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  华纳史诗冒险系列攻略  华纳世界出品的超精美史诗级冒险全集,是所有热爱flash小游戏的人不可错过的冒险大餐,从今天开始连载,每天两集,希望大家都能快乐的游戏,无忧的通关。  游戏中的操作方法:切换道具:T键 决定:空格键 跑:SHIFT键+方向键 跳跃:CTRL键  大跳跃:CTR键+SHIFT键,技巧:在大跳跃的时候不用同时按CTR键+SHIFT键,可以先按住SHIFT键,然后在按CTR键。物品组合:点击一个物品,这时会出现他的放大介绍,将欲与之合成的物品用鼠标拖拽至此即可。  第一章功略:一开始摄影师被射倒在地,走上前去问候一下,谁知他说了几句话后就不省人事了。绕过摄影师,从左边的箱子上拿起那块木板,用它做掩护,走到船的中部。那里有一扇门,进去后在桌子上有一串钥匙。再捡起地上的杠铃,然后到房子右上角敲碎防火箱,拿到灭火器。回到船头甲板上,把甲板上的火给灭掉。在右上角有一个梯子,爬上去,舵手递给你一只试管,然后就消失了。下来以后,在摄影师躺着的地方的左上角,有一捆绳子。来到船尾,走到右上角,一个酒瓶从水手的手中跌落,滑到船的左舷。在甲板的钩子处使用绳子,拿到酒瓶。然后把酒瓶和试管混合(在物品窗口用拖拽的方法),组成救生药剂。来到摄影师身边,把救生药剂给他喝下。用钥匙打开甲板左侧的门(在救生圈下面)。下面有一个背包,左下方有一个锤子,左侧的箱子堆中间有一个电池,右上角的角落有一个渔叉。来到梯子前使用渔叉,然后在中间的电动机处使用电池,然后发动机子。再通过梯子回到甲板,来到摄影师身边,把背包交给他。最后来到船尾,在救生舢板前使用锤子,把舢板放下来,然后坐上舢板.  第二章功略  由于门口下面有人把守,所以先从窗口爬出,来到屋顶,把雕像踢下去,然后原路返回,再从门口出去。从看守者身边捡起一把刀和催泪药,用刀把绳索砍断,这样就可以走下来了。向右边走,来到一个笼子面前,笼子里面的那个野人说它可以帮你,但你先要把他救出来。返回刚才的那个场景,在上方的那个屋子可以找到一个雕像(共有三个),然后往下走,来到另一个场景。在这个场景中,下面的屋子里有一个雕像和一个饭盒,分别在左右两个角落里。在右上方的屋子里有最后一个雕像。然后回到最初的那个场景,来到该场景右侧的那个小房子,把那个饭盒交给小姑娘,她会给你一串项链。这串项链上告诉你这个部落所使用的数字表达方式。还是往下走,来到那个得到饭盒的那个场景。在右上角的屋子里,你会得到一块密码板,结合刚才得到的项链把密码破译出来:绿一黄三红二蓝四。按照顺序拉动机关:先把绿的拉一下、再把黄的拉三下。。。。。。(好像拉完黄的要按一下?;返回红的,如果按三次?;回来是打不开机关的)然后那个野人就放出来了。来到笼子处再往右走,野人会帮你抬起那扇门。进去后、在左侧你可以找到几根棍子,把麻醉药和棍子组合在一起,做成麻醉标枪。马上梯子,从左侧的门口走出去。走到三分之一的桥面的时候,把麻醉标枪投出,放倒那只狒狒。把收集到的三个雕像放入那三个座,来到中间拉动机关,你就可以借助水遁逃离,过关!  第三章功略:捡起船桨,按空格走过绳索,拿起木插,回去走到蛇那边,按空格后得到刀,用刀砍断小岛上拴住图腾的绳索便来到河的另一边。不要急着上藤条,用刀砍断栅栏,左边的山洞一片漆黑,什么也看不到,先到上面的黑洞,便来到了另一个场景。将地上的木棍拴在绳索上,小跳到右面石岸,大跳上面的陆地,过去将绳圈拴在人头上,按空格即可。再回来拉木棍,将人头拉倒,跳到中间岛,站在木头上可以抅到小包得到手电筒(他做的效果有点不好所以你看的时候会以为拿不到,你要在包的下面按空格才行。切记!!),用它进入上面的洞中得到打火机。回到开始的地方,拿着手电可以进去左边的山洞,可以拣到医药箱,从右边上藤条进入有飞机的场景,跳过悬崖,进入最右边的洞,得到汽油,将汽油倒在蜜蜂旁边,用打火机点燃汽油将蜜蜂杀死。将绳索的一头系在螺旋桨上,将另一头系在水里的树桩上(在另一场景),转动螺旋桨。木桩被拉开了,哦,别忘了带上枪(在飞机驾驶室里),可以进洞了。用枪杀死蝙蝠,上到最上面(进来的地方的悬崖,恩空格爬上去,切记按的时候只能单按空格,不要方向键和空格同时按,要不你一辈子也上不去),用船桨翘开松动的岩石堵住下面的洞口,身后有个流水的小洞,用手拔开。屋里就全是水了(只是一半水),你仔细观擦发现左边还有一个流水的小洞,你怎么爬上来的还怎么爬下去(还是那句话,不要忘阿),然后游过去把那个洞打开。这关就过了。^_^  第四章攻略:本关要猛跑,抓紧一切时间,否则就会被恐龙追上,会被恐龙吃掉的,好恐怖阿。顺秆子爬上后向右飞快地跑,跑到横着大树的河旁边,然后跳到河对面的树桩上,取上竿子,跳到下面的石岸,然后向右侧跳,进入另一个场景。在悬崖边跳一下就抓住藤条,按右(左)方向键摇摆藤条,看准时机按CTRL键跳到另一边,记住,要快。飞快跑过毒蛇出没的地方,不要急着进右侧的帐篷,先到帐篷后面的一个破洞边,按空格取鞭子,然后回来进入帐篷,里面有只豹子,按空格打它,它就跑了,到书架上取毒药配方和瓶子,然后迅速按原路返回到来时经过的树桩那儿。从树桩上的藤条路走到大树旁边(不要跑,否则藤条会断),在树下按空格取蘑菇,然后向图下方跑进入另一个画面。顺河边跑到右下侧。用竿子将图腾木桩翘倒。从上面过去取草莓。然后将蘑菇草莓混合到瓶中成为毒药。到这个场景上面用按空格称竿子跳过沼泽,到另一面,继续向前跑,进入另一个画面去下一个骷髅,对准吊桥扔过去,吊桥掉下,过桥然后一路狂跑,跑到尽头,进入大树干,里面有一个蛮人,过去踢掉他下面的支撑物,他掉下去后,迅速爬上平台,物品换成毒药,等恐龙伸过头来时扔进它嘴里。哈哈大功告成了^_^!!  第五章攻略:刚上来你被绑着,只能左右移动,移动到窗户底下按空格把窗户踢开,用玻璃把绳子割断。然后拣起地下的铁棍到被打碎的窗户那按空格把车的手刹打开。这时车滑到下面去了,看到一间开着门的屋子,进屋上2楼,可以捡到一把钥匙,一个本,上了2楼出门上楼梯通过旗杆爬到另一个屋里,可以得到一块肉和一个杈子,回到街上往下走到另一个场景。你会看见一条狗把肉给那条狗它就不会咬你了(不然你可惨了,那条狗会撕碎你!)。前面还有2头牛,等那个人走到棚子地下时你用杈子叉那头牛,它一跑把棚子拉塌了,人就被压死了。棚子边上还有个吉普车,你过去用钥匙开车时发现车没有汽油了,往狗那边走,可以切换到另一的场景。有两辆车和1个人,那个人在四处张望,你趁他看别处的时候赶紧跑去下面的屋子,取得一个皮管。你出屋发现那个人旁边的车上有个汽油桶。如果你血多可以去抢,你要是血少你就等等趁他看别处的时候再去拿。拿到后把汽油桶和皮管合成。在到拿汽油桶那辆车的上面一辆车门的地方使用汽油桶就可以输入汽油了,灌完汽油回到吉普车那边加满汽油,用钥匙开车走人就ok了。  第六章攻略:首先前那起身边的木板,把对面的大门用木板挂上,这样敌人就暂时不会闯进来(他们进来会对你进行残酷的扫射!),然后利用敌人没来的空隙到身后的屋子里看看,墙上有一幅画,好像和第二关一样,也是个密码图,然后跑出来,进入上面的屋子,发现地上的图案和画上的一样,按着画上的顺序走一遍,楼梯就会出现,但是发现横梁上还有个一些鞭炮,看样子想上去只能打那个摆来摆去的沙袋的主意,拿起锣边上的锤子,趁着沙袋摆到另一边的空隙,敲掉上边的卡子,让沙袋停下来,将鞭炮取下来。下楼梯到另一个场景。看到有四个石柱(如果你此时“伤亡惨重”的话,佛像的左侧有疗伤的药很管用呦!),这里也是一个机关,每根柱子上中下三个图形都是一样的,顺序是从右上开始顺时针:菱形--花形--8形--铃铛。这时佛像头上会闪现一道耀眼的光芒。出现一道暗门。在这里不要让官兵看到你,出去后上楼推那个大铁球,然后下来在火把处点燃炮竹,吸引士兵进屋。拿到过道上的绳子后,顺着走廊飞奔至画面的右下角,进入另一个场景。先用炮竹把对面的门打开(你要控制炮竹的方向),然后用绳子上塔楼,开动塔顶的机关。  第七章攻略:跳到对面洞中,拣起山洞中的两样东西然后合成。从洞口爬上山,注意不要被冰砸下去,可以横向移动先。敌人这时候发现了你,他们向你丢炸弹,你可以把敌人的炸弹迅速拣起来在丢向石头,这样他们就会over了。再爬下来从敌人身上捡绳子,在爬到山上从左边的冰柱上爬上去,进入另一场景。进入另一个画面后从冰柱登陆到冰面上,上去后把绳子拴在2层的柱子上。爬上冰面,换工具用锄子。爬到最边上用锄子挖去积雪。上到顶点拉绳子然后站到木板到对面。进入另一个画面。这儿一定要当心。不要走在有裂缝的地方,走过去以后把锄子拴在绳子上等直升机来的时候捡起锄子就可以了,炸了飞机以后从上方冰面爬上去,到顶端会看到一辆车,必须先躲在石头后等士兵转身时去车后拿炸药,再到左边那块一个石块处扔了。向上走即可。  第八章攻略:用防滑靴和冰镐爬上左上柱子至平台,跳过断裂处(大跳),进洞。爬上冰壁,至右象牙处,改换冰镐挖下荧光石。捡起后,再爬上冰壁到上面的山洞。走过小路,进入另一个场景。  走到尽头,按空格踢断冰柱,打断冰桥。再按原路返回最初进口。打开包包,把打火机和液化汽(那个罐子)组合在一起。然后,爬上湖右边的柱子直至尽头。看到冰封的洞口,用先前组合好的液化汽和打火机烧出一个洞。有一道光射入,掏出荧光石在光下照射,使之发光。下来后,爬上左上平台,进左上山洞。拿出发光的荧光石,使山洞变亮。从左下斜坡滑下。踢断洞口左边冰柱(需要到洞口与柱子之间去踹),积雪塌下来后堵住洞口。爬上洞口右边冰壁,返回最初进口。  取出照相机,下湖,至另一场景,见到雪怪。用照相机对它照一下,然后快跑躲开上方掉下的石柱。重复这一动作,直至雪怪被关在石牢里。再对它照一下,让上面的石头砸昏它。快速取出针筒(那个盒子),去抽出雪怪的血。  第九章攻略:首先和躺在地上的人说话,取得一把钥匙,然后转身爬进身后的电梯,进去后看见电梯上一侧的门开着,只要轻轻一跳就上去了,在里面可以找到一盘录像带还有一个垒球,别急着出来,先把饮水机的水洒到地下,在出来用网球把通风口的铁盖子打掉。记得将垒球拣起来,后面还要用到。爬进去来到了另一个场景先跳过传送带,爬上梯子,捡起铁钩,还可以得到电线。在去捡到电线的那个屋子使用垒球把升降机的开关打开,那些木箱就成了一个梯形这样就可以下去了下面有一个保险柜输入密码,密码是随机的,有160314和163104两个都试试,在房间左侧有个门,拣起水桶赌在门旁。再跑到电梯间爬上天台接电线,用钩子打开天窗,把电线放进去,快速来到,电梯间跳到有饮水机的办公室躲到书架旁的桌子下等杀手走到水上电死他(按一下空格),拿走他的磁卡,然后电梯间--博士死的地方--树--到大厅看录象知道资料放置的位置后,用杀手身上的磁卡从大厅正门出去就过关了!  第十章攻略:首先到降落伞那拿来绳子,栓在两个电塔上,这时会有一个人被拦截下来,之后得到他的帽子,然后开摩撬走人。接下来就是竞速游戏了。最好走右边,用空格可以让车跳起来,向上键加速,之后到另一个场景。利用地上的绳和机器得到玻璃,钩子抛出去后要自己爬到电线上调整一下,然后站在瞄准点下,利用玻璃的反射打开玻璃罩,进入下一个场景(他画的不太好看不清你要绕到后面上去)。进入通口后,下楼梯,拣电缆,和点火器,将电缆的一头接在地上,然后将另一头以黄(上)绿(中)红(下)的次序接好,上楼对付猴子,先到左边将物品架移开,猴子将跳入箱子再到电脑前按一下空格,右边的一个容器盖子就开了。猴子被抓住后将箱子搬入容器,然后捡起地上的录像带从另一个口出去,门口有氧气瓶别忘了捡,坐电梯下去,发现被石头堵上了,这时先用氧气瓶然后用点火器,用完开电梯上楼等他炸了在下来,石头炸开了可以进去了。到了里面有一个机器到机器面前使用录像带。  第十一章攻略:1、来到接待台,小姐会给你一份公司介绍,注意,它非常有用  !2、上电梯,来到读报小姐那里,使用刷卡,偷换掉她的卡。3、用她的卡打开电梯门,进去使用耳塞,上到90层。4、沿着走廊前进,一共会遇到4道白门,需要用耳塞让黑客替你打开,先过2道,物品换成公司介绍报,等待。5、一会头顶上会有探测机过来,发射麻醉针,在它响警报的时候用报纸接住针,继续前进。6、过了第4道门,会有个警卫,趁他转身喝水,将麻醉针剂倒入他的杯子,放倒他,拿到他的红色卡,再用他的手打开后面的玻璃门,进去输密码。7、密码是公司介绍报封面上的“ETERNITY”  8、进入另一层,右走来到激光防卫走廊,小跳过前两个激光束,在两侧激光分布稀疏处大跳过最后一道防线,来到一道门前面,门上有检测仪器。9、使用红卡,进入电脑房。10、将光盘放入其中一台电脑,再点击进入电脑中的游戏,两台电脑是联机的,用PLAYER1赢了PLAYER2就可以过关了,方法是将PLAYER1的“X”棋子走成一个大“X”形。  第十二章攻略:1、下梯子,拿到铁钳,夹断工程车尾上方悬钢罐的绳索,上车2、前后移动车子(一直要抵拢墙)撞破铁门进入实验室3、用钳子夹断蔓藤,发现它有强烈的再生功能,沿着长出来的新枝爬下去,向前进入正前方的圆门,进去拿到血袋和钩锁4、退出来在圆门处沿地上的血迹向右走,拿到闪光灯{对付怪物的},用钩锁放下梯子5、退到蔓藤处,左走遇见怪物,使用灯吓走它,上梯子拿到枪,可惜是空的,在3具尸体上拿到3张纸片,前进,来到方门处,有个按钮是展开门搭桥的,但门被卡住了,从右侧爬上去,掀去卡住门的梯子,下来展开方门,走到对面,在左边拿到一个文件,右边拿到子弹,和枪组合上膛。6、回到拿灯的地方,上梯子操纵电脑,输入密码。7、第一次输入代码,是3个死人中一人身上的,我选的是NA,第二次输他的名字,对应的是BORDON(是从文件里找到的,也许还有其他搭配),现在打开了右下角的门8、进入门,打开灯,在右下角等怪物进来蹲在左上角时开枪击中怪物就可以了。  