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孪叶苏木地板优缺点? 孪叶苏木地板和橡木地板哪个好?英文双语对照


孪叶苏木地板优缺点? 孪叶苏木地板和橡木地板哪个好?英文双语对照






















孪叶苏木又叫孪叶豆。主要分布在南美,巴西亚马逊附近最为茂盛,美国人称“樱桃木”。气干密度0.84-0.93g/cm3, 材质重硬或甚重硬。



答题公式1:++孪叶苏木指板是一种性质非常活泼,并且价格相对低廉的琴材。1. 孪叶苏木指板是由孪叶苏木制成的,这种木材具有质地轻巧、坚硬、耐磨、防潮、不变形的特点。因此,制作出来的指板也具有这些特性,使乐器更为稳定。2. 相对于其他木材,孪叶苏木的价格并不高,这意味着选择孪叶苏木作为指板的乐器,可以做到价格相对亲民,也能满足更多练习者的需求。这是孪叶苏木指板的优点之一。3. 此外,孪叶苏木也有着颜色的多变性,因此可以制作出更多的颜色和款式,满足更广泛的审美需求。总之,在价格方面相对便宜、性质特性良好、上色多样,是孪叶苏木指板的三个主要特点。


中高档,孪叶苏木是一种引人注目的红色木材,具有多种特性,其褐红色及非凡的硬度使其极具吸引力并广受欢迎。因其硬度极高,这种地板耐碰撞能力极强,而且其鲜明的色泽更适合体现家庭的温馨与主人的高贵。如果您喜欢孪叶苏木的红色色调但又希望硬度更高一些的话,在巴西拥有自主森林基地并进行开发的唯一华人企业泛美地板的孪叶苏木就特别适合您。孪叶苏木在国际市场上常处于 “供不应求,有价无市”的状况,更显其高贵品质。



缅甸柚木俗名胭脂木、血树、麻栗、泰柚,为双子叶植物纲唇形亚纲唇形目唇形科植物。缅甸柚木是热带树种,要求较高的温度,垂直分布多见于海拔高700-800 米以下的低山丘陵和平原。缅甸柚木在日晒雨淋干湿变化较大的情况下不翘不裂;缅甸柚木耐水、耐火性强;能抗白蚁和不同海域的海虫蛀食,极耐腐。缅甸柚木干燥性能好,胶粘、油漆、上蜡性能好,木材硬度相对不大,加工时切削不难,但因含硅油易钝刀


  从材种上来看,现在能做实木地板的材料树种很多,珍贵的有花梨木、柚木、香脂木豆、亚花梨等,中档的有孪叶苏木、刺槐、白蜡木、印茄木(因印尼禁止砍伐,故此树种目前不多见)、纤皮玉蕊、硬槭木、圆盘豆等,价廉的有番龙眼、榄仁木、桦木、水曲柳等,其价格也从100多元/平方米到1000多元/平方米不等,其中以200元/平方米至400多元/平方米居多。现在的市面上销售较好的是纤皮玉蕊、番龙眼、重蚁木地板,稍为高档的是柚木和花梨地板,其地板的大约价格达600元/平方米甚至更高。  实木地板材质:刺槐(金刚柚)  木材特征:颜色耐黄,木材平直,纹理清晰,美观大方。  金刚柚实木地板材质分析:气干密度 0.7~0.9g/cm3.加工性能良好,不易老化,防腐,防虫,稳定性好,变化小。有中国花柚木美称,是高档的实木地板树种。  实木地板材质:孪叶苏木  木材特征:木材散孔。心材褐色至红褐色,常具深浅相间条纹;与边材界限明显。边材灰白色;纹理常交错,结构略粗,略均匀。木材光泽强无特殊气味。  孪叶苏木实木地板材质分析:木材重,基本密度为0.77g/cm3,气干密度为0.88g/cm3(圭亚那材)。巴西材基本密度0.76g/cm3,气干密度0.89g/cm3 ,木材干燥收缩大,干缩率径向3.4%,弦6.8%,体积11.2%(圭亚那材)。强度高。木材干燥速度中至快,木材很耐腐,抗白腐菌、褐腐菌及白蚁能力强防腐剂浸注性能差。木材锯、刨等加工性能中等。油漆吸收性强,漆面光滑,耐磨性佳,耐侯性及钉钉性差。耐侯性强。




苏木和苏叶的主要区别:来源不同。苏木是豆科云实属植物苏木的干燥心材,别名 苏方。小乔木,高达6米,具疏刺。二回羽状复叶长30一45厘米。圆锥花序顶生或腋生。荚果木质,稍压扁,近长圆形至长圆状倒卵形。苏叶是唇形来科,紫苏属一年生草本植物紫苏的干燥叶。


One, defect of actor of floor of twin leaf brazilwood?



