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大自然的美好令人神往,令人心醉。我爱大自然,爱它的纯净,爱它的独特韵味。一切生命都起始于春天。在生机勃勃的春季,大自然显出无限的绿色。绿得透明,绿得耀眼,绿得纯洁。树木抽出了嫩芽,小草探出了头。轻轻触摸嫩黄的小芽,你会立刻感到生命在跳动。风吹过草坪,卷起了去年冬天的枯叶,而雨,又悄悄地滋润土地,让大自然更显美丽。花儿随风频频点头,阳光洒满河面,波光粼粼。我闭上眼,听,那小鸟在枝头欢唱的声音,它们在歌颂什么呢?让我猜猜,一定是在赞美大自然吧!我从心底发出一声感叹:大自然真奇妙! 夏日,各种小动物享受着夏天的热浪,扇扇扇子,却还是满头大汗,它们不禁抱怨起来:“这个夏天真不爽!”而树木花草们耷拉着枝叶,无精打采的为行人遮凉,大自然笼罩在炎热中,那绿色却更加深沉。夏天的大自然犹如一位跋山涉水的旅行者,气喘吁吁地摇摆着身子。而夏日也有清爽的时候,在那淅淅沥沥的小雨中,整个夏天都变得纯净起来,那是一首优美的乐曲,歌颂着大自然的美好! 秋天的落叶飘然而下,大自然的声音化作淅淅沥沥的小雨,有点青涩苦楚的味道,而一切生物都在忙着过冬。黄叶、果实、枯花、青缉胆光感叱啡癸拾含浆蛙、大雁、兔子,它们在享受大自然带给它们的礼物,也在顺其自然地找着生命的归宿。秋天,还残留着枯叶的枝梢间,阳光照过来,照在人们丰收的喜悦笑容上……秋天,给予大自然的是一个苦涩的经历。冬天,一切都被罩在雪白中,耀眼的白色,叽叽喳喳的麻雀,缩着翅膀跳来跳去。冬日的阳光照在雪地上,放出银白色的光。屋顶啦、土地啦、树枝啦,都变白了。有人会觉得大自然在这个季节变得枯燥无味,不,在银装素裹中,他在悄悄孕育着生命,来春的勃勃生机,是他的杰作。在这个季节,雪是大自然独特的美,雪就是一位纯洁的天使,为大自然添一份韵味。大自然就是这样,带给你的,带给我的,都那么美好。我爱大自然,爱它的纯净,爱它的独特韵味。


整篇文章都是围绕 大自然美妙的声音 来写的,具体从 风,水,动物所发出美妙的声音 三方面来写的 (看完谢谢我啊!这是我回答的第一个问题)












不怕初一阴,就怕初二下。 久晴大雾必阴,久雨大雾必晴。 十雾九晴。

太阳现一现,三天不见面。 天上鲤鱼斑,明日晒谷不用翻。 夜星繁,大晴天。

河里鱼打花,天天有雨下。 久雨必有久晴,久晴必有久雨。 冷得早,暖得早。

久晴鹊噪雨,久雨鹊噪晴。 八月十五云遮月,正月十五雪打灯。 棉花云,雨快淋。

空山回声响,天气晴又朗。 早晨下雨当日晴,晚上下雨到天明。 云交云,雨淋淋。







One, the what that the sound of nature behaved nature?

The sound of nature basically carries case of choose and employ persons is changed write a law, and the has strange feeling statement with many familiar and fresh, dramatic image, mix from wind, water respectively animal 3 respects depict the sound with wonderful nature.

Wind is the musician of nature, he can play his accordion in the forest. Flip through when him leaf, the leaf resembles a singer same, sing all sorts of different song. Different leaf, have different voice; Different season, have different music.

2, the breath that experiences nature, is those who enjoy nature good?

1, I like a person to sit in quiet place, hearing music, enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature, look at the book that oneself like, and, weather is firm also just!

