in arriving home

Yo how to buy nearly the most appropriate?

1 Yo of danger buy need to need economy of sue for peace actually to bear according to the family ability has sound program and choice, cannot follow suit blindly or buy at will. 2 Yo the main reason that buys nearly is to answer the child to break out the venture that the disease perhaps hurts accidentally, ensure the child's health and safety, also ease financial pressure for the family at the same time. 3 choosing Yo when danger, should consider insurance amount, safeguard the element such as time limit of content of limits, service, insurance, insurance cost. In the meantime, also answer to undertake choosing according to the element such as child age, sexual distinction, healthy state. 4 the most appropriate buying way is the product kimono Wu that knows many insurance company first, accomplish contrast and evaluate, the Yo that suits him family most according to particular case choice again danger product and buy program.

Yo how long to hand in nearly can you submit an expense account?

Successive pay cost is full a year.

Birth insurance should be handed in how to long just can submit an expense account specific it is to show to the capture when bear or carrying out family planning operation cost was not interrupted and cost of successive already pay is full a year. Additional, join the male worker of birth insurance, its spouse did not include a worker to bear insurance limits, cannot enjoy birth insurance to concern pay, pay of every full specified amount bears insurance premium, and successive capture is expended full a year, can enjoy birth insurance and expenses of operation of executive family planning to submit an expense account by the regulation with allowance. Specific it is to show to the capture when bear or carrying out family planning operation cost was not interrupted and cost of successive already pay is full a year. Additional, join the male worker of birth insurance, its spouse did not include a worker to bear insurance limits, cannot enjoy birth insurance to concern pay, when according with family planning to set, according to formulary disbursement by birth insurance fund the standard is submitted an expense account the cost of birth medical treatment of 50% .

Yo how long to hand in nearly can you submit an expense account Shanghai?

Shanghai bears insurance to submit an expense account want successive pay social security full 12 months (among interrupt do not exceed 3 months, inspect successive) , and before bearing still was in in January of pay social security, ability submits an expense account 100% of national regulation level. Those who need an attention is, shanghai bears insurance is the second month that bearing rises 15 days, just can accept explain get, exceed the time limit exceeds 6 months not seasonable explain the person that get, accept no longer.

Yo does experience share Yo knowledge?

Yo knowledge is as follows

Addition of round the clock of time of 1. child Morpheus is not gotten little at 12 hours. Remember, enough sleep is the safeguard of child health.

Outdoors motion having oxygen can increase 2. immune force of the child, fluctuation midday all not less than outdoors activities of 40 minutes, best can land of bring into contact with, of course haze mist weather wants exception.

If install 3. wants the child, 3 minutes of be hungry and cold. Must not eat too much to the child, those who wear is too thick, the change that should follow environmental temperature changes to the child the dress.

4. is medicine 3 minutes poison, should believe dietetic have curative effect truly.

5. can try the four seasons to wash a face to the child with cold water, can increase its cold-resistant capacity, reduce a cold.

6. feed respect, initial stage is with the mother breast or acting milkings are given priority to, increase later in 56 months complementary feed, such ability satisfy the need of body development

7. is make infant can nurturance dines smoothly habit, proposal parent notices will complementary during feeding time to adjust adult to dine or after dining. Adult dines have behavior guiding effect to the child; Feed complementary when feeding, food is chewed at the same time in adult mouth, even if be chewing gum only.

 8. darling before one one full year of life as far as possible the food that edible little candy does not have salt; Although darling a week after year old, also answer to avoid to add salt and candy when making food for darling as far as possible; Examine food label without fail, check you to buy alimental to contain salt is measured or contain candy amount; Flavor and condiment are used in cookbook, or citric, lime and tomato mud replace salt.


Yo truth?

The husband and wife that 1. has the child is happier.

Many first parenting person, those who face darling cry be troubled by, mischievous, carry feed wait to often lose his head, call the child even " small devil " . However, river of American California university bank Professor Nielsen of cent school considers to discover, the joy that the child brings to parents is far over anguish. Especially father is met from quite a few is obtained over there the child energy and happy feeling. Accordingly, proposal pa Mom experience joy from inside the experience that takes care of the child more, is not to complain blindly. Yo regard as achievement, state of mind is placed more easily also.

2. puts the child the first happier.

The Ashendu Zhanmusi of university of Holand Amsterdam freedom teachs discovery, the father and mother that puts the child in the first is happier, can comprehend more life true meaning. But what need reminds is, this does not represent OK and doting child. The child makes a mistake, OK and appropriate punishment; The thing that the child means, what ought not to buy is determined do not compromise.

3. does not turn round the child all the day.

Some parents think, love even if all day long turns round the child, resemble " helicopter " same, on horse of thing having a place " fly " go " fire fighting " . American Ma Li Huacheng pauses Professor Xifulin of the university thinks, the care of meticulously makes the child easier depressed, provide for oneself ability is poor. The parent should learn to let go moderately, let him child solve a problem. Feel to be in charge of too much when the child especially when, the parent should be accepted and not be to complain " be not understood " .

Yo tutorial?

Yo the core of the respect must pay attention to a child namely of 3 view, thought and accomplishment and good convention form, other behavior respect belongs to periphery, an adage says " 3 years old look big, 7 years old look old " those who say is this meaning.

Yo logion?

1.All Yo experience offers reference only, every darling is an independence is individual, the Yo of others the darling that effective prescription does not suit you certainly!

2.Does the secret of successful education depend on: ?

3.Do not hang the child of others home on the mouth all the day, can hurt the child's proper pride in that way. Can be in appropriate when let the child know difference through proper way, encourage the child, you are OK also!

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