第十三章攻略:1、到左边木箱处拿到操纵杆,等胖子转身过去,跑到画面下面拿到钩棍,操纵摇杆放下渔网,用钩棍钩破渔网,发出响声等胖子过来,这时躲在集装箱下方,等胖子开始竖直往下走了,跑到右边的房子里操纵机器把鱼装到小车里。2、回到开始的地方,等胖子转身,将操纵杆装上并使用,倒下车里的鱼,压住胖子,向上走出去。  3、来到房子里,掀掉头上罩机器的布,发现有炸弹,现在是分秒必争了!4、左边柜子拿到摇杆,上梯子,左走,在放跳板的机器处将摇杆装上使用,放下跳板,上船5、船尾拿到钩子,船头的铁柱上拿到绳子,组合2者。船头还可以拿到一张线路图6、回到上梯子的地方,接线7、使用线路图,订在接线板旁,仔细观察,根据有两颗螺丝的位置发现图订反了,所以按图上的样子上下反着看,接好线路,将机器放到船上,上船摘下炸弹,将炸弹放在小艇上8、回到大门上方,使用钩绳,爬上去拉操纵杆,打开船库门,  9、回船放下小艇,让它带走炸弹,解除危险。  第十四章攻略:1、向右移动,将地上的垫子挪过来2、将刀蹬下来落在垫子上,拣起来割断绳子,拣好绳子。3、跑到书架背后推倒书架压住一个守卫,到书架正面,爬上去,跳到吊灯上,荡到对面,从床上拿到假肢,回来给同伴割断绳子,装上假肢,走到屋外。4、在伸出的木梁上系好绳子,在桌上拿到玻璃杯,下楼梯拿到电钻,等看守转过去时,跑到下面的松树处,跳过去拉住松枝,丢下玻璃杯,等守卫过来,放掉松枝,打昏守卫,回来从绳子处下到底场景5、蹬断石梁架桥,从右边松树下去,连跳两个石阶,到正道上,架好梯子,等同伴下来。6、拉开电闸,跳过地上的空洞,在右下脚拣到锤子,从房子左边爬上去,将铁板广告敲下来,为同伴铺好路。开动缆车。7、3个看守过来要锯断缆绳,打开缆车门,使用电钻,沿着电钻的线爬上去,拉动手闸,到达安全地带。成了!  华纳史诗冒险连载十五》  游戏简介:华纳世界出品的超精美史诗级冒险全集,是所有热爱flash小游戏的人不可错过的冒险大餐,希望大家都能快乐的游戏,无忧的通关。  游戏说明:攻略:  1 第一场景 旋转左边的红色开关,流出石油,等会儿会有枪手从这儿滑下去,再去右边的医药箱拿出加血药和迷幻药  2 从左边楼梯爬上第二场景,操纵滑杆,把那里的枪手赶远点,迅速去取气焊枪,再回到第一场景。  3 从左手边下去到场景三 右手边有一个铁钩,吊上去后回滑到下面,再跳到平台上,打开红色开关,会有气体从上面冒出,吸引枪手,当枪手走过来看时,把中间的桶放下,灭了第二个枪手(注意时间和位置)  4 从铁链处上来后,拿到一扳手(盒子里)再顺竿爬上(最好别坐电梯)上到第四场景 准备好扳手,爬到门的下方时(注意别让枪手发现)按空格把扳手抛向屋里,等枪手听见过来进屋后,快速爬上来,把门关上(千万抓紧时间,否则没有机会了),再下来,再右下角拿到抹布,并与迷幻药组合。  5 从楼梯上到第五场景,用气焊枪切断杆子。  6 再上到第六场景,走到吊钩下,把吊钩钩在桶下木版上,再返回第五场景,从切断的杆子那儿爬上吊车,操纵吊车,提起木版,灭掉第三个枪手。  7 下来后,从第六场景下到第七场景,当枪手背过去时,悄悄地走到桶后,如果还没转身,再走到她后面,按空格使用迷幻药和抹布的组合,大功告成了。  《华纳史诗冒险连载十六》  游戏简介:华纳世界出品的超精美史诗级冒险全集,是所有热爱flash小游戏的人不可错过的冒险大餐,希望大家都能快乐的游戏,无忧的通关。  游戏说明: 攻略  1。沿杆爬上,下梯子,直走,拿到绳子(Electrical cord)。  2。返回,上梯子,栓上绳,大跳,晃到另一房顶,推倒蓝色木板,松开晾衣服的绳,沿此绳爬上,到一有许多蜡烛的房间,拿一绿瓶子,返回。  3。爬上一木杆,下去,走到另一场景,走进旅馆,进左边房间拿火柴,右下房间拿油灯,上二楼,进左边房间与受伤人对话,走廊会出现一黄衣人,拿床上的信,下楼,去拿右角落垃圾桶盖。  4。沿原路返回拿绳子的地方,进门,拿出绿瓶子腐蚀铁窗,从窗户爬到一厨房,进入后那个黄衣人拿着刀子进来,拿桌上的碟子砸黄衣人直至他躲在橱柜下,这时拿着桶盖跑上去砸他,他受伤后逃走(留下一路血迹),拣起刀子。  5。回到旅馆,去二楼右下房间,推倒左边桌子,露出洞,进去,沿管子下。  6。拿油灯扔老鼠,再拿火柴烧,掀开下水道盖子,下去。  7。到海边,向左,到砖墙处,拿刀撬开暗道门,进去,过关。  《华纳史诗冒险连载十七》  游戏简介:华纳世界出品的超精美史诗级冒险全集,是所有热爱flash小游戏的人不可错过的冒险大餐,希望大家都能快乐的游戏,无忧的通关。  游戏说明:攻略  此集在海底,共四个场景。在第一个场景拿旗杆,捅掉右边的冰。然后对准下边裂缝的冰跳下去。  进入第二个景,得到转轴。  进入第三景,得到铁网和一个铁球(英文叫MINE),把这两个东西组合,从第三景的第一层放下去,下到第二层,去接近怪物的尾,怪物会打到组合的东西,爆炸。  进入第四景,得到转轮和布网,用布网和旗杆组合,捞第四、三和一景三条会发光的鱼,并在第二景左边得到救生船和修补工具。用转轮打开第二景左边的舱,得到鱼雷。把鱼雷从第三景发光的地方扔下去,进入第四景,在洞口放出三条鱼,把旗杆和布网的组合拆开,进洞后迅速用布网罩住洞口,这样鱼就不会跑出了。得到一个大棒子,上第一景第一层,用大棒打开破船,得到一个能量盒,回到第四景的洞里(如果鱼跑出洞,用布网捞回去),用网再次罩住洞口,用旗杆把右边的石头捅开,将转轴放下去,用能量盒发电,只要有三次能将电发入怪物的嘴中,它就晕了,赶快下去抽怪物的血,回到第一景,用救生船。  《华纳史诗冒险连载十八》  游戏简介:华纳世界出品的超精美史诗级冒险全集,是所有热爱flash小游戏的人不可错过的冒险大餐,希望大家都能快乐的游戏,无忧的通关。  游戏说明:攻略:  一. 第1场景:  1. 观察场景:  (1)整个场景是一个房子(两层),和一个院子。  (2)左边:胖子,他身边有个钥匙。  (3)上边:一个汽车,汽车下边有一个撬棍,左边有一个垃圾筒。  (4)右边:一条狗,一个鱼竿,一个门。  (5)下边:女主人公,一个小男孩。  估计目标:进入院子,引开狗,拿到钥匙,进入右边的门。  2. 和小男孩说话,小孩扔石头进入院子,胖子起身赶小孩走,然后走向鸡群,现在趁机跟在他后面,躲在垃圾筒里面。胖子回到原位。  3. 从筒里出来,快速跑到汽车的右边的门,这时会被狗发现,不要惊慌,快速进入汽车,从汽车的左门出去,狗跳进了汽车,再迅速跑到汽车的右门,把门关上,狗就被锁在里面了。  4. 拿起门旁边的鱼竿,到房子的墙边,顺管道爬到2楼,走到钥匙的正上方,使用鱼竿,把钥匙钓上来,再爬下去。  5.再汽车下边拿起撬棍,用钥匙打开右边的门,进入。  二. 第2场景(此场景动作要快,不然会被胖子抓到):  1. 观察场景:  (1)整个场景是一个牧场。  (2)右下方有一个“管子”,旁边有一个木箱。  (3)左边有一些动物。  (4)左上方,有一个门。  估计目标:躲过胖子,进入左上方的门。  2. 快跑,拿起右下方的管子,快跑,去那堆动物那里,从里面捡起一把小刀,快跑,用撬棍翘开左上方的木门,进去。(如果动作不够快,可以躲在中途的小洞处,就是在草丛里面的那几个黑色的三角形,那里可以钻进去,躲避胖子。胖子走过去了,你在趁机放下木箱,扣住那条狗,然后再趁机溜走。)  三. 第3场景(没人追你,不用太着急):  1. 观察场景:  (1)迎面有一个大门。  (2)右边有一个狗,狗旁边有一个摇把。  (3)左边有个传送机。  (4)右边的房顶上有一个梯子,上面有一个天窗。  估计目标:引开狗,摇动摇把,爬上房顶,进入天窗。  2. 用撬棍翘开迎面的大门,里面有一个瓶子,捡起来。  3. 上传送带,快到房顶的时候,跳上房顶。(注意,跳的不及时,会被那个电锯锯死。)  4. 走到房檐的边上,(最靠近狗的地方。)揣开管道,管道的一端倒在狗的那个饭盒里面,走到管道的另一端,把那瓶营养丰富的物质倒进去,他顺着管道流入狗的饭盒,狗被吸引了。  5. 从房顶跳到下面的稻草处,摇动摇把,再回到房顶,爬管道,再爬梯子,把管子系在房顶,把管子由天窗放下去,进入天窗。  四. 第4场景:  1. 观察场景:  (1)左边一个铁皮,铁皮里面有一堆桶,桶旁边有梯子。  (2)下面有一个门,门旁边有一个大木板。  (3)中间的上面有一个桶,看样子可以活动。  估计目标:下去,打开门,进入门。  2. 用撬棍翘开左边的铁皮,用刀子切断捆桶的绳子,桶掉落,从梯子爬下去。  3. 拿起大木板,放在中间的木通底下。爬梯子再上去,把铁皮放在右面的地方,过去,爬下管道,推动木桶,木桶滚落,门被砸开。  4. 再下去,进入门里。  五. 第4场景(胖子满处溜达,注意躲避)  1. 观察场景:  (1)下面有4个水阀。  (2)左面一个梯子。  (3)上面的左边,有一条电线。  (4)上面的中间有一个门。  估计目标:打开水阀,吸引胖子的注意,爬上梯子,进入门。  2. 分别拧开4个水阀,让水流出来。这时,胖子会过去想关掉水阀。  3. 趁机爬上梯子,用刀子割断电线。  4. 从门里进去,就结束了这一关。  《华纳史诗冒险连载十九》  游戏简介:华纳世界出品的超精美史诗级冒险全集,是所有热爱flash小游戏的人不可错过的冒险大餐,希望大家都能快乐的游戏,无忧的通关。  游戏说明:攻略:  1.拣起帽子,给小狗闻一闻,它会带你去找Pedro,别忘了在垃圾桶里找一根皮带.  2.小狗把你带到了屋顶,得到一根木条(因为你不拿掉的话不能跟着小狗跑),用皮带沿着绳子滑下去;切断绳子,沿绳子往下爬,在木板前面跳扁木板;拣起那块


Wanner is epic world of Wanner of adventurous series strategy manufactures exceed complete works of adventure of elegant and epic class, it is the adventurous big food that all people that have deep love for Flash little game cannot miss, begin serialize from today, everyday two collect, hope everybody can happy game, do not have care close. The operation method in game: Switch prop: T key decides: Blank space key runs: SHIFT bolts + directional key is bouncing: CTRL key hops greatly: CTR bolts + SHIFT key, skill: Need not bolt by CTR at the same time when hopping greatly + SHIFT key, can press SHIFT key first, be in next bolt by CTR. Article combination: Click an article, can appear at this moment his enlarge introduction, will desire to it complex article procrastinates with the mouse drag so far can. The first Zhang Gonglue: At the beginning cameraman is shot, before walking up, go be being sent his respects to, knew him to say a few word hind are senseless. Bypass cameraman, take that board from left case, do with it covering, those who take a boat is mid. There is a door over there, there is a string of key on the table after going in. Again the barbell on pick up ground, knock box of broken fire prevention to house top right corner next, take fire extinguisher. Return bow board to go up, the fire that gets on board gives destroy. There is a ladder in top right corner, mount, cox hands your tube, disappeared next. After coming down, in the top left corner of the place that cameraman is lying, have a bunch of string. Come to buttock, take top right corner, a bottle declines from inside the hand of jack-tar, slip the larboard of the boat. Use cord is in in the hook of board, take bottle. Mix bottle and tube next (use in article window