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汽车网报价靠谱吗? 汽车网上报价与现实差距?英文双语对照


汽车网报价靠谱吗? 汽车网上报价与现实差距?英文双语对照




1. 存在差距2. 汽车网上报价与现实存在差距的原因主要有以下几点:首先,网上报价通常是厂家或经销商提供的官方指导价,而实际购车时可能会有一些额外的费用,如购置税、上牌费、保险费等,这些费用在网上报价中通常没有包含在内。其次,网上报价可能是一些促销活动或特殊优惠的价格,而实际购车时可能已经过了促销期或者没有符合条件,导致价格上有差距。此外,汽车市场竞争激烈,经销商之间也存在价格竞争,因此实际购车时经销商可能会根据市场情况进行一定的议价,从而导致与网上报价有一定的差距。3. 此外,汽车的配置、选装件等也会对价格产生影响,网上报价通常是基础配置的价格,而实际购车时如果选择了更高级的配置或选装件,价格也会相应增加。因此,消费者在购车时需要综合考虑网上报价和实际情况,与经销商进行充分沟通和了解,以获得最准确的价格信息。



汽车之家于2004年筹建 ,2005年6月正式上线  ,2008年,汽车之家即跻身汽车垂直网站访问量第一名行列。 

2013年12月11日,汽车之家登陆纽交所,股票代码ATHM,开盘价30.16美元/ADS。 2016年6月25日,平安信托与澳大利亚电信完成股份交割,平安以16亿美元收购汽车之家47.4%股权成为最大股东。平安执行委员会委员、集团战略发展中心主任陆敏任董事长兼CEO。

2016年10月,汽车之家公布“4+1”发展战略,建设“车媒体、车电商、车金融、车生活”4个圈,从“基于内容的垂直领域公司”升级为 “基于数据技术的‘汽车’公司”。汽车之家进入2.0平台化时代。 2018年8月,董事长兼CEO陆敏宣布4+1战略升级,构建4+1智能汽车生态圈”。汽车之家开启3.0智能化代。 

2019年8月,汽车之家举办首届“818全球超级车展”,并打造全球首档 “车晚”——汽车之家818全球汽车夜。CSM数据显示8月18日当晚“车晚”位居电视收视榜首,位列全国网城域主流人群收视排名同时段所有频道第一、直播实时收视欢网排名第一。2020年4月,汽车之家联合中国国际贸易促进委员会汽车行业分会举办首届中国春季云车展。2020年8月,汽车之家举办第二届“818全球超级车展”暨“818中国汽车节”,逛展人次达1.98亿。8月18日当晚“车晚”夺得六网全国收视第一。

2021年2月24日,汽车之家董事长兼CEO陆敏退休,由龙泉接任。2021年3月15日,汽车之家正式在联交所挂牌交易,股份代号2518 。




















Does car network quoted price rely on chart?

Car network quotes chart is leaning quite in car market, but still want discretion. Car network serves as dedicated the website at car information, offerred many car offer to cease, include the car quoted price of each brands, model. These quote information are provided by car manufacturer or agency normally, because this has certain reliability. But, as a result of the fluctuation of the complexity of car market and quote, consumer still needs to many sided is compared and be checked when buying a car, had better affirm with hypostatic inn or agency offer ceases further, in order to ensure accuracy and rationality. Anyhow, car network quoted price is mixed to understanding market level serving as reference is helpful, but buy a car finally decision-making still need to consider other factor integratedly.

Does car network report valence and real difference?

1.Existence difference 2. The reason of the quote on car network and actual existence difference basically has the following: Above all, the quote on the net is the official guidance price that manufacturer or agency offer normally, and there may be a few additional costs when buying a car actually, if purchase duty, go up card fee, insurance premium, these charge are done not have normally in the quote on the net include inside. Next, the quote on the net may be activity of a few sales promotion or special and favourable price, and the likelihood when buying a car actually already passed sales promotion period to perhaps did not accord with a condition, bring about there is difference on the price. In addition, car market competition is intense, the price also exists to compete between agency, because this buys the agency when the car actually to may have fair negotiate a price according to market condition, cause the difference with have certain with the quote on the net thereby. 3. In addition, the configuration of the car, anthology outfit wait to also can be opposite the price produces an effect, the quote on the net is the price that the foundation configures normally, and bought Che Shiru actually to choose if really more advanced configuration or anthology outfit, the value also can increase accordingly. Accordingly, consumer needs to consider the quote on the net and real case integratedly when buying a car, undertake be communicated adequately and understanding with agency, in order to obtain the most accurate price information.

Quoted price of which car website is actualer?

The home of the car is truer.

The home of the car prepared to construct 2004, go up formally in June 2005 line , 2008, the home of the car ascends perpendicular website visit measures body car namely the first cavalcade.