2, the gem of nature is really endless, go up every time hill has accident surprise, enjoy this kind of sweat to change the joyance of results!

3, go out, enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature, bath is in sunshine, bask in bask in the mood, continue to set out, be kind to oneself, do not lose Shao Hua!

4, come out to come loose beguilement, breathing air, enjoy sunshine, it is good to experience nature pretty, want to have a heart that be thankful.

5, I like gentle breeze, small grass, flower, and everything in nature.

6, in nature, enjoy this god-given leisure time, occasionally we need to do, just just is loosened just.

3, what does the sound of the language nature of nature have?

The sound of nature has: Frog: Quack quack; North wind: Breathe out; Bee: With a buzz buzz; Thunder: Rumble grand; Leaf: Rustle; Spring: Babble, babble; Birdie: Chirp; Running water: Clang clang, ; Horse's hoof: Da of Da Da Da; Rain: Bang of Pi Pi bang, wash rice drop of the sound of rain.

Nature is the nature that points to narrow sense. It is the corporeal world that distinguishs with human society photograph, exist with natural way and this material world is changing, namely the inorganic group that science place studies and organic bound. Nature is objective existence, the child itself that it is the mankind and other nature bilks the foundation with growing. Water, air, mountain range, river, microbial, plant, animal, earth, universe is waited a moment, the category at nature. Research nature includes maths, physics, chemical, biology, geographical wait for science to nature we should be held in the arms face it in order to protect with close state of mind. Nature was brought to the mankind a lot of make the mankind lives human good environment, protecting it is the home that protects him mankind.

4, the achieves small poem nature oneself heaven that writes nature?

Wild goose rank returns to north,

Brought fine rain drizzly.

Woke up small careless Qing Qing,

Slept frowzily the land of 4 months.

Piece the move is big mouth laugh is filled with,

Catkin flutters all over the sky.

Cuckoo is crying,

Everywhere ox run.

5, do I love nature -- to nature praise?

Listen attentively to bird language, wait-and-see mountains and rivers-land, flower famous scent is sweet, feel life.

The good be charmed making a person of nature, make popular feeling drunk. I love nature, those who love it is pure, love its individual lasting appeal. All life are initiative Yu Chuntian. In vibrant spring, nature shows infinite green. green transparent, green dazzling, green pure. Tree took out tender bud, small careless smell first. Light light feeling is tender yellow gemmule, you can feel life is beating immediately. Wind has blown lawn, furled last year the withered leaf in the winter, and rain, stealthily moist land, let nature more show beauty. flower nods again and again along with wind, sunshine asperses full river side, wave light is crystalline. I close a key point, listen, that birdie is in the sound of branch carol, are they eulogizing what? Let me guess, it is to praising certainly nature! I give out from the bottom of the heart plaint: Nature is really wonderful! Summer, all sorts of puppy are enjoying the heat wave of summer, fan fan fan, sweating still however, they can't help complaining rise: "This summer true accurate! " and arboreous flowers and plants people slouch branches and leaves, it is pedestrian block downheartedly cool, nature is enveloped in burning hot in, that green is more dark however. The nature of summer is just as the traveler of ford of hill of a postscript, breathless waveringly body. And summer also has relaxed when, in the spit of drop of Na Xi the sound of rain, whole summer becomes pure rise, that is a beautiful composition, eulogizing the happiness of nature! Autumnal fallen leaves waves to fall however, the sound of nature is changed wash rice the spit of drop of the sound of rain, have the taste of bit of green acerbity distress, and all biology are in busy hibernate. The last of the ten Heavenly Stems of feeling Chi Fei picks up light of bravery of Huang Xie, fructification, withered flower, green arrest the frog that contain a thick liquid, wild goose, bunny, they are enjoying nature to bring their gift, also be in a home to return to that arranges its naturally to seeking life. The autumn, still remaining between the branch tip of withered leaf, in relief illumination comes over, on the happy smiling expression that is reflected in people bumper harvest... the autumn, those who give nature is an agonized experience. In the winter, everything is in by the cover snow-white in, dazzling white, chirping spadger, crouch wing jumps to jump. The sunshine of wintry day is illuminated on snow ground, emit the light of silvery white. Housetop, land, branch, bleached. Somebody can feel nature becomes dry in this season, not, be in silver-coated in, he is in stealthily be pregnant with is worn life, come spring exuberant opportunity of survival, it is his classic. In this season, snow is the beauty with individual nature, snow is a pure angel, increase a lasting appeal for nature. Nature is such, bring you, bring me, so good. I love nature, those who love it is pure, love its individual lasting appeal.