Value choice range is big, suitable scope wide;


Design and color tastes many kinds of;


Be able to bear or endure corrupt, it is good to fight soda acid sex, yi Wei protects;


Skid resistance can be good

Twin leaf brazilwood belongs to brazilwood division, almost double hard be like oak, this will be powerful last to enough the good choice of lifetime. Although have some of phyletic wood, the room with be saved better is measured in fewer passenger flow, twin leaf brazilwood is enough and solid, can bear frequent communication, can install so your home is in in any room.

2, floor of twin leaf brazilwood and oak floor which good?

Floor of twin leaf brazilwood is good. Twin leaf brazilwood renown Gutuoba. Because of its tangent plane grain and teak likeness call Brazil teak again. Basically distributing in South America, brazil near Yamaxun most flourish. Appearance provides burnish, without special odour. Heavy, intensity is high, very be able to bear or endure corrupt. Fight white corrupt bacterium, brown corrupt bacterium and termite ability strong, oily absorbency is strong. American says " South-American cherry wood " , since of the coronal such " tall name " , have its reason truly.

It has cherry wood wave model grain, alternate with of false or true, the landscape painting of You Shaozhong country, inside the aesthetic feeling of collect, good performance, but the furniture with all sorts of styles is suitable.

Mu Anwei of twin Xie Su applies to floor, furniture, musical instrument to wait. Get used to the climate environment of Chinese each district.

3, double column brazilwood and distinction of twin leaf brazilwood?

The distinction of both is as follows:

The first, the sort of both is different: Among them double column brazilwood is brazilwood division; And brazilwood of goldenrain tree leaf is leguminous.

The 2nd, the trunk measurement of both is different: Among them tall 45m of double column brazilwood, diametical 1.5m; And goldenrain tree Xiesumulue is small, the tree is 40 meters tall, the diameter makes an appointment with 0.85 meters.

The 3rd, the lumber structure of both is different: Among them color of material of duramen of double column brazilwood is red in raw material, after contacting atmosphere gradually by cinnamon turn into rufous or brown ribbon is violet. Grow annulus not apparent, banding stripe. Bowstring face has the figure of similar Walnut. Grain normally straight or summary crisscross, come in the structure slightly thick; And lumber of brazilwood of goldenrain tree leaf comes loose aperture, duramen is Brown to rufous, edge duramen distinction is clear, alburnum close white, grain is straight, sawdust has faint stimulation to nasal cavity, lumber is heavy, intensity is high, very be able to bear or endure corrupt, fight white corrupt bacterium, brown corrupt bacterium and termite ability strong, oily absorbency is strong, lacquer surface is slick, be able to bear or endure corrupt sex beautiful.

4, the proportion of twin leaf brazilwood and iron brazilwood?

Twin leaf brazilwood calls twin Xie Dou again. Basically distributing in South America, brazil near Yamaxun most flourish, american says " cherry wood " . Gas does density 0.84-0.93g/cm3, material is weighed character hard or very heavy hard.

Iron brazilwood, common calls South-American gold wingceltis, gas does density: 0.83g/cm3. So twin leaf brazilwood and iron brazilwood photograph are compared, proportion of twin leaf brazilwood is a bit larger.

5, characteristic of fingerplate of twin leaf brazilwood?

Answering question is formulary 1: + + fingerplate of twin leaf brazilwood is a kind of property very lively, and the musical instrument material with relatively low price. 1. Fingerplate of twin leaf brazilwood is made by twin leaf brazilwood, this kind of lumber has character the characteristic of deft, hard, wear-resisting, moistureproof, changeless form. Accordingly, the fingerplate that makes also has these character, make musical instrument more stable. 2. Opposite at other lumber, the price of twin leaf brazilwood is not high, this means brazilwood of choice twin leaf to serve as the musical instrument of fingerplate, can accomplish the price to kiss relatively civilian, also can satisfy the requirement of the person that more practices. This is one of advantages of fingerplate of twin leaf brazilwood. 3. In addition, twin leaf brazilwood also is having the much denaturation of color, because this can make more color and pattern, satisfy more extensive aesthetic requirement. Anyhow, in price respect opposite petty gain, property is characteristic good, chromatically is diversiform, it is 3 of fingerplate of twin leaf brazilwood main characteristics.

6, what class does twin leaf brazilwood belong to?

In high-grade, twin leaf brazilwood is a kind of conspicuous redwood, have a variety of character, its brown red and extraordinary hardness make its have appeal extremely wide welcome. Because its hardness is extremely tall, this kind of floor is able to bear or endure collision capability is extremely strong, and the warmth that its bright colour and lustre suits to reflect a family more and master nobility. If you like the red of twin leaf brazilwood tonal but if hoping hardness is a few taller again, the twin leaf brazilwood of the floor board of Pan American of exclusive Chinese enterprise that own forest base is had in Brazil and has developing suits you particularly. Twin leaf brazilwood often is in on the international market " demand exceeds supply, valence does not have city " state, more show its nobility character.

7, twin leaf brazilwood and Burmese teak is that good?

