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育儿观念文案? 什么是育儿观念?英文双语对照


育儿观念文案? 什么是育儿观念?英文双语对照





观念是人们在实践当中形成的各种认识的集合体。人们会根据自身形成的观念进行各种活动。 就是对新生儿教育方式的新的模式,孩子会有犯错、失败的时刻,这个时候作为家长不要打击数落,而是要引导孩子如何知错能改,如何从失败中站起来,鼓励肯定孩子,孩子的自信心回来了,自然可以变得更加优秀。















1. 尊重孩子,关注孩子的需求。孩子是独立的个体,应该得到尊重。父母应该关注孩子的需求,理解孩子遇到的问题,并且主动提供帮助。在处理孩子的问题时不要过于强制,可以通过引导和交流的方式帮助孩子解决问题。

2. 建立良好的亲子关系。良好的亲子关系对孩子发展具有重要影响。父母应该建立温暖、关爱、互信的亲子关系,让孩子感到被珍视和尊重,有利于孩子健康成长。

3. 给孩子提供正确的教育。父母应该给孩子提供科学、全面的教育。在孩子早期开展启蒙教育时,应该注重培养孩子的兴趣、潜力和创新思维。同时,父母还要保证孩子具有良好的自我管理和自我控制能力,这样有利于孩子成为健康、积极向上的人。

4. 重视孩子的情感需求。孩子在成长过程中需要得到支持、认可和理解。父母应该关注孩子的情感需求,给予孩子适当的关注和安慰。这对于孩子心理的健康发展至关重要。

5. 建立良好的家庭环境。一个良好的家庭环境能够给孩子提供温暖、稳定、充满爱的成长环境。父母应该创造有利于孩子成长的家庭环境,培养孩子良好的社交能力、价值观和道德标准。

6. 养成良好的生活习惯。生活习惯是习惯性行为,对孩子的健康成长具有非常重要的影响。父母应该从小教育孩子养成良好的生活习惯,如勤洗手、吃饭细嚼慢咽等。











1. 理解和尊重儿童发展的规律:科学育儿观强调儿童的发展具有一定的阶段性和规律性。父母应了解孩子在不同年龄阶段的生理、认知、情感和社交发展,并根据他们的成长需求提供相应的支持和指导。

2. 建立稳定的、亲密的亲子关系:科学育儿观认为建立稳定的、亲密的亲子关系对儿童的发展至关重要。父母应与孩子建立良好的沟通和情感连接,提供温暖、支持和安全感,以促进他们的身心健康。

3. 提供适宜的刺激和环境:科学育儿观鼓励提供适宜的刺激和环境,以促进儿童各个方面的发展。这包括提供丰富多样的玩具、书籍和游戏,鼓励他们主动探索和参与各种活动,并给予适当的挑战和支持。

4. 培养积极的行为和价值观:科学育儿观强调培养积极的行为和价值观的重要性。父母应以身作则,通过正面的激励和模仿,引导孩子形成良好的道德观念、社交技能和解决问题的能力。

5. 关注孩子的情感需求:科学育儿观认为满足孩子的情感需求对于他们的健康发展至关重要。父母应倾听孩子的情感表达,理解他们的情感体验,并给予适当的情感支持和安抚,以帮助他们建立健康的情绪管理能力。


美国人 育儿观?

















Yo ideal article table?

Sweep before one's own door, parents should be changed first except for natural disposition, self-restraint nature. Know first self-denying, square can Jiaohua children. No matter children filial piety, but ask oneself kind does not mother.

The child is him, also be a society, be heaven and earth. Child teaching is bad, affect him family smally, great influence society, also have the grace of negative heaven and earth. Had taught the child, responsibility is major.

What is Yo idea?

The idea is the aggregate of all sorts of understanding that people forms between practice. The idea that people can form according to oneself has all sorts of activities. It is pair of new students the new pattern that teachs way, the child can have err, unsuccessful hour, this moment does not hit rebuke as the parent, want to guide the child how to know a fault to be able to change however, how to stand up from inside failure, encourage affirmative child, self-confident heart of the child came back, nature can become more outstanding.

This kind exercises the scope progress to the child is very effective fruit.

Yo view how to write?

Attentively, yo the concept needs intention study, the child needs to be treated attentively; Patient, the child won't be told like adult matter understood, a lot of things want to repeat tell, child hard to avoid is not occasionally obedient, need to have patience more, we should learn to dominate our sentiment, this occasionally very difficult, but it is good that you can discover control disposition communicates the effect that comes than sending a disposition well with the child, and had sent disposition to Your Excellency to also often can regret incessantly.

