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一 turn a 高达 月光蝶系统(turn a 高达) 虽然剧情人设十分优秀,可那复古的机设将turn a 打入十八层地狱,大胡子高达极大考验了高达迷们的心理接受能力,高达也从此在商业化的道路上越陷越深。尽管如此,作为唯一的一种曾毁灭全人类的武器,月光碟系统排名榜首也实至名归。

二 GX—9900 (高达X)

将 GX排在DX之前,恐怕另人大跌眼镜吧,但请注意,这里可是将GX—9900 这部高达当作武器哦。想想贾米鲁当年,那可是一人驾驶一群高达啊,简直可以说是浮游高达了。俗话说好虎不敌群狼,卡洛德的DX要是碰上贾米鲁的GX群恐怕就凶多吉少了。而且,GX的卫星炮也确确实实曾将下坠地球的卫星给轰散了。因此,GX排名第二倒也合情合理。

三 DX (高达X)

说完了配角,也该轮到我们主角登场了。无论是射程还是威力,DX 的卫星炮都令其他高达自愧不如。一发动卫星炮就清场更已成为X的一大特色。在卡洛德毁掉殖民卫星炮的那次战斗中,充分体现了DX卫星炮那超长的射程和超强的威力。 DX排名第三,当之无愧。

四 WING 0 卫星炮和0系统 (高达W)

作为一部人气高达的第一主角,希罗的WING 0才是许多fans眼中卫星炮的王道。可惜与GX和DX相比,WING 0 的卫星炮显得略微不足。但WING 0 那一手一门卫星炮,原地转360度清场的场景确实另人过目难忘。0系统更是霸道得另人叹服,其他高达机师也对其无能为力,也只有希罗这样的BT之王才可以驾驭。WING 0 排名第四,相信不会有人有什么意见吧?

五 神圣高达 石破天惊拳 (高达G)

流派东方不败是王者之风全新系列天破侠乱看吧东方正鲜红得燃烧起来 也只有在这部热血的高达里,才会出现如此热血的对白,才会出现这只存在中国武侠小说中的招式名称。至于石破天惊拳的威力嘛,只要是看过的人都知道,那可真是此拳一出,天上地下谁与争锋。即使在高达游戏中,此招也是中毒骗人赚经验打BOSS的最佳选择。

六 METRO 装置 (高达SEED)

前五样都是以威力见长,讲求一击必杀技,而接下来这样却是以攻击数目见长。不错,这就是在SEED中有万弹齐发之名的METRO 装置 。在uc迷看来, METRO 装置简直夸张得可笑;但在seed迷看来,METRO 装置 简直就是天上第下第一神兵利器。但无论从哪个角度来看,METRO 装置替plant打下无数核弹却是不争的事实,也算为和平立下了汗马功劳。uc迷值得庆幸的就是,万恶的克尔则在死前替他们证明了METRO 装置 在MS决斗中是如何的不堪一击,另他们不必再一遍一遍看着那重复千万次的万弹齐发场面。

七 高达GP-02 MK82核弹头(高达0083)


八 strike freedom 龙骑兵系统 (高达SEED-D)

Freedom初次登场时,龙骑兵系统就给予fans很大的震撼,但当strike freedom 登场时,这震撼来的更加大了。原来Freedom龙骑兵系统与身上四门炮搭配,现在换成与浮游炮搭配,敌军的MS简直连不会动的木偶都不如了。39集里strike freedom两分钟内全歼敌军的战斗,相信夏亚阿姆罗这些uc时期的浮游炮高手看了会吐血。虽然火力一般,可是在MS对战中,strike freedom 必然将成为你的首选。

九 F91 有质量的残象(高达F91)

说实话,至今为止我还没弄清楚这究竟是F91 机体的能力还是西布克个人的能力。不过这能力也确实夸张了些,另人不禁想起鸣人的影分身术。毕竟要做到残象都有攻击能力,这可是忍术的高级境界啊。但是无可否认,幻化出有攻击能力残象的F91强得可怕,相信铁假面对此深有体会。

十 V2 高达 光之翼 (高达V)



One Turn A is as high as moon butterfly system (Turn A is as high as) although gut person is set very outstanding, the machine that can restore ancient ways then is set infiltrate Turn A 18 hell, big mustache is as high as great test be as high as fan people psychological acceptance, be as high as also jump over defect on commercialized road from now on deeper. Nevertheless, as a exclusive kind of weapon that ever destroyed complete mankind, moon dish system ranks head of a list of names posted up solid also return to the name.

2 GX, 9900 (be as high as X)

GX the platoon is before DX, be afraid other person is surprised, but ask an attention, here but GX, this 9900 are as high as regard as weapon oh. Think Gumilu in those days, then but one person drives a flock of is as high as, can saying simply is pelagian was as high as. Tiger of common saying come to an agreement or understanding not enemy group wolf, if Ka Luode's DX is touched on Gumilu's GX group be afraid with respect to bode ill rather than well. And, the satellitic artillery piece of GX ever also gave the satellite of straining earth really with a bang came loose. Accordingly, GX is ranked the 2nd also fair and reasonable.