Burmese teak is good

Shaddock of tree of wood of rouge of Burmese teak local name, blood, Ma Li, peaceful, for plant of division of form of lip of eye of form of lip of subclass of form of lip of dicotyledon key link. Burmese teak is intertropical tree is planted, the temperature with higher demand, perpendicular distributing to see Yu Hai unplugs more the low hill hill under tall 700-800 rice and Campagna. Burmese teak does the case with wet bigger change to fall not to become warped in insolation drench do not crack; Burmese teak is able to bear or endure water, fireproof sex is strong; The sea bug eat by moth that can fight termite and different maritime space is fed, extremely be able to bear or endure corrupt. Burmese teak is dry performance is good, gooey, paint, cerated performance is good, lumber hardness is opposite not quite, the cutting when treatment is not difficult, but because contain knife of silicone oil Yi Dun

8, what are locust and the actor defect that twin leaf brazilwood establishs kind of real wood floor board?

Plant from material on in light of, the material tree that can make real wood floor board now is planted a lot of, beans of wood of wood of rare pear having a flower, teak, face cream, inferior Hua Li, wood of brazilwood of intermediate leaf having twin, locust, white wax, imprint eggplant wood (because of Indonesian prohibit fell trees, this tree plants reason not to see more at present) , beans of wood of fine Pi Yurui, hard Qi, disc, of valence cheap Ren Mu of a longan, Lan, birch, northeast china ash waits, its price also from 100 multivariate / square metre arrives 1000 multivariate / square metre differs, among them with 200 yuan / square metre comes 400 multivariate / square metre is in the majority. The sale on present market is better is fine Pi Yurui, time floor of longan, heavy formic wood, it is a bit high-grade is teak and beautiful pear floor, of its floor about the price amounts to 600 yuan / square metre is taller even. Qualitative: of material of real wood floor? Leave uncovered protects  of a unit of length of racoon dog of sole of an ancient small-mouthed wine vessel of static grandma of ∧ of   of  of Zheng of ń egret anvil dash forward street of exhausted  static natrium protects  to judge  of La Li  to bar Yin midge be good at! The Piao of lens an ancient type of spoon with 〗 egret qualitative anvil is troubled by Cm3 of / of 0.9g of ~ of?0.7 of Du of arrogate to oneself of  of grand of Shi Zhi an ancient drinking vessel. Processability can be good, not easy ageing, anticorrosive, insect-resistant, stability is good, change is little. China spends teak good name, it is tree of high-grade real wood floor is planted. Qualitative: of material of real wood floor? Bowstring end Zhang uses up ⒖ of static accept of bad news of sole of an ancient small-mouthed wine vessel of ∧ static grandma to live P seeks Piao of Mu Man of Bu of radon of exhausted brandish of lift up of rinse of sincere Su of polonium of Gu of > of  of  of childish of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of bridge of dusk childish  to provide dinner for wild consult  shakes act of bath 1 Bu judge crowded Hui of = the Huaihe River! The Piao of lens an ancient type of spoon of joint of bones of Zhang of ÷ bowstring end makes bad news of Shi Zhi an ancient drinking vessel  of the static  that be troubled by stand upright is long Du holds the post of?.77g/cm3, gas does density to be 0.88g/cm3 (Guyana material) . Brazilian material is basic density 0.76g/cm3, gas does density 0.89g/cm3, lumber is dry and contractive big, drying shrinkage leads radial 3.4% , bowstring 6.8% , bulk 11.2% (Guyana material) . Intensity is high. Lumber comes in dry speed fast, lumber very be able to bear or endure corrupt, fight strong antiseptic of white corrupt bacterium, brown corrupt bacterium and termite ability dip notes function difference. Lumber curiums, the processability such as dig can be medium. Paint absorbency is strong, lacquer surface is slick, wearability beautiful, be able to bear or endure Hou sex and difference of the sex that nail a hammer. Be able to bear or endure Hou Xingjiang.

9, beans of brazilwood of fine Pi Yurui, iron, disc, imprint wood of eggplant wood, twin Xie Su which good?

These a few material are qualitative actually pretty good, it is good that you say that that is bad, distinction is not big, but price difference is quite much, and lumber is different grain is different, it is good to see you like that grain, these a few belong to high-grade material to plant, not necessary must choose that is best, domestic wherewith is no problem.

10, are brazilwood and Su Xie distinguished?

The main distinction of brazilwood and Su Xie: Origin is different. Brazilwood is the dry duramen that leguminous cloud fact belongs to plant brazilwood, alias Su Fang. Small tree, be as high as 6 meters, provide scanty thorn. Compound leaf of 2 Hui Yu shape are long 30 45 centimeters one. Panicle top is born or axil is born. Pod fruit tree is qualitative, a bit squash, intimate long circle pours egg form to shape length a circle. Su Xie is labial form comes division, purple perilla belongs to the dry leaf of annual herb purple perilla.

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