Teach by personal example as well as verbal instrution, the consequence that best education is parents, parental words and deeds can make the child's model. Look after children more go out to ambulate, experienced and knowledgeable apply to the child likewise.

Yo what does the idea have?


See even if cure heals begin, know what change namely to begin, it is to have treatment of a cognitive behavior on psychology, it thinks through the change thinking can change undesirable acknowledge to obtain the psychotherapy means of a short distance that eliminates undesirable mood and behavior thereby.


Should remember basic principle: well? Does  of Guo of serve of ┪ of Wu of angry of archives of Pan of Zhan of apology of  Yan cheek cheek and does ⒆ of  sandpiper Gao embrace cheek of chair of  of  of Mu Xing Sao and does  of the Zheng of  of   Pa that stew cheek and does  of K of value of the site of eye of  of  obstruct Mang that stew flinch shallow hairpin cheeks and?

Parent Yo view how to write?

Attentively, yo the concept needs intention study, the child needs to be treated attentively; Patient, the child won't be told like adult matter understood, a lot of things want to repeat tell, child hard to avoid is not occasionally obedient, need to have patience more, we should learn to dominate our sentiment, this occasionally very difficult, but it is good that you can discover control disposition communicates the effect that comes than sending a disposition well with the child, and had sent disposition to Your Excellency to also often can regret incessantly.

Teach by personal example as well as verbal instrution, the consequence that best education is parents, parental words and deeds can make the child's model. Look after children more go out to ambulate, experienced and knowledgeable apply to the child likewise.

Yo accurate method of the idea?

Correct Yo watching should be:

1.Esteem child, pay close attention to the child's demand. The child is independence is individual, should get respect. Parents should pay close attention to the child's demand, understand the problem that the child encounters, and provide a help actively. Do not want when the issue that handles the child too compulsive, can help the child solve a problem through the means that guide and communicates.

2.Build good parentage. Good parentage has main effect to child development. Parents should build the parentage that warm, care, each other believes, let the child feel be cherished and respect, be helpful for child health growing.

3.Provide true education to the child. Parents should provide science, comprehensive education to the child. In the child inchoate when beginning illuminative education, should pay attention to the interest that develops the child, latent capacity and innovation thinking. In the meantime, parents makes sure the child has good ego management and ego control capacity even, be helpful for the child becoming so healthy, active up person.

4.Take affection demand of the child seriously. The child needs to get supportive in growing process, approbate and understand. Parents should pay close attention to affection demand of the child, give the child pays close attention to appropriately and comfort. This is crucial to the healthy progress of child psychology.

5.Build favorable domestic environment. A favorable domestic environment can provide the warm, stable, growing environment that is full of love to the child. Parents should create the domestic environment that is helpful for the child growing, develop the child's good gregarious ability, viewpoint of value and moral standard.

6.The habits and customs with good nurturance. Habits and customs is chronic behavior, grow to the child's health have very main effect. Parents should teach the habits and customs with child good nurturance as a child, be like diligent wash one's hands, have a meal to nibble slow pharynx.

Finally, correct Yo watching should be comprehensive, science, open, include. Parents should consider the child's demand and development from global angle, undertake be communicationed effectively with the child, maintain active and hopeful state of mind, and the spirit that maintains continuous study.

Lie between the sentence of Dai Yoer idea?

The educational idea of " parents lies between Dai Yoer idea to existing with ours apparent difference. "

" lay between the conflict of Dai Yoer idea to cause the contradiction between grandfather grandma and parents and clash. "

" is in in lying between Dai Yoer idea, grandfather grandma pays attention to the inheritance of traditional viewpoint of value more, and the practice that parents pays attention to contemporary education concept more. "

" lies between the collision of Dai Yoer idea to let us realize, domestic education needs to balance tradition and contemporary viewpoint of value. "

The difference that " lies between Dai Yoer idea makes we need more communication with understanding, teach an environment in order to build harmonious family. "

What is scientific Yo view?

   Scientific Yo watching is a kind of concept that is based on contemporary and scientific research and professional knowledge, aim to offer children what what comprehensive and healthy progress needs is optimal bring up and teach way. Scientific Yo watch the progress of body and mind that pays attention to children, the each respect ability that developing them while, the affection demand that also pays close attention to them and individual character develop.

