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6、为了减少震动,提高拍摄成功率,请使用遥控器或者快门线或者两秒自拍来控制快门,70D也可以使用手机遥控来控制快门。 按照上述办法就可以拍出漂亮的城市夜景。 如果想拍摄包括人像的城市夜景,那就需要将相机调为夜间肖像模式,这个也是需要使用三脚架,拍摄时人物要保持一段时间不动,跟单纯夜景不同的是拍摄夜景人像时就不要将快门设得那么长了,可以相对提高ISO来减少曝光时间,在ISO800甚至ISO1600时,佳能70D不会有太多噪点,细腻度完全能合乎拍摄需求。拍摄效果会因环境亮度的不同而不同,这里不能一概而论,所以要视具体情况而定,拍摄时多拍几张试一试。


夜景拍摄技巧?1、提前察觉现场振动,如附近有人燃放大型焰火、在有人走动的木板路等上拍摄等。在摄影包里装一些橡皮筋,可以在曝光过程中把相机背带、快门线绑到三脚架上,以免它们在风中飘荡。 2、必须使用三脚架。 3、尽量使用快门线或遥控器,没有这些家伙的TX可以耐心点,使用自拍功能。 4、单反机尽可能开启反光板预升功能(不清楚的先翻阅相机说明书),可以避免反光板抬起时的轻微震动。






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One, beautiful can how does 70D number camera film night scene should be installed?

If be pure,film the night scene that includes urban lamplight and wagon flow to wait, can do according to this method:

1, prepare tripod, secure camera go up in tripod;

2, set ISO for lowest 100;

3, use formula of complete hand movable mould;

4, set shutter, come out to show the lamplight contrail of wagon flow, set shutter so for ten seconds longer even;

5, set aperture, nightly film be opposite not easily anxious, use small aperture to increase scope of depth of field so, set aperture for F20 smaller even, make be opposite anxious become simple and relatively accurate, and small aperture still can take an astral awn effect, make a picture more flowery;

6, shake to decrease, rise film the success is led, use a remote controller please or shutter release or two seconds pat control shutter oneself, 70D also can use mobile phone remote control to control shutter. Can take beautiful urban night scene according to afore-mentioned method. If want to film,include the urban night scene of figure, that is camera attune nightly effigies mode with respect to need, this also is need use tripod, the character when filming should maintain period of time to be not moved, what differ with pure night scene is to film do not set shutter so longly when night scene figure, can raise ISO to reduce time of exposure relatively, in ISO800 even when ISO1600, beautiful can 70D won't have place of too much a confusion of voices, exquisite spend all-round accord with film demand. Film because of,the effect is met of environmental brightness different and different, here cannot treat as the same, want to inspect particular case and be decided so, a few pieces are patted to try more when filming.

2, does night scene film skill?

Does night scene film skill? 1, be aware the spot is oscillatory ahead of schedule, if around somebody lights the arsis such as the enlarge fireworks, boardwalk that ambulates in somebody,photograph etc. A few elastic are installed in photography bag, can bind camera braces, shutter release to tripod in exposure process, lest they are in wind,drift. 2, must use tripod. 3, use shutter release or remote controller as far as possible, the TX that does not have these fellow is OK and bit more patient, use take a function oneself. 4, sheet is turned over machine as far as possible open glances board rise a function beforehand (not clear browse first camera manual) , can avoid to glance board the light slight shock when raising is moved.

3, how to film night scene?

1: When night scene films, use tripod, next, still have use extensive role end.

2: To figure, the condition above suits, but when filming, have more difficulty, need often the basis is photographed the brightness of the light of body, undertake stand by or be removeded.

3: The figure that uses special setting to fall films mode, particular setting kind, and hold night scene likeness.

Extend a data:

Sheet turns over night scene to film skill sheet turns over camera to film night scene whole strategy

Night scene effect one: Astral awn effect

1, the first should do thing that wants to take astral awn effect, search namely of course suit film setting, to urban night scene, what give astral beard easily is point light source, for instance the commonnest street lamp, we can need to look for appropriate setting by the side of the driveway in night.

2, the A archives of use camera, adjust the aperture of camera below the circumstance that can assure safe shutter to F8 above, the key that this is effect of awn giving a bit (small aperture) . If fruit is honest the light is insufficient, can increase ISO speed appropriately only, the digital sheet of general DX picture turns over ISO to suggest not to exceed 1000, meet otherwise of video picture pure degree.

3, begin composition of a picture namely finally. the picture accept of medium point light source takes viewfinder, take watch for a chance stability (or tripod has been secured) later, press shutter can get a beautiful astral awn effect illuminate.