pull dragged methodological) , comprise lifesaving drug. Come to the side of cameraman, drink lifesaving drug to him below. Open the door with left board with the key (below the buoy) . There is a blanket roll below, wrong lower part has a hammer, left case has a battery among caboodle, the corner of top right corner has fork of a fishing. Will to the front of ladder use fishing fork, next the motor office of the inter uses cell, next engine child. Repass ladder returns board, come to the side of cameraman, give him knapsack. Come to buttock finally, hammer is used before lifesaving barge, put barge, sit next barge. The 2nd Zhang Gonglue because somebody guards below the doorway, climb from the window first so, come to housetop, statuary kick go down, next former road is returned, go out from the doorway again. Beside guarder pick up mixes the knife the medicine that urge a tear, with hilt rope stump, can go so. Go to right, come to a basket before, that savage inside basket says it can help you, but you should rescue him first come. Return that a moment ago setting, one can be found in that house of upper part statuary (share 3) , go downward next, come to another setting. In this setting, there is in the house below statuary with a messtin, it is respectively in two or so corners. Have in the house of right upper part the last statuary. Return that original setting next, come to that little room on the right side of this setting, give a girl that messtin, she can give you a string of necklace. The number that you tell this tribe to place is used on this string of necklace expresses kind. Still go downward, will to that get that setting of messtin. In the house of top right corner, you can get a password board, the necklace that union a moment ago got comes out password broken interpret: Green one Huang Sangong 2 blue 4. Pull motive to close according to order: First pull greenly, pull those who fizzle out 3 times again. . . . . . (Seem to pull those who fizzle out to want to be pressed? ; is returned red, if be pressed 3 times? ; coming back is cannot open office) next that savage is put. Will to basket place be gone to again right go, savage can help you raise that door. After going in, in left you can find a few stick, be together narcotic and stick combination, javelin of make it anaesthesia. The ladder on the horse, walk out of from left doorway. When taking the bridge floor of 1/3, anaesthetic javelin pitching, lay that baboon. 3 when collect statuary put 3 into that, come among pull motive to close, you are OK escape of water of have the aid of escapes, pass a barrier! The 3rd Zhang Gonglue: Pick up quant, had walked along a rope by blank space, take wood to insert, go back there, receive a knife by blank space hind, with the across that latchs totemic rope comes to the river on knife stump isle. Do not want the cane on rapid move, with knife stump barrier, left cave inky, whats cannot see, arrive first the black hole above, come to another setting. Get on the club fasten on the ground in the rope, small jump to bank of stone of the right side, the land of big pop-up face, got on bight fasten in poll in the past, press blank space can. Farewell will pull club, poll leave it at that, jump to intermediate island, the station is OK on wood gets flashlight to packet (the result that he does is a bit bad that so you look when can think do not take, you are wrapping below just go by blank space. Be sure to keep in mind! ! ) , lighter gets in entering the hole above with it. Return initial place, taking hand report to be able to go in left cave, can choose medical case, from right cane enters the setting that has a plane, jump over cliff, enter most the hole of right, get gas, pour gasoline by the bee, ignite benzine to kill the bee with lighter. Get on a department of the rope in airscrew, on the stub that fastens another in water (in another setting) , rotational airscrew. Stake was pulled open, oh, did not forget the gun on the belt (in the) in plane cab, can enter a hole. Kill bat with the gun, arrive on most above (the cliff of incoming place, favour blank space is mounted, when be sure to keep in mind to press can odd press blank space, do not want directional key and blank space to be pressed at the same time, you also get on otherwise not to go all one's life) , become warped with quant the rock that become loose stems the mouth of a cave below, have the small hole of a running water after one's death, unplug with the hand. Water is completely in house (it is half water) only, you are watched carefully brush the small hole that discovers left still has a running water, how you mount how to still climb (still be that word, do not forget A) , swim to opened that hole in the past next. This closed to pass. ^_^   strategy of the 4th chapter: This closing should run suddenly, clutch all time, can be overtaken by dinosaur otherwise, meet what be eaten off by dinosaur, very horrible A. Suitable stalk child after mounting, run rapidly right, run to the side of the river that sidewards cultivates greatly, jump to the stub on the river next, take bamboo pole, jump to the Shi An below, next rightward jumps, enter another setting. Jump to capture cane in cliff edge, by right (left) directional key sways cane, see punctual machine jump to across by CTRL key, remember, want fast. Flying tantivy crosses the place that serpent appears and disappear, not rapid move enters the tent on the right side of, by the side of a hole that arrives first at the back of tent, take lash by blank space, come back to enter tent next, there is a panther inside, hit it by blank space, it ran, take bane recipe and bottle to the bookshelf, the stub that when returning arrival quickly by former road next, passes