It is scientific Yo below the main characteristic of view:

1.Understand and respect the rule that children grows: Scientific Yo the level sex with watch the development that emphasizes children to have certain and regularity. Parents should understand the child to be in the physiology of different age level, acknowledge, affection and social development, provide corresponding support and guidance according to their growing demand.

2.Build stability, close parentage: Scientific Yo watch those who think to build stability, close parentage is crucial to the development of children. Parents should establish good communication and affection link with the child, offer warm, support and safe sense, in order to promote health of their body and mind.

3.Provide appropriate stimulation and environment: Scientific Yo view encourage provide appropriate stimulation and environment, in order to promote children the development of each respects. This includes to offer the toy of rich diversity, book and play, encourage they are explored actively and participate in all sorts of activities, give proper challenge and support.

4.Foster positive action and viewpoint of value: Scientific Yo watch the importance that emphasizes fostering positive action and viewpoint of value. Parents answers set oneself an example to others, the drive that adopts the front and imitate, guide the child to form good moral sense, gregarious skill and the ability that solve a problem.

5.Pay close attention to affection demand of the child: Scientific Yo watch the affection demand that thinks to satisfy the child crucial to their healthy progress. Parents should listen attentively to affection expression of the child, understand their affection experience, give proper affection support and conciliation, run ability in order to help the sentiment that they build health.

Scientific Yo view aim to help parental basis the growing phase of children and individual difference, adopt scientific and effective method to come breeding child. However, every child is distinctive, because this also needs,undertake individuation according to particular case and domestic background bring up and teach.

American Yo view?

American teachs the child " 4 pay attention to "

One, pay attention to equal consciousness ability

In American family, when adult talks with the child, also be to crouch forever namely, they think although the child is small, but the person that also is independence, just they are a few shorter, should crouch to talk with them so. Look at conversation to be able to let the child realize like be the same as adult, he is equality to facial each other with child face, be helpful for fostering child self-respect, self-confident spirit.

American offers the opportunity that the child is participated in and behaves adequately between daily life, no matter how the result always gives,be approbated and speak favorably of. Grow in so comfortable condition those who rise is optimistic and lively, be brave in to innovate, be full of self-confidence.

2, pay attention to education to start work ability

Kids has had the nature that alter, go up in wall for instance graffito, bite a toy with the mouth, take shears or scarify, in us the country Yours Excellency to be able to object stoutly surely. And saw meeting grinning in American parents, glad to learned some kind of skill at the child, is not deeply regret some thing was damaged by the child, tell the child patiently the skill on a few operations and knowledge next.

The restaurant that goes to the United States has a meal, the client that is taking the child takes the door, the clerk can serve a piece of high chairs immediately, there is a desk board in front, both sides has fender and back to be linked together, the parent when having a meal goes to food nip square board on, start work by him children catch eat. There also is such table in the family, child 7-8 the month is sitting oneself are being caught eat.

3, pay attention to independent ability

Be in the United States, the child sleeps as a child small bed, largish hind alone, never had heard the child and parents sleep together. On the processing of Wu of child day commonplace, parents helps the child do the business that still cannot accomplish on a few ages at that time only, always him child the thing of in one's power is finished as far as possible by him child, what from small education the child bears the blame to oneself is subconscious.

American thinks the child should be free-standing, early provides for oneself with respect to education child life ability. Be in the United States, great majority the adolescent of 18 years old of above, it is to rely on oneself to earn money will read, accordingly, the United States socially a dustman, of a waiter, also may be a member that accepting higher education.

4, pay attention to creativity

American elementary school was opposite on classroom children undertake many knowledge engrafts, however the ocean that try every means brings the child's vision to that boundless knowledge outside campus, they should let the child know, all time of the life and space are the classroom that they learn; They did not let children go the formula with many mechanical memorizing and theorem, tell children elaboratively how to ponder over a problem however, teach children to face new field to seek the means of the answer; They never divide the student into with the exam 369 etc, go all lengths however all effort that go affirming children, go praising all conclusion that oneself ponder over children, go all creation desires mix protection and incentive children attempt.

The Yo of 15 years old of girls view?

I think 15 years old the girl's Yo watching is:

Girl of 15 years old is already exceeding sensible, already understood oneself physiology structure somewhat, remind her as adult what age does what thing namely, the great understanding of side is mixed by attention, help her resolve indecisive demand, such getting along, ability and they become friend of type of so called parent.

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