3 DX (be as high as X)

Said minor role, also should be turn for our leading role to come on stage. No matter be cannon-shot or might, prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun makes the satellite of DX other be as high as be inferior to from ashamed. Start a satellite to prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan clear field more the one big distinguishing feature that already became X. In that battle that in colony of finish of heart blocking the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces the satellite prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan, DX is ranked the 3rd, be worthy of.

Satellite of 4 WING 0 prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan and 0 systems (be as high as W)

Enrage the first leading role that be as high as as a person, hope collect WING 0 just is the kingcraft that stars of a lot of Fans eye halfback prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan. Compare with GX and DX photograph regrettablly, the satellitic artillery piece of WING 0 appears appreciably is insufficient. But WING 0 that skill artillery piece of star of one entrance guard, place turns the setting of 360 degrees of clear field is really additional person look over is unforgettable. 0 systems are more strong other person gasp in admiration, other be as high as aircraft division helpless to its also, also hope only collect the Wang Cai of such BT can control. WING 0 is ranked the 4th, believe won't what opinion does somebody have?

5 divine be as high as fist of remarkably original and forceful (be as high as G)

Genre east is indefectible the wind that is Wang Zhe is brand-new chaos of series day broken a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct looks Oriental so bright red that upblaze also is in only of this warm blood be as high as in, just can appear the dialogue of such warm blood, just can appear the name provoking type in novel of knight-errant of this existence China. The might as to fist of remarkably original and forceful, if see the person that pass,know only, that can be this fist really, ethereal underground who and contend for sharp edge. In although be in,be as high as game, this action also is toxic deceive people the optimal option that gains experience to hit BOSS.

6 METRO device (be as high as SEED)

Before 5 appearance are with might be good at, biff of be particular about reduces ability surely, and it is however so next grow in order to atttack several see for oneself. Pretty good, this has 10 thousand to accuse the METRO unit of the name of volley in SEED namely. Look in Uc confusing, METRO device simply hyperbole gets absurdity; But look in Seed confusing, METRO device is the sky simply edge tool of arms of the first god. But no matter angle looks from which, METRO device hits below countless nucleuses to play for Plant is the fact that does not dispute however, also calculate stand for peace finished one's contributions in work. What Uc confusing is worth to rejoice is, extremely evil Ke Erze proved for them before die METRO device is in MS duel is how can't bear biff, additional they need not another is alled over look at that to repeat ten million second 10 thousand play volley scene.

7 is as high as GP-02 MK82 nuclear warhead (be as high as 0083)

Be like respecting chivalry, be afraid can comparable without the person Gu Tu. Even if is protected oneself already an empty shell that be reduced to poverty is only famous word, but he still fights to also be not had to last second for this name complain without regret, also do not abandon oneself concept to death. The renown name of the nightmare of Solomon moves all directions, want to see his stand-alone break through federal army defence only, play will confederative admiral bombard and sink with the nucleus, you can know GP-02 has many after all strong.

System of dragoon of 8 Strike Freedom (be as high as SEED-D)

When Freedom debut, dragoon system gives Fans very big shock, but when Strike Freedom comes on stage, what this shock comes is more big. On system of original Freedom dragoon and body 4 artillery piece are tie-in, change now as tie-in as pelagian artillery piece, the carved figure that the MS of enemy won't use repeatedly simply was inferior to. The battle of enemy of full wipe out inside bell of dichotomy of the Strike Freedom in 39 collect, believe the ace of pelagian artillery piece of these Uc period saw Xiayaamuluo meeting haematemesis. Although firepower is general, but be opposite in MS in battle, strike Freedom will make your first selection necessarily.

The damage that 9 F91 have quality is resembled (be as high as F91)

Tell the truth, up to now the ability that I had not cleared up this is F91 airframe after all or the ability that cloth overcomes an individual on the west. This ability is really some more exaggerative also nevertheless, other person can'ts help remembering cry art of shadow spare time from one's main work to attend to sth else. Want to accomplish incomplete elephant to have attack capacity after all, this can be the advanced state that tolerates art. But without can deny, unreal changes a F91 that has elephant of attack ability incomplete to get dreariness by force, believe iron holiday faces this to have experience greatly.

10 V2 are as high as Guang Zhiyi (be as high as V)

No matter from vision or it is attack will look on ability, guang Zhiyi is a quite outstanding weapon. Be as high as V regrettablly is a ministry really too of not up to much was as high as, wu Suo the position in Fans heart also with Amuluoka Miao Xiang goes very far. Be in many is as high as consequently in game, guang Zhiyi also reduces extremely common weapon. Although the word is such, but qualified still an end is respected in pop chart here.