there. The cane route from stub goes to the side of large tree (do not run, otherwise cane can break) , dawdle is taken by blank space below the tree, run into another picture to plan lower part next. Suitable river side runs to right underside. Become warped totemic stake with bamboo pole. From above took strawberry in the past. Mix dawdle strawberry to make poison in bottle next. Arrive above this setting with say by blank space bamboo pole jumps over marsh, go to another, continue to run ahead, enter another picture to go next death's head, alignment suspension bridge throws the past, suspension bridge drops, cross the bridge to run madly all the way next, run to the end, enter big truncal, there is person of a pretty inside, kicked the stay below him in the past, after he is dropped, mount platform quickly, article changes bane, when waiting for dinosaur to had extended a head to come, throw into its mouth. Haing haing success ^_^ ! ! Strategy of the 5th chapter: Just came up you are being bound, can control shift only, shift arrives below the window by blank space window spurn, cut off cord with glass. Pick up next subterranean iron rod presses blank space to open the hand stop of the car then to the window that is shattered. At this moment the car slips below went, see a room that opening the door, get on 2 buildings into house, can collect a key, this, got on 2 buildings to go out on stair climbs another house through flagpole in, can get a flesh and an a branch of a tree, return a street to go up to walk along another setting downward. You can see a dog gives that dog the meat it won't bite you (otherwise you but miserable, that dog will be lacerate you! ) . There still are 2 oxen in front, when waiting for that person to walk along shed underground, you use fork of a branch of a tree that ox, it runs to pull shed collapsed, the person was pressed to die. There still is a jeep on shed edge, when you drove with the key in the past, discover the car does not have benzine, toward the dog there go, can switch arrives the setting of another. Have two cars and a person, then the individual is in everywhere look around, you take the advantage of him to look somewhere else when run rapidly the house below, obtain canal of a skin. You give house to discover to there is a benzine bucket on the car on the side of the individual then. If your blood can be grabbed more, you if blood is little you take the advantage of him to look etc somewhere else when go taking again. After be being taken, provide benzine bucket and skin synthesis. Be in the can that take steam of that car above the place of a door uses benzine bucket to be able to input benzine, fill is over benzine returns jeep there add full benzine, drive with the key person with respect to Ok. Strategy of the 6th chapter: Head have the board beside then before, hang the gate on with board, such enemies won't be rushed into temporarily come (they come in can undertake mowing bitterly to you! ) , the space that uses the enemy to did not come next looks in the house behind, there is a picture on the wall, seem and the 2nd like closing, also be a password graph, run next, enter the room above, those who discover the design on the ground and picture to go up is same, pressing the order on the picture to go, stair can appear, but discovery still has an a few firecracker on crossbeam, it seems wants to be able to make that decision that places the sandbag that places only, take the sinker on gong edge, taking the advantage of sandbag to place the space of across, knock off the checkpost above, let sandbag stop, take firecracker. Stair goes to another setting below. See have 4 stone column (if you right now " casualties is heavy " if, of figure of Buddha left the medicine of injury having cure very the canal uses You! ) , here also is a mechanism, in going up, every post plays 3 figures is same, it is orderly from right on begin to arrange hour hand: Lozenge- - beautiful form- - 8 form- - small bell. Meet on head of figure of Buddha at this moment flash a dazzling ray. Appear a dark door. Do not let officers and soldiers see you here, after going out, go upstairs turn ball of that big iron, come down to ignite bamboo of prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun in firebrand place next, attract a soldier to enter room. After taking the cord to corridor, gallop down corridor to the picture right next horn, enter another setting. Open the door on with bamboo of prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun first (the directional) that you want to control bamboo of prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun, use the tower on cord next, the mechanism of actuate cat head. Strategy of the 7th chapter: Jump across in the hole, pick up the different thing in cave is synthesized next. Mount hill from mouth of a cave, the attention is bungled to go down by ice, OK and transverse shift first. The enemy discovered you at that time, they throw bomb to you, you can pick the enemy's bomb up quickly in throw Xiang Shi head, such they are met Over. Climb to collect cord from enemy body again, climbing to be mounted from left icicle to hill, enter another setting. Glacial face is landed to go up from icicle after entering another picture, after going up, be cord fasten on 2 post. Mount glacial face, change a tool to use v hoe child. Climb most use on the edge v hoe child dig go firn. Cord is pulled to stand to board next to acme on across. Enter another picture. Must be careful here. Do not go in crannied place, after going by v hoe child fasten is in when classy helicopter comes to cord pick up v hoe child OK, scamper from upper part glacial face is mounted after the plane, see a car to topmost meeting, must hide