On December 11, 2013, the home of the car lands button to reach place, stock code ATHM, open quotation price 30.16 dollars / ADS. On June 25, 2016, restful and fiducial complete a business transaction of the as telegraphic as Australia stock that finish, buy a 47.4% equity of the car to become the largest stockholder with 1.6 billion dollar in safety. Strategy of committee member of restful executive council, group develops central director Liu Min to hold the post of president to hold CEO concurrently.

In October 2016, the home of the car is announced " 4+1 " development strategy, construction " finance of business of cable of car media, car, car, car lives " 4 circles, from " the perpendicular field company that is based on content " upgrade for " be based on data technology ' car ' company " . The home of the car enters 2 platform to spend a period. In August 2018, president holds CEO Liu Min concurrently to announce 4+1 strategy to upgrade, compose builds zoology of 4+1 intelligence car to encircle " . 3 intelligence change the domestic open of the car acting.

In August 2019, the home of the car holds first " super car exhibits 818 whole worlds " , make global head file " the car is late " -- a night of car of 818 whole worlds of the car. CSM data shows on August 18 that evening " the car is late " rank TV to close inspect head of a list of names posted up, crowd of mainstream of land with certain boundaries of city of net of row whole nation closes inspect a rank to be the same as period of time all channel the first, direct seeding closes in real time inspect joyous net to rank the first. In April 2020, the home of the car combines China International commerce to promote branch of committee automobile industry to hold car of cloud of first China spring to exhibit. In August 2020, the home of the car holds the 2nd " super car exhibits 818 whole worlds " and " division of 818 China car " , ramble exhibit person-time to amount to 198 million. On August 18 that evening " the car is late " carry off 6 nets whole nation closes inspect the first.

On Feburary 24, 2021, the domestic president of the car holds CEO Liu Min concurrently to retire, by Long Quan replace. On March 15, 2021, the home of the car hands in place formally to hang out one's shingle in couplet trade, 2518 of share code name.

Quoted price of car of which car network is the exactest?

Car network car quotes to which the most accurate problem, give out very hard a clear answer, because the quote of every car network has certain difference, this depends on many elements, wait like area, agency, model, configuration. But, generally speaking, compare famous car network, network of car of the home that is like a car, Pacific Ocean, easy car network, can offer relatively accurate car quote, because they are having perfect quote system and rich data resource. In these car networks, easy car network may pay attention to a car to quote more this on one hand. The quoted price that easy car network offers is opposite for more comprehensive, covered many brands and model, and can undertake according to the circumstance of different area and agency dissimilation quotes differring. In addition, easy car network still provided tools of a variety of the computation that buy a car and service, can help consumer know the cost that buy a car and relevant procedures better. Of course, the quote of network of wh whichever car is not absolutely and accurate, the requirement that consumer still needs to combine his when buying a car and actual condition undertake compare and negotiating. In the meantime, also want to notice the false quote of a few websites and advertisement are publicized, lest be deceived.

What car website can check quoted price of car current price?

It is the home of the car, OK to understand car emperor, easy car to wait price of highest privilege of inquiry car quoted price and place.

There is a car below line of Pacific Ocean car evaluation of quote, car, news, guide buy, maintenance, maintain, forum of safe, car, drive oneself swim, the car is recreational, car culture. , it is first of Chinese car rank omnibus car website.


The quoted price of which car website is more accurate and overall?

Occupy put oneself in another's position or understand in detail to the closest 4S inn, the price that appears in the newspaper because of the net and 4S store have certain difference,

Does coke encircle newest quote?

Coke encircles quote 57 thousand, before for some time money of steel of catenary of an ancient unit of weight of labor person GMT5 (126710BLRO) abbreviation coke circle, published domestic fair value. 7.1W of domestic fair value. The abroad price that announces before is 5.7W of amount to of 8800 luck man, RMB. Of this one price announce on behalf of catenary of 5 an ancient unit of weight inland of make one's bow is ordered

Masses Tprimegte newest quote?

       Masses Tprimegte newest quote 250 thousand yuan.

       On December 18, 2019, one steam masses announces in Beijing, new fund strides Teng Hexin money below the banner vacate GTE to appear on the market formally, among them new fund is stridden vacate roll out 3 kinds of motivation to add up to 8 models, price interval is 186930.99 yuan, stride vacate GTE to roll out 1 kind of motivation to add up to 2 models, price is Tprimegte of 253926.89 yuan of masses.

19 newest quote?

Newest quote is nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand eight hundred yuan.

Because 19 run quickly,S450 is to run quickly a of S class model luxurious car, it is to run quickly the introductory model of S class, but its configuration and performance are very excellent also, price nature is taller also.

If you need to know its configuration and property further, the detailed introduction of website of OK and referenced car, perhaps seek advice from the customer service after the carry out that run quickly directly.

Peony 330 newest quote?

Peony 330 cigarette, newest quoted price is full are 180 yuan, odd Bao Ling makes work is 22 yuan, the sale of cigarette, be in China compare a system, so, can go only smoke hotel is bought, the net that clean out treasure is going up cannot be bought.