6, " the sound of nature?

Around nature wonderful voice writes whole article, specific from wind, water, animal place gives out beautiful sound tripartite face to write (look to thank me! The first problem that this is my answer)

7, the rule of nature?

The order of nature is some of corporeal sports firm, essence, stable connection, expression acts well namely to want corresponding external condition to have this one law only and have fixity, conversely this one rule is met namely invalidation, noninterference of each other of of all kinds rule, its are not move with the person's volition, social rule also is like this.

The human understanding to the order of nature is as the development of science development, to this kind in ancient time understanding contains intuitionistic sex, in latter-day have mechanistic feature. Be in contemporary, the mankind overcame ancient time and latter-day one-sided sex not only to the understanding of the order of nature, isolated sex, and got expand and be deepeninged.

The connection of the rule of nature and thing:

1, substaintial connection

Any rules are the underlying basis of the thing and substaintial connection. For example: The the law of gravity announced the substaintial connection between the thing, elemental cycle law announced the substaintial connection between elemental chemistry and atomic number, relations of production and the rule that productivity state gets used to announced the content of corporeal production means reachs his to be contacted constitutionally.

2, inevitable connection

Any rules are a thing the sure and such, trend that does not move certainly. For example: Human society develops to advanced society configuration by elementary society configuration necessarily, temporary labyrinthian retrogression, the general trend with unalterable ongoing history.

3, stable connection

Any rules are the general character of congener phenomenon backside, the sex of the phenomenal backside that is rich and colorful stabilizes connection. Regular stability namely its opposite repeatability. Want a condition to have only, some kind of rule can repeat effective.

8, the phenomenon of nature?

Do not be afraid of first one shade, be afraid of first 2. Long fine big mist needs shade, long pluvial big mist needs fine. 10 mist 9 fines.

The sun shows, 3 days do not meet. Ethereal carp spot, bright insolation cereal need not break up. Nocturnal star is numerous, big fine day.

The fish in the river hits a flower, every day rain falls. Long rain has surely long fine, long the fine has surely long rain. cold early, warm early.

Long rain of fine magpie a confusion of voices, long fine of pluvial magpie a confusion of voices. In August month of 15 cloud block, 15 snow make the first month of the lunar year the lamp. Pily cloud, rain drenchs quickly.

Empty hill echo is noisy, weather fine bright. Rain in the morning that day fine, rain goes to dawn below in the evening. Yun Jiaoyun, drench drenchs.

9, the statement of nature?

1, natural world is such beauty at the moment: Radiating everywhere beautiful sunshine, showing off everywhere 5 colour colour, flying upwards everywhere euphonic bird calls bug to cry, the aroma that drifting to make a person be intoxicated everywhere. This is green world, beautiful ocean.

2, the plant of a golden color, but seeming is not oily cauliflower, far looks, send out the ray of yellow giving gold, blast is blown, resemble the wave since layer cascade, as one falls, it is a good picture really.

10, the language of nature?

This is a scientific essay. From reading style to say is demonstrative article, from writing the purpose says, introduce logic. Said to be full of literary sex again from creation method. So this view is right. Language of beautiful sweet bird, careless long warbler flies, the language that is nature is to be in cite case.