after the car goes when soldier face about waiting after stone to take dynamite first, again to left place of that a block was thrown. Go up can. Strategy of the 8th chapter: With prevent slippery boots and ice axe to mount Zun Shangzhu child to platform, had jumped to rupture place (jump greatly) , enter a hole. Mount glacial wall, to right ivory place, change stone of fluorescence of ice axe dig down. After pick up, mount glacial wall to arrive again the cave above. Had taken path, enter another setting. Go to the end, kick icicle by blank space, interrupt glacial bridge. Return first entrance by former road again. Open a bag, lighter and liquefacient steam (that jar) combination is together. Next, the post that mounts lake right till at. See icebound mouth of a cave, good with previous combination liquefacient steam and lighter are burned give a hole. A light is shot, draw out the illuminate below fluorescent Shi Zaiguang, made glow. After coming down, mount left on platform, into left on cave. Take the fluorescent rock of light setting out, make cave brighten. From left issue brae to slip. Kick icicle of left of mouth of a cave (need arrives kick) goes between mouth of a cave and post, firn collapses after coming down, stem mouth of a cave. Mount right of mouth of a cave to put a wall on the ice, return first entrance. Take out camera, issue a lake, to another setting, see snow is strange. Illuminate to it with camera, next the stone column that tantivy sheers upper part to drop. Repeat this one act, till snow is closed in stone prison quite. Illuminate to it again, let the stone above break it. Take out needle canister quickly (that box) , go taking out the blood with strange snow. Strategy of the 9th chapter: Talk with the person that lies on the ground above all, obtain a key, next the elevator that face about climbs back, the door that a side on elevator sees after going in is opening, want to jumped to go up gently only, a dish of video tape can be found to still have a softball inside, fasten rapid move to come out, first water the water of machine asperses underground, in come out to use tennis to destroy the iron cap of intake. Remember picking softball up, use even from the back. Climb in to jump over conveyer belt first, mount ladder, pick up cleek, still can get electrical wiring. That house that going collecting electrical wiring uses softball to open the switch of elevator, those wooden case became an echelon to be able to go down so below a safe inputs a password, the password is random, have 160314 mix two 163104 to try, in the room left have a door, pick up pail is betted beside the door. Run again weather station is mounted to receive electrical wiring between elevator, open scuttle with hook, put in electrical wiring, come quickly, jump to have between elevator water the office of machine hides to the table by the bookshelf coarse killer goes to water electrify dead he (press blank space) , take away his magnetic card, next between elevator- - the doctor's dead place- - tree- - after visitting the place that video knows to the data is placed to the hall, the magnetic card that goes up with killer body goes out from hall front door with respect to pass a barrier! Strategy of the 10th chapter: Take cord then to parachute above all, bolt is on two report tower, at this moment can a person is come down by intercept, his label gets later, leave next rub prize goes person. It is contest next fast game. Had better take right side, use blank space to be able to let car start come, bolt up quickly, another setting arrives later. Use the rope on the ground and machine to get glass, hook is cast oneself want to climb to be adjusted to electrical wiring after going out, stand in next aim at bit, the reflex that uses glass opens vitreous hood, enter next setting (what he draws is not quite good-looking not clear you should be circled from the back go up) . Enter a buccal hind, issue stair, choose cable, with igniter, receive a of cable go up, next will additional directly in order to fizzle out (on) green (in) red (below) order has been received, go upstairs cope with a monkey, removed article wearing to left first, the monkey will plunge the case presses blank space to the front of computer again, the lid of a container of right opened. Recipient moves the case after the monkey is captured, next the video tape on pick up ground from another the mouth goes out, the doorway had aerobic bottle not to forget to collect, sit elevator goes down, discovery was blocked up to go up by stone, use igniter next with aerobic bottle first at this moment, give out elevator goes upstairs wait for his blast in come down, stone blast left to be able to go in. Arrived inside a machine arrives before the machine use video tape. Eleventh chapter strategy: 1, will recieve a stage, the young lady can give you a company introduction, attention, it is very useful   ! 2, electrify ladder, come there the young lady that read a newspaper, use brush card, change secretly her card. 3, the card that uses her opens elevator door, go in use earplug, get on 90. 4, advance along corridor, altogether can encounter door of 4 spoken parts in an opera, need lets a hacker be opened for you with earplug, cross 2 first, article changes company introduction newspaper, await. 5, there can be exploration machine to come over on the top of head a little while, emissive anestetic needle, in its noise alarm when with newspaper catching needle, continue to advance. 6, lived the 4th door, can have a guard, take the advantage of his face about to drink water, will anaesthetic injection enters his cup, lay him, the red that takes him gets stuck, his hand opens reoccupy the vitreous door from the back, go in be defeated by a password. 