Night scene effect 2: Break anxious result

1, the first move that misses anxious effect and film the requirement of astral awn effect is same, that is need to seek appropriate circular point light source in the dim light of night. A bit the different point light source that loses anxious effect namely had better have flowery color, such ability can have better effect.

2, the 2nd pace, also be the most important one step, pair of anxious mode switch of the camera lens camera to MF or AF/MF mode, because break anxious let intentionally the focus is not on main body and build a kind of when go out hazy beautiful effect namely, if not the hand is moved cannot be finished to anxious word camera oneself.

3, turn annulus of camera lens focus to the longest Jiao Duan, the hand moves pair of Jiao Huan that adjust camera lens, can see in viewfinder till oneself prefer it is good to break anxious result. The selection of aperture is randommer, generally speaking the word of small aperture can give astral awn effect can hold concurrently again already break anxious, it is pretty good very!

4, does mobile phone night scene film parameter?

Aperture is in 8 to 11 the left and right sides, 1 second controls shutter, ISO100.

5, how does sheet film instead night scene?

Sheet can film well instead night scene. Because sheet turns over camera photograph to have bigger sensor and higher ISO speed than be being provided at other watch for an opportunity, can be in the light films below darker circumstance clear picture. Longer shutter career can choose when filming, use tripod will stabilize camera, adjust focal length and aperture volume in order to obtain optimal film the effect. In addition, still can use the camera function such as distant view mode, night scene mode, or the brightness that undertakes the time exposure will improve an appearance and definition. Notable is, filming want to shut flashlight when night scene, the natural light that avoids pair of setting causes interference.

6, does night scene star film tutorial?

What should decide above all is to film place and the content that should film. The scenery that if plan to film,sky captures, so this place should be hollowness and interesting. Best is, if it leaves the town of glow as far as possible far: As a result of lamplight, what headlight and building give out is smooth, the sky enlightened, and person eye cannot see tiny spot. Beautiful and vivid picture can be obtained on hill, but, if on hill, the suburb also is appropriate.

7, how to film night scene facula?

Can use medicinal powder facula of scene filter lens gets stuck, or the form that oneself like with paperboard DIY:

1, the quantity produces diameter of camera lens internal diameter, use compasses to draw a circle according to its dimension on black paperboard next, use scissors to cut.

2, in this piece the intermediate carve of round scrip gives appearance of a starlike.

1, choice aperture is preferential mode, use the biggest aperture or a bit smaller than big aperture little, author individual more the aperture that the habit uses small little appropriately, because change and draw qualitative acutance to setting empty so,opposite meeting has the concern that balances to.

2, ISO choosing is automatic, the choice is moved with MF hand right anxious, roll is right Jiao Huan, make source of bias light compensation leaves anxious, if have the principal part that should stress or person, will put on main body to film to the focus, can pat attractive anxious outside medicinal powder scene.

8, how does the mobile phone film night scene?

1, the camera applied mark in needing a dot to press a mobile phone above all, open watch for an opportunity, move camera " professional " mode,

2, after handle machine is moved to professional interface, " ISO " data changes 100, what this parameter points to is the speed of camera, the time of exposure that speed needs higher is briefer, but dot of picture a confusion of voices is more.

3, move shutter rate to 1.6 seconds then

4, continue change sheet to anxious means second right anxious.

5, finally, bai Pingheng chooses 6300K, finish.

9, does Dali night scene film time?

It is to film above all field, have the beacon of the good-looking neon lamp on the street and maritime main beam, because this is the natural on-the-spot record of pure exterior,film, and Dali takes a picture of trashy also imagination so high price, on the Dali highway that this colour of sky can choose to still do not have complete darkness on setting, or oneself drive the car that will stop in Er sea lakefront, lending a car colorfully decorated lantern go up first, afterglow strong hidden from view, celestial color still is not completely black, bringing light of a light rosy clouds beyond however, the time that this curtain of night will not reach paragraph film namely the gold time of night scene, right now spectrum is colour temperature belong to day of scene and night scene to connect a dot, spectral by day density is small, night smooth spectrum density is big, simpler say, it is day of backward, lamp a hour when shine inside, the celestial office that the sun falls can appear a blue-black afterglow, the colour of meeting general sky is exaggerated, dream is unusual.

10, does Beijing night scene film the ground is nodded?

Want to film in Beijing night scene, if have in the eye,be beautiful scenery everywhere. Of a a few years ago 11 National Days accidental in the evening transient south 2 annulus, see always decide door lamplight bright, jockey to reach the summit to an edifice around layer, look down at panoramic, too many beautiful things! If friends have fun at,organic meeting crosses the National Day to recommend you to arrive here again go admiring the night scene that always decides the door too beautiful!

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