7, the password is company introduction on newspaper cover " ETERNITY "     8, enter another, right take defensive aisle, small before jumping over two stimulate beam of light, distributing in two side laser few and far between place jumps over last line of defence greatly, come to a door in front, there is testing instrument on the door. 9, use red card, enter computer room. 10, put CD among them a computer, click the game in entering computer again, two computer are online, it is OK to won PLAYER2 with PLAYER1 pass a barrier, the method is PLAYER1 " X " piece goes into old " X " form. Dozenth chapter strategy: 1, next ladder, take pinchers, clip breaks upper part of project car end to hang the rope of steel coal tub, get on a car 2, around shift car (should reach approach wall all the time) bump into broken iron gate to enter a lab 3, place tendril cane with forceps, discover it has intense second birth function, go along the new branch climb down that grows, enter ahead the round door of ahead, go in take hematic bag and hook lock 4, retreat the bloodstain that goes up along the ground in round door part to go right, take the} that meets an eccentric person to flashlight {, the lock that use a check mark puts down ladder 5, place of cane of tendril of fall back on, left go encounter an eccentric person, use lamp frightens it, ladder takes a gun on, it is empty regrettablly, 3 pieces of scrips are taken on 3 bodies, ongoing, will to square door be in, having a button spread out the door to build the bridge, but the door was stayed in by card, from on the right side of mount, lift the ladder that blocks the door, come down to spread out square door, go across, obtain a document to the left, right takes bullet, combine be loaded with the gun. 6, return the place that takes the light, ladder operates on computer, input password. 7, input code for the first time, it is the one person in 3 the deads go up, of my choosing is NA, lose his name the 2nd times, corresponding is BORDON(find from the file, still perhaps have other and tie-in) , opened now right the door of next horn 8, into the introduction, turn on the lamp, in right an eccentric person such as next horn comes in an eccentric person in pop leaving when crouching in top left corner is OK. Thirteenth chapter strategy: 1, take joy stick to place of left wooden case, wait for past of fatso face about, run peavey is taken below the picture, operate rocker puts down flue, with peavey the hook defeats flue, give out the fatso such as noise to come over, hide in container lower part at this moment, wait for fatso to began upend to go downward, operate in the house that runs to right the machine holds the fish in the car. 2, return initial place, wait for fatso face about, use joy stick mount, pour next fish in the car, pin fatso, walk out of up. 3, come in the house, lift turn around on the cloth that wraps a machine, discovery has bomb, now is not a second is to be lost! 4, left cabinet takes rocker, go up ladder, left go, the machine part that putting diving board uses rocker mount, put down gangplank, aboard 5, buttock takes hook, the iron of bow takes cord on column, combine 2 person. Bow still can take a piece of circuitry to pursue 6, return on the place of ladder, wiring 7, use line attempt, order it is by wiring board, careful observation, turned over according to the position of two screw discovers the graph is ordered, fluctuation is turning over the appearance that goes up by the graph so to look, receive fine line, put the machine to the boat, pick next bomb aboard, put bomb on cockboat 8, return gate upper part, use hook rope, climb to drag joy stick, open boathouse door, 9, answer a boat to put down cockboat, let it take away bomb, it is dangerous to remove. Strategy of the 14th chapter: 1, move right, the cushion move that gets on the ground comes 2, the knife pedal comes down to fall on cushion, pick up cut off cord, pick good string. 3, the bookshelf is overturned to pin a beefeater after running to the bookshelf to carry on the back, to bookshelf front, mount, jump to droplight, swing across, grab artificial limb from the bed, come back to cut off to the companion cord, mount artificial limb, outside taking room. 4, good in the department on projecting beam cord, glass is taken on the desk, next stair take electric drill, when waiting for guard to turn around, run to the pine place below, jump to pulled loose branch in the past, drop glass, wait for beefeater to come over, dropt loose branch, play guard, come back to issue setting after all from cord place 5, pedal breaks Shi Liang to bridge, go down from right pine, jump repeatedly two stone rank, to correct path, wear good ladder, wait for a companion to come down. 6, pull open switch, those who jump over the ground to go up is empty, hammer is chosen in right plant one's foot, mount from house left, knock iron plate advertisement come down, pave good way for the companion. Actuate is telpher. 7, 3 guard come over to want to curium cable, open telpher door, use electric drill, mount along the line of electric drill, pull start work brake, arrive at refuge. Became! Is Wanner epic adventurous serialize 15 " : of   game brief introduction? The adventurous big food that the person that Qiong of red of billows of  moisture in the soil returns  of bright fertilizer of some   to see raw meat or fish of  of prize of  of  of postscript bastinado  persuade Lash little game cannot miss, hope everybody can happy game, do not have care close. Does game show: ? ? of ヂ abundant body the first setting rotates left gules switch, discharge oil, etc meeting can have gunman from here slippery go down, go again the cure medicine chest of right takes out the medicine that add blood and   of the medicine that confuse unreal 2 mount the 2nd setting from left stair, operate slippery lever, drive the gunman over there remote speck, go quickly taking gas welding gun, return the first setting again. 3 go down from left hand side to setting 3 right hand side have a cleek, after condole goes up, answer slip below, jump to platform again, open gules switch, can have gas from above appear, attract gunman, when gunman walks over to look, drop the barrel among, destroyed the 2nd spearmans (note time and position)     4 after coming up from iron chain place, take one spanner (in the box) again suitable pole is mounted (had better not sit elevator) go up to prepare spanner to the 4th setting, when the lower part that climbs the door (the attention does not let gunman discover) throw wrench to house by blank space in, wait for gunman to hear after coming over to enter room, mount quickly, close the door (ten million makes the best of time, do not have an opportunity otherwise) , come down again, again right next horn take dishcloth, combine with the medicine that confuse unreal. 5 arrive from stair the 5th setting, the welding torch that use gas cuts off pole. 6 go up again the 6th setting, walk along hook, hook hook on the block below the bucket, return the 5th setting again, from the pole that cut off there mount crane, operate crane, mention wood-block, destroy the 3rd spearmans. 7 after coming down, issue the 7th setting from the 6th setting, when gun the back of hand goes, after taking a barrel stealthily, if still do not have face about, go to her again from the back, use the combination of the medicine that confuse unreal and dishcloth by blank space, success. " is Wanner epic adventurous serialize 16 " : of   game brief introduction? The adventurous big food that the person that Qiong of red of billows of  moisture in the soil returns  of bright fertilizer of some   to see raw meat or fish of  of prize of  of  of postscript bastinado  persuade Lash little game cannot miss, hope everybody can happy game, do not have care close. Game explains: Strategy   1. Edge lever is mounted, issue ladder, go continuously, take cord (Electrical Cord) . 2. Return, go up ladder, the rope on bolt, jump greatly, shake another roof, overturn blue board, loose the rope that sun clothes, mount along this rope, to the room that has a lot of candles, take one green bottle, return. 3. Mount one wood pole, go down, walk along another setting, walk into hotel, take match into left room, right next rooms take oil lamp, get on 2 buildings, into left room and get hurt the person speaks, corridor can appear to fizzle out garment person, obtain the letter on the bed, leave a floor, go taking right corner ash-bin to build. 4. Return the place that takes cord along former road, take the door, take out green bottle to corrode a window with iron grating, climb one kitchen from the window, person of that yellow garment after entering is taking knife, take the small dish on the desk to till he hides below ambry,break yellow garment person, taking bucket lid to run to break him at this moment, after he gets hurt, run away (stay all the way bloodstain) , pick up small knife. 5. Return hotel, go 2 buildings are right next rooms, overturn left table, show a hole, go in, below edge pipe. 6. Take oil lamp to throw mice, take match to burn again, lift sewer lid, go down. 7. To the seaside, towards the left, reach brick wall point, take a knife to lever dark line door, go in, pass a barrier. " is Wanner epic adventurous serialize seventeen " : of   game brief introduction? The adventurous big food that the person that Qiong of red of billows of  moisture in the soil returns  of bright fertilizer of some   to see raw meat or fish of  of prize of  of  of postscript bastinado  persuade Lash little game cannot miss, hope everybody can happy game, do not have care close. Does game show: ? ヂ bath < think of  to criticize sb's faults frankly mother of 5 dish wishing  grows permanent teeth [ah T closelies question show off post grows permanent teeth [bay frowsty Mao makes fun of  barium brighting smelt metal to knock at Huo of delay of the H that seek  to slaughter Lan of abdicate of cangue bittern Bi to seek   chloric ァ ! Chinese alligator of  of to joke of 〗  Yun curtain of rank  of dust  Mei! Mei of dust  of  of a surname of 〗  Yun teachs   ostrich English of? of Huan Liu  call MINE) , combination of these two things, put down from the ground floor of the 3rd scene, the 2nd next going to, go nearing the end of an eccentric person, an eccentric person can make assorted thing, explode. Enter the 4th scene, get runner and cloth network, with cloth net and flagpole combination, scoop up the 4th, the 3 fish that with one scene 3 meetings give off light, get in left of the 2nd scene lifeboat is mixed repair a tool. Open the cabin of left of the 2nd scene with runner, get torpedo. The place that gives off light torpedo from the 3rd scene is abandoned, enter the 4th scene, 3 fish are given off in mouth of a cave, ravel the combination of flagpole and cloth net, cover mouth of a cave quickly with cloth net into hole hind, such fish won't run. Get a big stick, ground floor of the first scene, open broken vessel with big stick-means of intimidation, get an energy case, in the hole that returns the 4th scene (if the fish runs unkennel, the net that use cloth scoops up) , cover mouth of a cave again with the net, open the stone disclose of right with flagpole, put down runner shaft, generate electricity with energy box, in wanting to have the mouth that can send telegram an eccentric person 3 times only, it is dizzy, go down to draw the blood of an eccentric person at once, return the first scene, with lifeboat. " is Wanner epic adventurous serialize 18 " : of   game brief introduction? The adventurous big food that the person that Qiong of red of billows of  moisture in the soil returns  of bright fertilizer of some   to see raw meat or fish of  of prize of  of  of postscript bastinado  persuade Lash little game cannot miss, hope everybody can happy game, do not have care close. Does game show: ? ? of ∫ of ヂ abundant body the 1st setting: 1. Observation setting: (1) whole setting is a house (two) , with a courtyard. (2) left: Fatso, there is a key beside him. (3) above: A car, car below has a crow, left has canister of a rubbish. (4) right: A dog, a fishing rod, a door. (5) below: Heroine, a little boy. Estimate an end: Enter a courtyard, draw away dog, take the key, enter the gate of right. 2. Talk with little boy, the child throws stone to enter a courtyard, fatso rises drive a child to go, move toward chicken next group, take the chance to follow at the back of him now, hide inside rubbish canister. Fatso is returned former. 3. Come out from the canister, run to the door of the right of the car quickly, can be discovered by the dog at this moment, not alarmed, enter a car quickly, go out from the left door of the car, the dog jumps into the car, run again quickly to the right door of the car, close the door, the dog is by the lock inside. 4. Take the fishing rod on the side of the door, to the side of the wall of the house, suitable conduit climbs 2 buildings, take the key upper part, use fishing rod, angle the key, climb again. 5. Again car below takes crow, open the door of right with the key, enter. 2. The 2nd setting (this setting movement wants fast, can be caught by fatso otherwise) : 1. Observation setting: (1) whole setting is a grass. (2) right lower part has " pipe " , there is a wooden case on the side. (3) left has a few animals. (4) wrong upper part, have a door. Estimate an end: Escape fatso, enter the gate of wrong upper part. 2. Tantivy, take the pipe of right lower part, tantivy, go piling an animal then over there, from inside pick up a penknife, tantivy, become warped with crow the wooden door of wrong upper part, go in. (If the action is insufficient fast, can hide the small hole place of halfway, it is the triangle of those a few black inside brushwood, can get over there, avoid fatso. Fatso goes by, you are in take the chance to drop wooden case, button that dog, take the chance to escape again next. )   3. The 3rd setting (nobody chases after you, need not too anxious) : 1. Observation setting: (1) has an entrance door head on. (2) right has a dog, there is a crank on the side of the dog. (3) left has a conveyer. (There is a ladder on the roof of 4) right, there is a skylight above. Estimate an end: Draw away dog, jolty crank, mount roof, enter scuttle. 2. Become warped with crow head on gate, there is a bottle inside, pick up comes. 3. Go up conveyer belt, when getting on for roof, pop-up roof. (Attention, those who jump is not seasonable, can be curiumed dead by that electric saw. )     4. Go to the edge of eaves, (Most the place that stands by a dog. ) put pipeline, the one aspect of the matter of conduit falls inside that messtin of the dog, take the other one aspect of the matter of conduit, the material that abounds that bottle of nutrition goes in, he flows into the messtin of the dog down conduit, the dog was attracted. 5. Jump to the straw place below from roof, jolty crank, return roof again, climb conduit, climb ladder again, fasten pipe in roof, put down pipe by scuttle, enter scuttle. 4. The 4th setting: 1. Observation setting: (1) is left an iron sheet, there is one to pile a bucket inside iron sheet, there is ladder on the side of the bucket. (There is a door below 2) , there is a big board on the side of the door. (Among 3) above have a bucket, it seems is OK activity. Estimate an end: Go down, open the door, enter the gate. 2. Become warped with crow left iron sheet, cut off the string that ties a bucket with small knife, the bucket drops, go from ladder climb down. 3. Take big board, below the akebi that puts an inter. Climb ladder to go up again, put iron sheet in the place of the right side, in the past, climb down conduit, drive cask, cask boils fall, the door by break open. 4. Go down again, into the introduction. 5. The 4th setting (fatso is in go for a walk completely, the attention is avoided)     1. Observation setting: (There is 4 waters a powerful person below 1) . (2) left a ladder. (The left above 3) , have an electrical wiring. (Above 4) among have a door. Estimate an end: Open water valve, draw the attention of fatso, mount ladder, enter the gate. 2. Part to turn on 4 water a powerful person, let current come out. At this moment, fatso can want to put out water a powerful person in the past. 3. Take the chance to mount ladder, cut off with small knife electrical wiring. 4. Go in from the door, ended this to close. " is Wanner epic adventurous serialize 19 " : of   game brief introduction? The adventurous big food that the person that Qiong of red of billows of  moisture in the soil returns  of bright fertilizer of some   to see raw meat or fish of  of prize of  of  of postscript bastinado  persuade Lash little game cannot miss, hope everybody can happy game, do not have care close. Does game show: ? ? of ヂ abundant body. Pick up cap, give a doggie Wen Yiwen, it can take you to look for Pedro, did not forget to look for a leather belt in ash-bin. 2. The doggie takes you to housetop, get a batten (the doggie cannot follow to run if be not being taken off because of you) , use leather belt to slip along cord; Cut off cord, edge cord climbs downward, jump in front of board flat board; Pick up that

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